Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Oh yea to 8 months!



New here but day one for alcohol is down. A bit of a groggy day today but I gotta be ready to put some work in tomorrow. Looks like its gunna start snowing here in the next few days and I have some fall projects that need to get wrapped up before the snow!


Welcome to a wonderful place to stay sober. See you around!


189 days sober. Iā€™ll stay sober today too.
After ā€œhanging outā€ with my husband and mom last night while they drank and watched football, I ended up shutting down. Iā€™ve been shut down all day from my husband. Iā€™m tired of him drinking. Iā€™m tired of weekends at home with him drinking and me doing the parenting. Heā€™s not drinking a lot tonight but I cant bring myself to put my guard down.
Just venting. I donā€™t know what to tell him that I havenā€™t already said.


Sunday night check in. Just put my little girl to bed. She and I had a potluck friends gathering.
There were about 12 adults there,
Mostly with kids, and literally only one person consumed alcohol (he had one beer.)
Times are different. Nearly everyone in all of my friend and family groups has either quit drinking, or cut way way back from a few years ago.
Itā€™s great.
Iā€™m enjoying the few mins of quiet time to myself before my hurricane of a wife comes home lol :stuck_out_tongue:


Checking in at the end of an emotionally frustrating and exhausting day. Nothing about this day went as planned. I was let down, my feelings were hurt and i came to the conclusion that i canā€™t keep overlooking very obvious problems in this relationship. I donā€™t think anything will change on his end, it never does. My attitude and expectations are whatā€™s going to change. Im going to take care of me. Im not basing my happiness on whether someone else wants to spend time with me or cancels plans when something better comes along. Im so over this shit! Itā€™s unacceptable behavior from a grown ass adult.
To make myself feel better, i went shopping and bought myself some pretty new sweaters. Then i went to the grocery store and bought the items i wanted for dinner and lunch this week. I came home and did my nails and watched football before cooking dinner. Yes, it was all petty, but i feel better.
I had a lot of thoughts of drinking and vaping today. I drove past my old bar and saw they were still having Sunday Funday. I kept right on rolling because i know where that leads - hungover Monday. I got this. I can stay strong. Drinking at a problem or person doesnt work for me anymore. Ive come so far, im not giving in no matter how devastated i am right now


I think this is super. Surrounding yourself with sober associations is just plain wonderful. I am very happy for you!


Welcome to the forum Rachel! Congratulations on day 1!


@dustysprungfield Congrats on 80 days! Schedules can be hard with young kids. Grateful you are managing it all sober. Like you said ā€“ you will be happy that you are present and available during these times. They donā€™t last that long in the scheme of things. Keep up the amazing work.
@soberwalker So grateful you managed to bypass those cravings. I know you are in a not so good place right now but I do promise that you will be back to your ass kicking cross fitting self soon enough. You will have the strength to keep up like you have been. Just need to take this time to let your foot heal properly. WAY to go on your milestone ā€“ that is super impressive. Canā€™t believe a whole year has gone by! Impressive work Claudia :muscle:
@mrmoustashe Congrats on your 3 weeks AF and 2 days weed free! Try to not think about the relapse except for what might have triggered it so that you can be on guard for your future self. You canā€™t go back and change anything. Just have to remember the aftermath and how crummy substances feel in the long run. They really donā€™t offer any escape. They just help us dig a deeper hole into the abyss. You are doing great friend --ODAAT!
@frank68 congrats on your caffeine free time! Glad you are starting to feel less edgy! Love the compliment and think its great that you are looking to spread your wisdom and support. Iā€™m sure you will make a great sponsor.
@laner OMG! How scary is that! So grateful you were safe at home and did not get caught up in that. Hope everyone is safe as well :pray:
@rookie Congrats on your sober travels! Great to hear about your plan and way to go on executing it :muscle: Day 8 and going strong!

I know that feeling of wanting to get something done and then being upset when we donā€™t accomplish it. IT was Stupid hot and I am glad you did not have to work in that kitchen. Will have plenty of cooler days to make your goulash. Hope you get some good sleep tonight my friend :sleeping: :hugs: Just read your update ā€“ look at you go! Hope you enjoyed your yummy home cooking :yum:

They will be worth it. Sorry friend. I am not a parent but can imagine how hard it is dealing with lifes stresses with a toddler. Solo parenting is also very difficult. Sending strength and love to you and yours. This too shall pass :hugs: :heart: OOH glad you had a great time at the pot luck and awesome to hear that you were among others not drinking ā€“ times really are a changing.
@dujavae Welcome Rachel to the community and the check in thread. Congrats on your day 1! The groggy and feeling like crap is normal and will pass. Keep connected here and find ways to keep yourself busy. This is a wonderful community to be a part of, where you can receive great advice, support and love from others who understand the struggle. Hope to see you around.

Not petty at all. You found a way to take care of yourself and allowed yourself to feel good. Glad you did! Iā€™m sorry that things are so frustrating at the moment. Donā€™t have any advice just here if you need to vent it out. Hoping you enjoy the rest of your evening!

Checking in on Sunday evening
662 days free of alcohol and weed
1077 days free of cigarettes
Was a weird day as it was cold and rainy and i just was not feeling it. Grateful that I got myself out of the house for a bit and managed to catch up on accounting work.
Walked past an area where i could smell lots of weed. So funny how my mind immediately wanted a hit. Like whatā€™s the difference if you smell all this you might as well smoke a little. WTF! Grateful I walked right past it and diverted my train of thought.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening. Sending you all so much love. :heart: :heart:


Day 973
Checking in on another clean and sober evening! Feeling pretty good about the day and glad i worked a full weekend instead of calling in sick or asking to leave early. Started planning my Christmas shopping also which feels good! I know its early :rofl: but i have to buy a few things every pay because i cant afford it all at one time. Purchased my sons halloween gift today also (since he cant eat the treats that are given out). So i feel like i accomplished a few things today. Tmrw is Thanksgiving here in Canada. Im excited for a good meal and time with my hubby and son. Of course i have to do a few chores like laundry and dishes tmrw but thats fine. Hope everyone is having a good night!


Wow! Crazy how the mind works eh? Im so glad u are so self aware and can recognize when ur addict side is talking. Hope ur having a good evening friend šŸ©·


Hello friends. Checking in. Iā€™m so behind here. Feels like Iā€™ll never catch up. Hope everyone is doing well. Wishing you a sober and peaceful week.


@Butterflymoonwoman Your welcome! Glad you like the mask :blush:

@SoberWalker Well done on the socia media :clap: I had a bad feeling about it from the start so I never made any accounts, but I do see how easily it consumes people these days. Youā€™re definitely better off without it :+1:

@Aussie_Tiger Happy 50th birthday! :birthday::balloon::tada:

@Seb Congrats on 8 months :clap: Hope youā€™re holding up alright :pray:


I feel much better today. Not quite 100%, but it was an easier day than yesterday so I got thru it just fine. I was training another new girl on lunch. There werenā€™t many golfers bc of the rain(only a few diehards that didnā€™t stop in to eat), but we got 4 tables otherwise, which is actually pretty busy for a Sunday :sweat_smile: :laughing: Got out right when we close for once so I had plenty of time to decompress before my daughterā€™s sleepover. Took one of those perfect, revitalizing, 20 minute naps and was good to go. I didnā€™t plan anything fun to do with the girls, but I got them pizza and took them to Five Below to look around and get snacks. Easy enough :woman_shrugging: This friend is way less hyper than her old (n-word using) friend, so theyā€™re being pretty chill right now. And I feel pretty chill myself knowing thereā€™s nothing important to do tomorrow being the holiday. Hopefully theyā€™ll settle down before I want to go to sleep :crossed_fingers: but if not, whatever. Happy Monday everyone!


Hey guess it was a ok day thank everyone for upur shares feel down tonight how everyone has a safe night(odaat)



Coffee. Another workday coming up. Iā€™m glad the weekend is over as it will be ā€˜normalā€™ working folk commuting at the station and on the train this morning and not the drunk messy noisy weekend crowd. I guess it has something to do with age but I donā€™t tolerate that very well no more.

Or maybe I remember how I was myself. Grateful Iā€™m not that hungover thirsty dizzy headachy guy having to go to work on a Monday morning no more. Or any morning really. Never again. Iā€™m going to have as good a day as I can and expect the same from all of you my friends. Clean and sober or nothing would come from it. Love from one of the best hikes I ever did, 5 years ago today, outside Ouray CO.


Wish you all a wonderful day and a good start of the week!


In the same boat here RE Monday mornings. And at times Tuesday mornings. I used to be in a state one time. Just about managing to survive work, if I made it in.
The ā€œnoveltyā€ of waking up fresh is a valuable one for me. Iā€™m so much more productive, happier, calm these days. The anxiety I used to feel is all but disappeared. Itā€™s gives me great motivation to keep on this road. Have a great day my friend :+1:


Day 639.

Yesterday I was feeling rough, might be something I ate at the family function on Saturday. I ended spending my day on the sofa watching movies feeling sorry for myself. Today Iā€™m better and up early. Got loads of stuff to do before packing and getting ready to fly. I know I say this every yearā€¦ but I hate flying.


Hope you get some good rest and wake up feeling much better. We are here for you if you need to talk it out. :pray:t4::hugs:

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