Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Today is going to be a long day. Tired as didn’t sleep that much last night. Have to skip training today as I’m not yet fully recovered from lower back pain. I’m happy to be on my train of sobriety. Last episodes were a bit rough, lost control over emotions inside me,lots of going on at work. Have a pleasant day


Hello all, checking in on Day 24. Been away for the weekend but tried to stay connected on here. The hotel bar would have been a huge weakness in the past but I am very lucky that the morning sickness/general nausea means it wasn’t a temptation. Always unnerving seeing other people drinking as if they need it (walking through to the restaurant).

I will probably lose all of my symptoms on Thursday (final scan to confirm etc) and be dealing with a lot of emotions so I am trying to mentally prepare myself for that. This feels like it has been a very cruel process but I am thankful for the opportunity for sobriety it has given me.


Day 290
The last few days have been okish sobriety-wise but mental health not so much.
I’ve journaled about it, I find writing everything down keeps me on topic rather than the million other thoughts that come into my head while I’m just mulling things over.

I feel stuck.

That’s basically what it comes down to. I’m not stuck by any stretch of the imagination, it is just how I feel. I am doing things to improve my life. I got a new job, love it. I am making new friends. I’m trying to learn a new language. I’m exercising more. I’m trying to get out to classes (I work shifts so that can be difficult) I’m reading more. I’m working heavy on my self care, mental health & sobriety. Therapy, journaling, gratitude lists, meditation etc…

I’m also still eating a lot of chocolate for the dopamine hit I no longer get from alcohol. I’ve a couple of friends who don’t know each other have suggested I may have ADHD as I definitely have dopamine seeking behaviours and there are other indicators too.

Although I am doing all these things to improve my life, body, mind I still feel stuck. I know this is in my mind & nobody can “fix” me. I suppose I just wanted to know if it’s normal or if others feel this way. I get that the first year is confusing but I don’t every really feel peaceful. I mean peaceful within myself.

Anyway that’s my ramble for now. Hope you’re all having a wonderful day :smiling_face:


Happy Monday!!!

Another sober day / weekend under my belt. Very windy here this morning.

MAKE it an awesome day my friends!!


Hey what time is it dam 3am up again moddle of the night . Thinking things should better soon . I need to focus not on my ex anymore . Just on me and my accomplishments. Well i have one last credit card to pay off .once i get that done then i think i need to see witch cards are the best and witch ones i need to put in the safe .if you know about this stuff please pass it on with your kilo’s once that are old enough. Its be hell for me at my age trying to figure it out .anyways got test results back not sure if good or bad making appointment today .hope to start feeling Like me again. Hope everyone kicks mental health butt today . (Odaat) have a amazing day :heart:


Checking in day 22 AF, 2 weed free. Today has been a better day. I slept pretty ok and took a long walk. I’m gonna go for another walk later on. Running, walking, meditation, strength training and yoga are crucial for my mental health. I don’t have bad withdrawal from weed and I don’t have any cravings which is good. Just gotta try to enjoy of this another sober day. Have a great day/evening/night ya’ll!


523 no alcohol
31 no form of pot
163 no form of nicotine

Feeling greatful and hopful


You got a lot of advice. Have you followed any of it? Yesterday it seemed like you put your wife in a position where she not only had to take care of the baby but also had to care of you.


Day 334. Wanted to get out for a ride yesterday i didnt keep track of the 333.33…i had a good weekend with my girls, we had fun and they showed me some stuff they would like for christmas. When they left i went for my ride and when i got home i just felt this overwhelming sadness and i broke down and started crying, its the first time ive cried in front of heather and she was amazing at being supportive. I just missed my girls, and of course there are some of the thoughts that im not the greatest dad…had some bad dreams last night. Idk there was one where there was like 5 of us taking shots out of a glass and i said to myself what the heck they didnt put water in one for me, so i took the shot and flipped it over lol. Somebody said what you cant have one shot, and i said fuck no. But yeah idk much love everyone


C h a p t e r . 8 :


@butterflymoonwoman thanks Dana. Really is scary how quickly our minds can shift to our DOC. Glad it was a fleeting moment and I didn’t cave. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all my Canadian friends. Have a wonderful day :people_hugging: :heart: :maple_leaf::fallen_leaf::turkey:
@JennyH you are going through and will go through a lot of emotions and physical changes. I’m so sorry love. Grateful you have maintained sober and are on this track. You are not alone my friend. We are here for you :pray:t4::people_hugging:
@lisa-b the fire year was so hard as at the beginning it was all about not giving into the addiction, then it was coming to terms with me without the addiction (didn’t like what I saw - loads of anger issues to get past) and then learning to live life without a crutch. Honestly, still working through part of this as I’m getting closer to 3 years but feeling so much better each day with my sobriety. I get the feeling of being stuck…as I think in addition we spend so much time numb or in another place that we lose track of time. Now we are present 24/7. You are making great progress and doing well in improving your life. Keep the course…it does get better. Do get checked out for ADHD it can be a huge blockage mentally as you are trying to recover :pray:t4:
@Mindofsobermike congratulations on your 3’s. Look at you stacking up the days :muscle:t4:. I am grateful that you are doing so well in your relationship with Heather. Glad you were able to open up emotionally and get support. Hope today is a brighter day for you.
@zzz congratulations on your 1 week milestone :tada: :tada: :muscle:t4: great to see you checking in.

Checking in Monday morning
Slept on and off and feeling ill today. Hope I’m not coming down with something. The over exertion in Saturday followed by walking in the cold rain may not have been a great move hindsight.
I am gonna get some rest and take it easy.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day and sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in day 210. Really happy that our house is under contract and should be settled by mid November. We are so grateful this is all happening and we get to move into a bigger house before Christmas. Our little 3 bedroom 1 bathroom was getting really small really quickly for the 4 of us!
Hope everyone has a great week.


327 sugar
191 UPF
65 gluten
65 dairy

On vacation.

Completely forgot to check-in this morning! :scream:

But here I am. I slept in, took a long walk to the Oder islands. Want to check out my favourite bookshops in the afternoon.
Some Yoga later to stretch and Recovery Dharma in the evening.

Peace and love for live always :lotus:


Hey all, checking in on day 1583. I hope everybody has a good one!

  1. Checking in.

You’re not alone in feeling this way. My mind keeps me stuck alot of the time too. I’ve always had a serious issue with procrastination, even before addiction. Most days I think of everything that needs to be done and get overwhelmed so I can’t do any of it. ‘Maybe tomorrow’ I’ll say. Then a day comes where I feel the need to get everything done and do it all while I have the motivation. It’s never consistent. This wasn’t the case while drinking. I got shit done pretty easily.

My brother was diagnosed ADD at 8, but since it seemed deemed a ‘learning’ disorder back then, and I always did well in school, the possibility I had it never came up. Seeing that my daughter hasn’t displayed many(if any) of the behaviors I did growing up is what really made me question this about myself. Who knows, bc am I ever really going to find out? Maybe tomorrow :roll_eyes:

I’ve been able to find some peace within by accepting this is what it is. And that even tho I struggle, I don’t feel the need to turn to alcohol anymore over it. I’m sober, and that’s something. Just keep going. Even if it doesn’t feel like you’re moving :pray:


Day 283 AF,

Finally a true long weekend off work (well paid work anyway, lol).

A much needed rain day to get out to my garage and finally get it all cleaned and straightened away for some winter work out there.

Very happy to have had radio playing and the entire morning to myself to spend 5 hours getting er all back and organized…


Checking in! :wave:t2:
I was off today, and we had very high temperatures again, almost like summer, round 30C! In the morning I went to check my tires, after my almost crash from 2 days ago. I need to change my two front tires, they have almost 50K down, so it’s about time. My cervicals are also telling me “we are here”! I have pain in my neck, but that’s just temporary I guess, after pressing my brakes like in the movies!
This afternoon I went for a 6K walk and did a workout (Tabata of 30 min) in my new set up space! I used among others my punch bag for the first time in 5 months, we’ll see what my shoulder has to say about that tomorrow! :sweat_smile:
Tomorrow I’m back to work! Happy and grateful I have my car, and life goes on as usual!


317 days
Morning check-in. At the start of a 24hr shift. Had the thought this morning how now I take it for granted being not hungover. Today I paused and reflected on just how good it is to start the day feeling good.


Day 478. Working all week…so I’m taking it sloooowly to begin with :slight_smile:

Feeling a bit tired… looking into if i can drop my hours in a couple of years. It depends on the maths… I would lkke to work three days a week instead of five. But lets see. No rush

God it makes so much difference