Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Some days sobriety has to be the only good thing that happens.


It another day making meatloaf for the first time in along time used reez cracker this time hope it turns out (odaat) stay safe,


Great update, @lisa_lou_who, looks like you have things well under control! :muscle:


Wow so sorry to hear of your medical ailment. Please keep us posted. I am sending you as much healing energy as I can muster up.


Checking in on day 50-something? Too tired to go back and check :sleeping:

Unfortunately my health really deteriorated over the weekend and the GP called an ambulance. Back to the hospital I went, much to my absolute fury! Apparently I didnā€™t have a choice as my liver enzymes are extremely high and I had symptoms of internal bleeding.
I had advanced bloods and fluidsā€¦ and an ultrasoundā€¦ and a biopsy!
Lots of morphine and antisickness later and Iā€™m a free woman! I was meant to wait to see the Gastro medics, but I was so exhausted and hungry I just couldnā€™t cope anymore.

Really good news though: Iā€™m no longer hypokalemic, my blood levels are fine (apart from a slightly high WBC count) and my AST has reduced from 113 to 60! 25 is the goal, but this is a massive massive improvement and so reassuring!
The doctor said this CAN be reversed, and Iā€™m so relieved.

Off to go to bed again as Iā€™m so exhausted, but I hope youā€™re all well and having a good sober day :blossom::sunflower:


Iā€™m so so sorry to hear this friend! I canā€™t imagine how scary this must be for you.

Modern medicine is absolutely fantastic and there is so much that can be done. Iā€™ve had two brain haemorrhages myself, Iā€™m completely back to normal now.

Stay strong, weā€™re always here for you any time and please keep us updated on your recovery (if you feel comfortable to, of course) :people_hugging:


Hey all. SoberBilly asked me to share these words with yā€™all. He is safe and sober in the storm.


225 days today. Great Day. Iā€™m walking and driving. Made it to my AA Meeting. Great shares. Great time. Caught up with bookkeeping. Migrated accounting to the cloud. Let it be known I hate the cloud! Software I have used for 30 years is forcing me to do so. Not that I am paranoid I just donā€™t like all financial info available to the CLOUD POLICE!

Pool time yesterday was just what I needed. Will go back tomorrow as resting today.

Found out today hubby not coming until Friday. I felt relief. Is that bad? It does give me time to do what I want to get done.

Read everyoneā€™s posting today!! I love you all.


Great to see you checking in. WOW - 2 months tomorrow is amazing work :muscle:
I am glad you are keeping yourself busy so you donā€™t have time to deal with urges. Do hope you find time for yourself to give yourself the time and energy to heal from years influence.

Smart move on not replying to your exā€™s text. Do not need to add stress or emotional trappings with a ā€œheyā€.

Keep up the great momentum :tada: :tada:


50+ days is wonderful work Indy. Sorry to hear about your health issues. Grateful that your no longer hypokalemic and that your doctor says symptoms can be reversed. :pray:

Sending you hugs my friend - great to see you checking in :heart: :hugs:


Hope your daughter is feeling better xo.


Hey all,

Woosah! Tired but in a good way. Today was a long day in court for ny nephew, but I felt my mom and I did a great job of actually articulating what CPS was doing and the judge was not impressed. She is asking for an affidavit now, so they will need to be very clear which they avoid like the plague.

Proud of my mom and how she is so in my nephews corner. She goes to visit him 2 times a week, and takes him swimming and she has him at her home every other weekend. The judge does not seem to understand why we cannot have custody, and to be perfectly frank i am very glad weā€™re no longer paying a lawyer 600 per hour to go through all of this. Im not saying we know exactly what we are doing but this process is SO LONG and drawn out and whp the hell can afford it?!? My mom checked to see if she could get legal aid and even though she is retired on a modest pension she doesnt even qualify. Soā€¦we go forward like this. We had duty counsel which was nice to make sure someone legal was there.

Anyway i am rambling. But i feel okay today and thats a wonderful thing. Put out 9 job applocations and have a big one im doing tomorrow. Going ro just keep throwing shit at the wall til something sticks. Cannot wait to go see my mom and nephew this weekendā€¦its his birthday and hes turning 7. I just cant believe it. Excited to have the cousins together and offered hubby to stay home if he wants to sit it outā€¦I know sometimes as parents we just need a break, or even a moment to do shit around the house and I get thatā€¦I get a girls weekend with my bestie in a few weeks so I GET IT :slight_smile: XO EVERYONE

Embrace the okay days my friends.


Thanks for checking in about this Seb. I am wishing you the best possible outcome in this scary time. Sending prayers.



Been a good week so far.
Sunday I was baptized. I stood in front of the entire church and told them my story of being an alcoholic, drug using scumbag. Hardly know anyone there but few. Butā€¦ when I got to the good part. The part where Jesus saved me. The part where no matter how many times I tried to leave this earth with drugs. The part where I felt the grace and love. The part where I gave my life and completely changed the way I was living. COMPLETELY. Those people who didnā€™t know me became family. They welcomed me. So many opportunities opened up. Iā€™m just getting started. We all donā€™t share the same beliefs, but we share sobriety together! And I will tell you itā€™s changing my life! Keep Going! Fight through and watch the change. His grace is so good.
Goodnight sober fam. Love you all for being here


Love your post. I am so happy you have found your spiritual community you can connect with. You always have us ! Please reach out to anyone if you are feeling weak. God bless you and I will say a prayer for you!


Checking in, even though all I have to say is that Iā€™m so tired. Iā€™ve been tired all day today. It was a work from home day, and Iā€™m sort of in between projects so that could be part of it. Hope everyone is doing great!


This is beautiful!!! Im sooo happy for you friend :slight_smile: What a special event :pray:


Checking in. 15 days. Thankful. Grateful. Exhausted.


Yay! 15 days!


@Seb That is some scary news. Sending you strength to move forward in this uncertain situation :pray:


Rainy tired day. I went back to bed after my daughter caught the bus and was shocked at the time when I woke up bc I slept for 5 HOURS!!! I had some crazy vivid dreams too. One where I was pregnant by my last, terrible ex :scream: And one where I was getting back together with my first love and told him I still loved him. That one actually really messed me up and made me sad. I donā€™t think I ever really fell out of love with him. As much as I wanted to stay, I couldnā€™t. It just wasnā€™t meant to be. Weird afternoon.

Then work was ultra boring. I had to work this political fundraiser that had a horrible turn out, but they ended up staying forever! We had so much to set up for tomorrow morning and literally couldnā€™t do anything until they left :weary: Hmmā€¦my house heat just turned on for the first time. It is getting pretty chilly out. Anyway. Gotta work the stupid thing in the morning so Iā€™d better hit the hay. Goodnight :heart: