Checking in daily to maintain focus #70


Wowā€¦ congratulations on your 8 months :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:.
Hope you are doing well my friend. Sending healing vibes and hugs your way. Keep up with the great work :confetti_ball::tada:


Day 637.

Today is hard. Every single one of my family members is insane. Iā€™m biting my tongue because none of it is my duck, nor my bottle. But Iā€™m tired. Been up since 5 am and the day is nowhere near over. Spare a thought for whatā€™s left of my sanity.


This is her saying you need to do more. Do things without being asked. Take the baby out for a day so she can get a mani/pedi, take her on dates. Cook meals for her. Meal prep a bunch of meals so she can just heat them up through out the week. Bring home her favorite flowers.

Your wife is clearly not feeling good so you need to pick up the slack and lessen her emotional burden


Day 7!!!

Love waking up feeling good and I had no desire to drink yesterday. I am traveling today and that is a bit of a challenge, but I have a plan. Speaking to my husband last night, he was hammered. I am a bit nervous about going home to that. Going to workout now. Have a great Saturday!


Checking in at day 118

I woke up from a dream where I was calculating how many shots I could take a night before getting together with my friends to drink so that I wasnā€™t too sick to continue drinking the next day :woman_facepalming:

I woke up extremely relieved that thatā€™s not my reality anymore and laughed in shame that it once was.

Good morning!
Itā€™s a beautiful day to be sober. :black_heart:


Checking in day 208
Hope everyoneā€™s having a great weekend


Day 225

Checking in on Saturday morning. Still summer for a few more days. Then a little better. Iā€™ll be leaving for New Mexico on the 23rd. Even ordered a new pom hat because it will be cold! I will be cold soon. I will see snow soon :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Things are about to start changing in lots of different ways. I feel hopeful.

Getting in the kitchen this afternoon despite the heat. I need a good goulash or something. Swimming is increasing my appetite so Iā€™d better have the good food available. Otherwise Iā€™ll eat ho-hos all day! Donā€™t those exist? :laughing:. Hahaha

Enjoy your day


Congratulations @Rookie with the 7 days! :confetti_ball:
And happy for you too @Seb
I feel you @Mischa84 , for what itā€™s worth. Got 3 children with not much time in between. First years were exhausting. But happy for you you managed to stay sober! :facepunch:

*Day 2215 :walking_woman:
I never had an electronic anklet in my life but I feel like Iā€™ve have one. Iā€™m irritated and bored at the same time because of it.
I hate my plaster cast. Trying to find things to do, but itā€™s difficult. I read, lego, netflix, clean up and just painted something I bought in a triftshop in a new colour. But do I enjoy doing so? No.
Instead I wanna walk, work out and go crosfitting. Does that help? No.
3 weeks to go :face_vomiting:
Just needed to vent.


Good morning well as normal i was up later after falling asleep for a little bit and seen they are hiring for help in Florida so i applied guees we will see time for change


Day 972
Morning everyone! Hope everyone is doing well! Im at work now just starting my shift. Feeling pretty decent this morning although waking up was a challenge. Just wanted to wish everyone a good Saturday! Much love to my TS family!


@Pamela accountability sounds good. :purple_heart: Iā€™m sorry you are going through this but at the same time am glad to find someone who knows what itā€™s like.

My problem has been binge drinking on weekends. Drinking on weekdays was a big no and was very rare. In my twenties I wasnā€™t ready to admit I had a problem. I had some dry januaries because that was socially acceptable and wasnā€™t seen as a sign of a problem. I also had couple sober weekends in a row here and there to show myself I was doing just fine.

Last four or so years Iā€™ve finally aknowledged I canā€™t go on like this. Sometimes drinking was a blast. I had a great time, felt connected with people and I stopped drinking on time. Then there were those other times. I got black out drunk, spilled drinks, lost stuff, caused drama - which sober me absolutely hates - and injured myself. Hangovers got worse and worse and waking up anxious not knowing what on earth I had done the night before was terrible.

I quit drinking for a month, had one drink and the next weekend two drinks until a few weeks later I messed up again. Next time I was sober a little longer, three months maybe. Then drank too much. Six months sober, drank too much. Last time I was around 9 months sober and then had little over a year period when I felt my drinking was under control. But the amount of drinks I consumed was slowly growing and the inevitable happened.

I want this to be the beginning of my lifelong sobriety.
Moderation is a :dog2:.


@SoberWalker awe claudia that sounds super tough and frustratingā€¦ not being able to exercise when its such a big part of ur life. Super excited for u to get this cast off in 3 weeks
@Lighter i feel the same way about being hopeful for change! I think it has to do with the change of seasons. Fall reminds me of letting go of what isnt useful to me anymore. Winter is about rejuvination and rest and working on my inner self
@rookie Congratulations on 1 week!!! Way to go!!!
@amy30 awe friend, that sound like a long and brutal day. Hope the day ends soon for u and u can rest
@Seb congratulations on 8 whole months!!
@noshame i can absolutely relate to ur wife about losing herself as a person. I felt this way for about 6 years honestly and it wasnt until my son got older (and started going to school), that I then had decent time for myself and was able to start doing things for me. My husband tried to help but with the situation with our son (being diagnosed with a brain tumor), there literally was no way or time to get that time real decnet chunk of time for me. During those 6 years tho, what helped me was self care. I had to schedule self care time every single day. For me that was a nice bath/shower with a good skincare routine (it always made me feel better). I also started to get back into my hobbies. I started exercising at home, did yoga, i got out my beading supplies and started making dreamcatchers, baking etc. Anything to get that sense of ā€œmeā€ back. What are her hobbies? Is there anything she can do with the baby around? There are also baby and me groups that might be worth checking out. So she has an activity to do during the day with other moms. Just some thoughts :slight_smile:
@acromouse super proud of u for not giving in!!! This is a big deal!! That mustve been hard but u did it. Very inspiring to me as i often give in to food cravings when i do get them. Its a tough one. Enjoy ur prep day for ur vacation tmrw! Where will u be going?
@nordique always love to see u checking in and that sober time increasing :slight_smile:
@mischa84 i am soooo glad ur okay and im sooo glad that u feel heard when u post here. U got thru a rough day of wanting to drink and that really shows ur strength and determination for a better life. Im proud of u! Really hoping that today is a better day!


Thanks. It usually is not that hard, but right now I am at the end of my menstrual cycle and craving everything :wink:
I will be going to my home city of Wrocław in Poland and will visit family a bit further south.


And @pamela I learned this simple lesson (which took me 40 years to learn): once we lose control over our drinking -or any other drug- weā€™re not going to find it back. The only control we are left with is total abstinence. I was a binge drinker for 35 years. And then it changed to daily drinking. With binges still thrown in regularly for good measure. Now Iā€™m sober, and the longer I am, the more I realize how much better my life is without alcohol in it. Never again. Iā€™m glad you are here friends. Weā€™re in this together.


Yes those are the WORST times to crave food. Im slowly getting better at handling cravings but its still tough. Im so glad u get to visit with ur family! Enjoy ur trip!


C h a p t e r . 8 :


191 days sober
I finally made it home after a very long (10 hours turned into 16) and slightly terrifying drive. The road through the pass was pretty bad and it was slow going and still nearly went off the road several times which. Also no heat in the car which wasnā€™t fun even with coats on we were pretty cold. Am happy to make it home safe and even though itā€™s late Iā€™m enjoying some hot tea and cuddles with my dogs.

This is why I really donā€™t like to travel out this time of yearā€¦the road just gets too bad. Think Iā€™ll wait on more work trips till spring.


Iā€™ve kind of known that but Iā€™ve also tried to proof it wrong. Didnā€™t work out, how weird. :roll_eyes:

Iā€™m happy this forum exists. I try to make checking in here a habit so when memories fade and I start questioning, I can come here and read what me and you all wrote.


20 days alcohol free, 1 day pot free. Iā€™m feeling so ashamed for relapsing. I drank 4 ciders twenty days ago and started smoking weed again and I quit smoking yesterday. Iā€™m feeling so desperate, weed really messes your head. The aftermath is terrible. Now gotta just stay strong and never give up again.