Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Checking in day 189.

Been a big weekend in the pre-sale Reno. 12 hours of painting on the weekend, work today while floors get laid. Visited the house we’re looking at buying off-market and turns out the lady is going to be using an agent despite it being off market, but it’s through the same agency that we are selling with so hoping for a smooth process.
Tomorrow is more cleaning and moving stuff plus painting the patio. Also a dentist appointment and the real-estate agent stopping by.
Been missing my check ins but really grateful for the busyness as it means good things are happening.
Owing it all to sobriety.

  1. Felt shit when I woke up. Went to Pilates and felt much better! It’s not about working out for the sake of it; it’s about the one mile walk there, seeing trees and grass, life going on around me, a full class of people, human touch, a laugh or two, sweating, the walk home, listening to an uplifting audio book en route… Showering and putting effort into some moisturising, then preparing a simple nourishing meal. Took two hours, increased my happiness 200% at least. Sometimes it’s the right thing to run towards the discomfort. Not always, but sometimes. Peace :dove:

@Scorpn hope they get all the fleas with the 2nd flea bomb. Enjoy your day with the kids :hugs:. Each hour without a cig is wonderful…keep pushing through my friend. I know you can get to that 72 hour mark and beyond :muscle:t4:
@GOKU2019 omg that hair? So beautiful, healthy and long! Yeah- it would have taken me some time to get used to the change. Your son looks handsome with his short hair too. Lovely smile :smiling_face:
@Butterflymoonwoman big hugs to you…hope today goes smoothly and you are able to make headway with a better proper loner chair. Hope your son is starting to feel better and will be able to go back to school :pray:t4:
@MrFantastik oh I’m sorry friend. Hoping you are able to tend to the back and it’s not too painful.
@Whereswaldo sounds like a busy and tiring weekend.
Hope you are able to rest now. wishing you luck with the getting the new home.
@Tragicfarinelli I love that 2 hrs increased your happiness 200%. Absolutely love how the little things can add up to so much :people_hugging:


This makes my heart happy to read the sentiments in your post! I also rediscovered my love of swimming this summer at our local public pool and I went several times but not often enough - I didn’t commit like I would have liked. I’ve decided to join the YMCA again after giving up my membership during the pandemic just to get into swimming again. I might even try some water aerobics, which my mom loves and I went to her class a couple times years ago. People think it’s old lady exercise but it’s no joke!!! Looking forward to being a water dog along with you going forward! :sweat_drops: :dog2:


Day 953
Morning TS fam :sunny: How is everyone?
Im doing alright today. Excited to make my phone calls and get things sorted for my son. Will be a huge relief for sure.

Today i have some cleaning to do. Going to also make a brown sugar apple syrup for my espresso drinks. I love the brown sugar apple crumble oat shaken espresso from Starbucks so Im going to try and replicate it. We will see if it turns out!

My son is still sick but i think hes over the worst of it. Im still a little unwell too but managing. Hope everyones Monday goes smoothly! Hugs to all!


Thanks Rosa! I’m in a neighborhood that includes the pools as part of the dues. Also the weights and machines and saunas and classes and stuff. So glad I went! Glad to hear you went too, and love it. Water people!

It’s very intense exercise. I am sore as hell today as I’m not used to using all those muscles. Just soaking and stretching today. Oh you might differentiate yourself (if the class leans older)…by dressing as an Olympian instead of the stereotypical skirted, ruffled one-piece and floral cap vibe of water aerobics! :laughing: I did see some 70+ in the pool that could probably beat me in aerobics quite easily…haha. Some of these ladies train a LOT in retirement. And I still have my office body. :grinning:

Anyway, I hope you keep going and maybe we can post on the beginners swimmers emotional support thread. Is there? :thinking:


Day 313. Day off, and gonna have ourselves a delicious stuffed meatloaf dinner. Some sweet peppers, beef, sausage and mushrooms. Added my secret ingredient corn flakes and im not kidding it makes the meatloaf so fricken bomb, everyone who ever tries it dies for it. Gonna let this slow cook for the day and head out for a ride on the wheel. Much love


Day 206

Woke up at 1 and couldn’t get back to sleep. Wearing myself out. I’ll sleep tonight :sheep:

Clouds and change in the air.

Enjoy your day!


Ironing? Wow my ironing is wet towel with item to iron in dryer 15 minutes. I ironed a decal on a sweat shirt 50 years ago. Good for you on ironing.


Ha! We might need that thread! Though I’m sure we would be welcome on one of the workout threads. I know I need to get the ball rolling on this endeavor before it gets too cold here up north and I don’t feel like getting out of my warm bed :sweat_smile:

That sounds like a lovely set up you’ve got there. We have free weights, bands and a treadmill at home that have helped me maintain but I’m not consistent with that, either. When I was going to the Y it felt like an event and that helped me push myself. I’m looking forward to this getting me staying active through the winter here especially.


Would love to see you on the daily workout thread - log in daily journey no matter what skill level. I too have gotten back to swimming this year and my body was in heaven. Missing it now that the outdoor pools are closed and looking to see what close by gyms are available.

Or you could join the Swimmers thread to share your love of swimming :swimming_woman:

Swimmers thread :swimming_woman:t2:
Daily fitness check in :muscle:


Day 9

Had some freelance works, im a programmer i stucked with a bug in last day still figuring out. I love it because that makes me busy and help to rid from thoughts of drinks, i feel that im recovering back to normal my early days that when i started my programming. I want to take it one day at a time.


@Mindofsobermike That sounds yummy! It reminds me of my dad’s stuffed meatloaf he hasn’t made since I was a kid. His secret ingredient was cheese :cheese: Lots of cheese :yum:

@tailee17 :laughing: Ironing! I’ve only done it a handful of times in my life, but I actually did last night! Took me 20 minutes sitting on the kitchen floor using a book as an ironing board to do one shirt for my daughter :sweat_smile: :joy: :rofl:


172 days sober
Still been sick today. My fever is lower so hoping that with a good sleep I’ll be feeling a bit better tomorrow this illness has really sucked all the energy out of me. This morning I called to ask my neighbor if she could help with my chores again and asked my friend if she could pick up a few things for me from town. I was proud that I asked for help instead of struggling to get it done on my own.


Day 1374,

Finished the book on immature parents, it ended with this gem:

“So tell me, is it worth to pain to get to live twice in one life? Are you glad you’ve chosen the path of awareness?”
Me too….

In short the book was about seeing and feeling family relationships as they are. Everything has a close link with addiction.

Have a sober 24 hours :pray:


I totally agree! It’s an excellent workout!


671 :muscle: rough few mths just been dx with functional abdominal pain syndrome

Debating with myself whether to buy the PS5 pro or fireworks for the grandkids :thinking:

I am a pyromaniac :joy:

Happy sober Monday everyone


Checking in on a dreary, rainy day. It’s supposed to be like this all week - yuck! This kind of weather makes my joints really ache and i get cold so easily. Everyone seems to like the cooker temps, but not me.
Pretty boring day at work. Not much going on, which is a good thing usually. I like days with no drama. I have a meeting to go to tonight when I’d really like to stay home and cuddle with the cats. I think i did too much over the weekend and needed another day off to rest up.



One of these days :smiling_face_with_tear::axe: One of these days when I regret almost every decision I ever made. Didn’t sleep last night, have a bit of cold, all that together made me miserable, grumpy, sleepy, old and miserable. So miserable :roll_eyes:
Funny thing, I was falling asleep all day (I couldn’t take a nap cause 2x3yo on the board), and now finally I am in a bed and I can’t sleep. So fucking funny :grimacing:
Anyway, no desire to drink. No desire to smoke. I just want to rest.

This is how I was feeling today after putting my kids to sleep:
I love them so much.
But omg, what a day…


Checking in day 266 AF :blush: