Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Thank you :blush:


318 days
Was supposed to be on a 24hr shift. Had to finish up after my day shift and come home as my wife has to head out of town to help with family stuff. Probably going to have to take the night shifts off in the next few days as well. Grateful I have a job with plenty of sick days to use.
Ribs are feeling a bit better today, but I still think rest is on the cards for the next few days


770 days of sobriety. A lot of 24 hours of freedom. I am still astonished of:

  • Not having hangovers at the morning.
  • I am hungry and I have had breakfast.
  • Can go to work using bicycle.
  • I can remember what happened yesterday.

Today 24 new hours begin. We can do it. One day at a time.


Checking in late, got absorbed in a book lol woops!


Day 479. Darker mornings. Working 8-3 ish today. As Working 8-7.30 tomorrow

Morning play list is ā€˜chetā€™ by chet baker 1959. Cracking album. Taking today slowly as i think pacing the week makes alot of sense.


Checking in Day 25. Still feel sick and sad but only a couple of days to go now until answers.

There are some real positives from this whole experience - massively reduced caffeine intake, have reduced my anti anxiety medication dose, vitamin taking routine and of course nearly a month of sobriety. I want to continue with these benefits and improve on them.

I hope everyone has a good day.


328 sugar
192 UPF
66 gluten
66 dairy
2 distraction-free eating

On vacation.

Today I am going to visit the national museum.
I want to check out polish art from the middle ages. I need some ideas and inspirations for my work.

Yoga and Recovery Dharma later in the day.

Peace and love for live always :lotus:


Day 1396,

Cancelled my voluntary work today. My chores in the house really need attention. So getting at it. :pray:


23 no alcohol
3 no weed

I slept well, but woke up extremely depressed and anxious. Iā€™m full of fear. I guess these feelings are weed withdrawals, so gotta just grind it through. Iā€™m gonna go soon for a run if it would help me lift the mood. But oh man, this is so hard to stay sober. Tough day ahead, shit.


11 months today. I really love where i am in life, its crazy to think some days i wake up and im like ugh time to go work or w.e and just how i take things for granted. But things really are beautiful and i have come so far. Much love


Happy Tuesday!

Another sober day under our belts. Starting day 8/30 without caffeine. Hopefully the ā€œbetter sleepā€ thing will kick in soon.

Cold an rainy here in Chicagoland but after all it is October. VERY busy day ahead so Iā€™m grateful to be doing it with a clear head and without a hangover.

MAKE it an awesome day my friends!!!


@1in8billion thank you for your reply a few days ago :blush: I just tried the visualisation too, before catching-up here, and I enjoyed it šŸ©µ Iā€™m glad you enjoyed the camping trip :camping:
@Thirdmonkey congrats on 5+ months tobacco-free :tada:
@Noshame congrats on 17+ months AF :tada:
@Heath belated welcome to the checking-in thread :blush: congrats on 10+ months :tada:
@JazzyS thank you, it was much better, especially for my back :raised_hands:t2::blush: feel better soon šŸ©µ
@Amy30 Iā€™m glad the road trip gave you chance to connect with your mom šŸ©µ
@JennyH congrats on 3+ weeks :tada:
@Bomdhil congrats on double digits :tada:
@Mischa84 Iā€™m so glad you reached out here and didnā€™t get that bottle. Sorry you were struggling though :people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@Seb congrats on 8 months :tada:


@Rookie congrats on your week+ :tada:
@zzz belated welcome back :people_hugging:
@Jesile that sounds scary! Glad you were safe :raised_hands:t2:
@EarnIt Iā€™m sorry youā€™re facing homelessness :people_hugging: sending strength šŸ©µ
@Juli1 Iā€™m glad you made it out of the shop :raised_hands:t2: sorry for the darkness :people_hugging: sending strength šŸ©µ
@Pamela congrats on your week+ :tada:
@Dustysprungfield congrats on 80+ days :tada:
@SoberWalker keep taking care of that inner child :people_hugging: and congrats on your year of no social media :tada::trophy::star2:
@MrMoustache congrats on 3 weeks AF :tada: and for putting the weed down too. Your mind will clear, give it time :people_hugging: sending strength šŸ©µ
@Frank68 congrats on your week+ no caffeine :tada:


@Aussie_Tiger belated happy 50th birthday :birthday: :balloon: :gift: :partying_face:
@Whereswaldo congrats on the sale :tada:
@Laner thatā€™s scary! Iā€™m so glad you did make it home safely :raised_hands:t2:
@Dujavae welcome :blush: congrats on day 1 :tada:
@acromouse enjoy your vacation :blush:
@Refreshedperspective feel better soon šŸ©µ
@Mindofsobermike congrats on 11 months :tada:

1526 days no alcohol.
991 days no cocaine.
21 days no binge-eating.
5 days no vape.

Therapy Friday. Train journeys were much better with a seat, even though I was at a table both ways so had people facing me.

(Thursday) I am shocked but very happy and excited. My GP has agreed for me to withdraw off all of my psychotropic medications. Slowly, and one at a time, so itā€™s going to take around a year, but I have such hope that this is going to give therapy the best chance of being successful. I need to feel my feelings. The other benefit will be the removal of the insatiable appetite I currently have as a side effect from some of them. I feel hopeful for the first time in a long time. :blush: :raised_hands:t2:

Saturday I drove to my hometown to have my Flu and Covid shots. Then I had blurry vision for the rest of the day. It was still a bit blurry Sunday but better now.

Sunday was dedicated to laundry.

Yesterday I had Monday therapy, and explained how the concept of the child that got left behind after the abuse started was difficult to grasp, due to very limited memories of my childhood, as prior to the abuse, my Mum suffered from Cancer on and off for six years before she passed away, she was diagnosed and started chemo when I was two, so I never really developed a sense of self, and most of my childhood is blocked out.

Today itā€™s my dadā€™s wifeā€™s birthday, so I will be visiting them. Unfortunately my brother and his family wonā€™t be there at the same time so Iā€™m not sure how itā€™s going to go with just me and them. It has been a long time.



Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve given an update. This serves as just getting stuff off my mind and putting it out into the universe and among friends in recovery. Iā€™m not only seeking encouragement and approval of my peers, but also telling you all that if you put your head down and work hard towards your goals, you can achieve them; there is always hope.

I got the job at my local grocery store as a meat clerk. Itā€™s not much money but itā€™s at least something. They werenā€™t giving me very many hours so I found a second job, a little closer to my area of expertise, doing deconstruction and disassembly for a non-profit organization, which is full time at 40 hours a week.

The first day that I was going to do both jobs - the deconstruction job in the morning and the grocer in the evening - I was t-boned by someone who was making an illegal left turn. The accident totaled my car and I got sent to the hospital. I got a little banged up but Iā€™m still alive and thatā€™s what counts. The other driver was 100% at fault and Iā€™ve hired a pro bono attorney to handle all the legal stuff.

While doing my job search a while back I noticed that my local law enforcement was also hiring police officers. I had already decided I wanted to pursue a career in law enforcement and so when I saw they were actively hiring I took it as a sign of serendipity. I studied for the test fairly rigorously and scored a 100% on the writing portion, 100% on the reading portion, and a 78.8% on the video scenario portion. It was good enough to pass and the department has invited me to do the physical aptitude test this Saturday. I canā€™t quite express how excited I am for this opportunity. I still have a lot of hoops to jump through before Iā€™m officially on board but so far things are looking pretty good.

I got a lead on a new vehicle - a 2009 Ford Expedition - which just so happens to be a former law enforcement vehicle. Iā€™ll be going to the bank to pull the money out for it today. Hopefully Iā€™ll be driving it home this evening. Itā€™s a beautiful truck that has been maintained immaculately. 4x4, low miles, clean, lots of room inside, everything is brand new on it except for the engine and transmission, and all the maintenance has been done on time every time according to the manufacturer schedule. Iā€™m pretty excited about that.

Things were pretty damn chaotic there for a little while, while I was transitioning jobs. Iā€™ve been extremely stressed out about everything and how Iā€™d pay the bills. Then my car getting totaled was kind of the cherry on top. But I didnā€™t drink. Iā€™ve stayed sober. Even though times get tough and life is hard every now and then, Iā€™m sober and alive, and as long as I have those two things, and an unquestionable faith in God, I know I can get through it.

Itā€™s been rough. But things are finally coming together and my hard work is paying off.

Thanks for letting me share.


Such an awesome share today!!! Keep doing what youā€™re doing my friend!! Great news about no longer needing to be on meds!!


C h a p t e r . 8 : U n k n o w n . C h a p t e r

  1. Been very busy with life crap, fighting the fights with various companies and people. Bathroom is still ongoing and becoming the biggest noisy annoying bore :sleeping:. My mother in lawā€™s boiler is leaking again so my other half will go there tomorrow till Saturday to get to the bottom of several really tricky issues including her health problems. Itā€™s just all go really. But I finished my application yesterday for closing date 23/10. That was a relief. Apart from that, Iā€™m just treating my mind and body well and with care and love!

194 days sober
I went to visit the kids at the orphanage today and became angry while I was there at the staff lady who has given problems in the past. I found out that to save money she hasnā€™t been heating the childrens room so they are sleeping in the cold. I went into the room and could see my breath inside! And these kids are fighting for food because they donā€™t get feed enough. They havenā€™t been taken to a bath house to have baths in 3 weeks so are dirty and in dirty clothes. I canā€™t stand these kids being mistreated this way. They have no one to defend them.

I have been finding out what I can do to buy the orphanage out so I can make sure they are properly cared for. Iā€™ve had my lawyer researching if this is legal, how to go about it and the costs that will come with it. This is something Iā€™ve felt passionate about for some time now and I really want to do it. Buy the orphanage and get the funding needed to keep it running properly so kids who have nothing can get a proper chance in life and also that they can be cared for and feel loved.
I have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow with social services to talk about how these kids are not being taken care of properly and that there needs to be better supervision until this problem is delt with. And will tell them my intentions about getting ownership of the house to be more involved in how the place is being ran.

I really want to do this properly and without causing offense or shame to others. But I am done being half in and half out with these kids. They deserve better I just want to go about it wisely and not run into it all half cocked.


Day 2.
Starting over,grateful for another chance to get sober.