Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Checking in, super exhausted and battling a bit of a head cold/flu. Good friend of mine is coming into town so hope I am able to rebound!

Lots of love to you all


256 days AF

Day started at 4 am and I was travelling till noon, lot of socializing then until 9.30 pm.
Bed. Noooow.

The travelling gave me another perspective.
I listened to some free 7mind podcast in the Deutsche Bahn ICE entertainment :sweat_smile: about self esteem. Trees and sky and cities flying bye.
I think I will do this again soon!

:bullettrain_side: :sunrise:


Checking in day 9. Pretty boring day today, but boring is a blessing compared to the fear I felt this time last week. Back to work which was fine. Got a long day tomorrow so will be glad when thatā€™s done. All in all pretty non eventful!


Monday afternoon check in. I had a harder day than usual at work. I had to use some skills i donā€™t use every day. It was a lot of thinking for a Monday!
My hip really started bothering me this afternoon - more than usual. The weather changed from sunny and 70s over the weekend to windy and 50 degrees today, so that could have something to do with it. Im going to take it easy until i have to go to a meeting this evening. I thought about not going, but thereā€™s a fundraiser coming up and i need to make sure everything is place for it. I should also probably not isolate since im not in the best of moods after what happened yesterday.
I hope everyone is having the best sober day they can :purple_heart:


Checking in day 230. Attended AA MEETING early this morning. Exercised Yunna before getting my tires rotated. No charge for this service which I find amazing . Treated myself to a Chefā€™s Salad out and enjoyed immensely. Getting my nails done then back home to give Yunna more time together outside. I could take a nap but want to get more tasks completed. Pretty calm and even moving day!


Day 227

Not a bad day.



day 13 and a pretty relaxed day.


@tailee17 thanks for sharing your day :raised_hands:t6:


Day 1,109 no alcohol
Day 35 no cannabis

My biggest trigger for cannabis is work road trips, mostly to help quell the boredom, but also because for two years I perfected the habit while on these trips. Iā€™m on one right now, and was considering stopping at the dispensary for an edible when I got to town, but I felt something I hadnā€™t felt before with cannabis- shame and disappointment. I thought about how far Iā€™ve come with alcohol sobriety, I made it nearly four months without cannabis earlier this year, but relapsed over the summer. I started thinking about how much it sucks to start over, and how badly I donā€™t want to go back there. I did pick up a CBD pre-roll, but it was gross and I put it out after a few puffs. I want to stay sober, and continue the growth I have experienced while being sober.


You can have it! Have a plan. Donā€™t have any cannabis around you! You can do it. Sending you motivational energy!


Thatā€™s such a good idea :smiley: Iā€™ve always struggled with mornings, hungover or not, but they seemed so much easier in the beginning bc Iā€™d been waking up sick for so long and it was refreshing not to. With time tho, theyā€™ve become more difficult. But youā€™re right, Iā€™ll take my worst morning now over a hangover any day :raised_hands:


Super chill day. I woke up after 7 hours, so I guess thatā€™s all I needed. The girls went to play upstairs and I binged this show Iā€™ve been watching on and off all day. Since I usually donā€™t have the time, I took an extra long shower and deep cleaned/conditioned my hair. Itā€™s so shiny and smooth for no one to see :joy: Well, Krieger boyā€™s looking at me, so I guess not no one :joy_cat: I think Iā€™ll do a bit of cleaning before Zoi comes home for the night. Hope you all have a great day :heart:


Hey right when i thought things where going to get better i get a call saying my results back normal. I dont get it have all the signs of what we thought was wrong. Now feeling so lost and helpless so so sick of being charged and my time for nothin no fix just more depressing thoughts feeling devastated and just broken :broken_heart:


So sorry to hear this. Keep pushing for more info regarding your symptoms. Sometimes the squeaky wheel does get the oil. I know it is time consuming but benefits may outweigh the hassle. Feel better soon!


Day 974
Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians! Today was quite a busy day for me. Dishes, laundry, tidying up. Hubby made dinner tonight. We didnt have turkey as it doesnt make sense to buy a huge turkey for 2 people, so we had steaks instead with baked potatoes, and of course pumpkin pie for dessert. It was really good!! Wish my son could enjoy in the food during the holidays with us, but its just not safe for him to eat by mouth. Just about to hop in the shower and then get my son ready for bed. Back to routine tmrw. Have a great evening everyone!


Evening check in. First break of the day!
Last of 4 days in a row of solo parenting.
We have a family trip leaving before sunrise tomorrow.
I hustled all day. I invited my father in law over for dinner, and did some nice cooking. it was awesome to have a second set of hands so I could power through a bit of the nit-picky parts of packing, tidy the kitchen, and do some yard cleanup.
Happy to do all of this, and will go to bed in a few hours with a clear head, and half-decent chance of getting an ok sleep before a big travel day tomorrow.

Enjoy your night!


Wishing your travels be full of enjoymentā€™


Ugh! I can relate to the frustration of not feeling well- doing tests and not getting answers. Ildo not give up. It sometimes takes the right doctor ordering the right test to get results. In the meantime - Keep sober and stay on the path of recovery. Only when the body is clean of the toxins can it try to heal itself :pray:t4:

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Day 1094 AF

It was my day off from work. Dropped off the kids at school and hit up the dollar stores with the wifey. Didnā€™t do much after. Just chilled at the pad and watched a show. Gonna go for a walk in a bit, and catch up here.

Itā€™s back to the grind tomorrow.

I hope all is well with everyone. Take care. ODAAT :heart:

@Butterflymoonwoman Happy Thanksgiving to yā€™all!


Feeling tired. Iā€™ve returned from the little hostel group weekend camping trip, which turned out awesome! Looking forward to some down time at a campsite in Adelaide again tonight though before setting off to Melbourne tomorrow.

Iā€™ve got my to-do-list for the day to prepare for the journey anyways, and intend to give my best to work on my potential odaatā€¦ Weā€™ve got this :seedling::sunflower:

Thanks for your message @JazzyS! :hugs:



Glad I get to do some experience work today. Sometimes I can get really tired of playing the police officer which is part of my nursing duties at the detox. Of course thereā€™s rules and they have to be kept but I donā€™t like doing it. Part of that dislike are my avoidant tendencies which are playing up a bit lately. Which donā€™t just go away by having lots of practice confronting all sort of stuff.

Anyway. Two days of experience work ahead. Going to have as good a day as I can and expect the same for all of you my friends. Clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Pic is another one from Colorado 5 years ago today. Maroon Bells at sunset. Love.