Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Happy sober Sunday!

0530 ish so it’s time to start the day. Today is day 7/30 without caffeine. I dont have the urge to kick anyone in the head so thats a plus lol.

One of my students parent told me yesterday that I should be a life coach. I take that as a sign I’m ready and should be sponsoring someone (and my sponsor agrees). Im nervous but I feel the time is right if I’m approached to say yes.

MAKE it an awesome day my friends!!

  1. Woke up feeling pretty fresh and renewed. My mother in law’s boiler isn’t working and it keeps tripping the whole electricity circuit, including the freezer…:woozy_face:… She’s old and cold and not able really to navigate these modern ways to get things fixed. I think it’s a huge barrier for the elderly. Anyway, we managed to kind of sort it for her remotely and by calling on her behalf. Was several hours last night and first thing this morning the engineer turned up at 8am so I was able to take the phone and get to the bottom of things. It’s difficult trying to help but empower…:neutral_face:… It’s done now hopefully, but it’s a reminder to keep mental acuity and bodily muscles revving as much as possible. Times like these, I’m so so thankful I’m sober at 45 years old. I’m grateful that I know there’s no other way for me, despite my childish ego. I’m so happy to be sober with you guys today. :dove:

@Raspberry It is the same for me. Binge drinking on weekends and when on vacation. Very rarely on weekdays. Usually 100-200 g of alcohol. Some of it secretly that my wife did not know how much I actually drank. When I stopped for a weekend, month, it became the same very quickly.
What is a little weird that people do not perceive me as a person with an alcohol problem. Even explicitly say ‚you? An alcohol problem? No way!‘ Yet, I know that I have it. One drink is never enough. So I give my best to not have the first one.


Day 2396. Lots of yard work yesterday. Taking down the garden fence in preparation for the greenhouse build. The greenhouse will be 30 ft by 72 feet. We decided to put it in the middle of the garden. On the outside of it…oneside will be corn. The other side will be a strawyberry patch and grapes. We will expand the garden by about 20 feet to make sure we have ample room for the fruit. Early spring the fence will go back up.


Bit of a different share today.

Today I turn 50 years old. I’m not sure where I thought I would be in life but having lost romantic reltionships, friends and homes and living across the world and being an alcoholic didn’t figure in

I am grateful I’m sober today. That is something meaningful to me and a very good thing. If I’m honest, my mind takes me to a place where I’m fearful or worried about how the rest of my life will play out. Will I be able to change into the person and man I want to be? To be truly happy and at peace? To treat others as I like to be treated and not be so selfish. To be sober? To be a father my kids are proud of? Financially secure?

I know that selfishness, self centredness and self loathing (being unable to deeply feel compassion towards myself) are so ingrained.

I have felt purpose, joy, belonging and happiness before in life. I’d like to find it again soon…and keep it!


Checking in day 209.

209 days without a drop of alcohol was unthinkable to me 200 days ago.

Some may know we are selling our house, so we’ve been living with the mother-in-law which has been really great. She’s great with the kids and cooks all the time.
Today we got told we had a good offer for our house so hopefully we can close that deal tomorrow. We have worked so hard for so long to get to this point it will be a relief once it’s all settled.

Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekend and has a great week.


I heard that lots of times early on in my sobriety. Not exclusively, but mostly from people who have/had an alcohol problem themselves (IMHO). You know yourself. Keep going, you’re doing great.


Happy 50th birthday :partying_face::birthday::confetti_ball::tada:
You are sober and on a path of finding yourself. This is huge! Many people do not get this chance in their lifetime. You may not be where you thought you’d be but I think you are paving a wonderful path forward. The future is unknown and is scary. All we can do is be our best today and keep that momentum going each and every day :muscle:t4:
I am impressed with your progress and you should be proud! Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating you :bouquet::balloon:


@Timbuk you are the best person to tell if you have a healthy relationship with alcohol or not. Other people see only parts of your life and don’t know how you feel.


@Pamela That was a surprise for me, too. I always assumed that everybody else also has 3, 4 drinks at least. Yet, many do not drink at all or only have one drink. Quite a relief in fact, because then it is just normal when I also have water instead of booze.


Happy birthday!!

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192 days sober
Been a good day here. Had a slow morning and then went to Sunday group where we had a great time together. Then I heard the news that an avalanche happened in the pass closest to us this morning and am SO SO thankful that yesterday we made it through this pass and kept safe. Also that we came home when we did otherwise we’d be stuck out for who knows how long.

It’s always been a fear of mine to get stuck on the other side of the pass and not be able to get home. Am just feeling glad that it hasn’t happened yet.


Day 8. Survived the travel day. I am certain that was the first time in 30 years that I did not drink during 6 hours of flying. Changed some habits and came up with a new plan. Home now with the drinking husband and the challenges that will bring. Have a great Sunday friends.


Day 226

Half sleepless trauma/half ok night last night. It’s been a rough week. Told myself I’m not getting worse, I am coping and slowly recovering. It’s just a step, not a failure. The step I took set off some flashbacks. But I took it. And with that thinking I got a few hours of sleep. I am mean to me. Let me try something different. Reframe it. This is a long road.

Awful weather day- 101 degrees :laughing:. Fall still on track to arrive Wednesday! I can do this.

Never made my goulash yesterday. That’s why I got upset. :wink:

Happy 50th @Aussie_Tiger !!!

Good day y’all :heart:


@Aussie_Tiger Happy Birthday :birthday::tada:


@Just_Laura thats crazy! Thats a lot to do before the end of ur shift. I dont think i wouldve been too happy about it honestly if it were me. Unless of course they gave a decent tip lol Also, becuz of u i bought a Freemans face mask (the pink clay one) and its really nice! So thanks :smiley:
@Laner im glad u all are safe too! That sounds extremely scary
@Aussie_Tiger Happy 50th Birthday to you!!! I too always find birthdays a time of reflection. None of us know what the future holds, but we can be certain that it will a much better life clean and sober. I find living in the moment gives me the most joy as i am not regretful of the past or anxious of the future. If i focus on today, i can be most at peace. Maybe try to focus on the here and now and how amazing of a person u are. Things will unfold as they should :slight_smile: Hope ur day is amazing!!
@frank68 congratulations on a week with no caffeine! Glad its going well for u so far. Also, what a nice compliment about being a life coach! Sounds like some opportunities are opening up for u :slight_smile:
@soberwalker wow! Huge congratulations on 1 year of no social media! Can i ask… how has not having social media effected u mentally and emotionally etc? I have thought about giving social media a break but am unsure of what the benefits would be?
@mischa84 soooo glad to hear that ur feeling better today. Routine is sooo crucial… it is for me too. When i dont have routine, everything falls apart


Day 973
Morning and happy Sunday everyone! Just got into work and am ready for another day. Im feeling alright i guess. I slept well but am still tired (already on my 2nd XL coffee). I swear i need like 1 day to just sleep :rofl:

Anyway, im grateful today. Did my prayer on the way to work. Now to just keep doing the next right thing, turning my thinking and acting over to my HP, keep doing my HPs will, and being the best version of myself I can be. Have a great addiction free day everyone!


My mind is gripping how to show up for these big interviews this week.

In my gratitude and irritation, the kids are leaning on their father - not so in about 10 years. He still is not nice but I think he gets a bonus by being “the only one” available. They are 20 and 21. I worry but not like when they were littles.


Hey all, checking in on day 1582. I hope everybody has a good one!


Hey how is everyone? So im trying to make change so im paying off all of my cards applying for jobs in Florida and if i was thinking this morning if i get a call to go where am i going to stay ? What am i going to drive once im there. Am guess ill ask if they can help me if they want me idk but i do now it is away to get away for awhile make some good money and maybe a new start. Wish i did know people over there it would be easier. After paying off a few things. Like to see what its gonna do to my credit. After all this years still trying to figure out how it all works ugh lol why didnt mom and dad teach us more on this things like that idk they might have known their self’s ok enough of that in better mood this morning i guess so hope everyone has a wonderful day (odaat)