Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Morning i doin better than i was yesterday. Started looking at my numbers and reference numbers from one clinic and seeing then reference numbers from other ones from the internet its time to make some phone call i believe to see what they say. I am hoping that if you have followed me alittle bit then you will maybe see how many times i have bad thoughts about things i want to once again say thank you to the people that do reply to a guy like myslef who hopes to not be all over the place in the near future.


Hey all, checking in on day 1584. I hope everybody has a good one today :slightly_smiling_face:


They have you Laner. And seems to me you are doing this the right way. I’m in awe of you. :people_hugging:


Hope meeting your dad and his wife goes well friend. Thinking of you x


Day 975
Feeling good today! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Got my son on the bus to school and then did my morning readings and prayer. Went to the gym and had a great workout! Now home to put laundry away, do dishes, and tidy up. Not much else to report. Things are good today thanks to God! Have a fabulous day everyone!


Checking in day 10! Pretty stressful day work wise, no lunch break, so treating myself to a cheeky take away this evening! Feeling generally ok. Niggling fear still there but I think that will stay for some time. No desires to drink at all. Also stopping vaping as I ended up doing that loads last week. That’s not bothering me as much as I thought it would but maybe withdrawals haven’t kicked in yet. Wishing everyone a happy Tuesday!


Checking in day 288 AF :blush:


DAY -1485 I love what sobriety makes possible and I don’t mean anything out of the ordinary just the ability to cope with the normal day to day things. Coping with people better, more patience and understanding. Being able to just be me.



Soon I will hit the pillow, sober. Tomorrow early morning I hope to go for a run. Although I’m not such a diehard lately, if I won’t feel it, I just hit the snooze button.

I had a meeting with my boss today, all good work-wise.

Otherwise - same old, same old.

Much love :purple_heart:


Day 228

Feeling very low today but we’re in the final day of a record October heatwave. Zaps my energy and gets me down. Enough summer! One last day. Tomorrow the house will be opened up, and I’ll probably need the heat Thursday morning! I’ll bake, cook and get back on track. Struggling today.



Day 284 AF

What a whirlwind the past 4 days of housework have been. I won’t bore you with all the details of everything completed, but I’ll share a couple pics of the rotten shed transformation to greenhouse for wife that my portion is complete. Now she needs to do some more painting and shelving and her grow lights… but my part is done!!:white_check_mark:

Be well all. And stay busy.


Wow that looks great!! Amazing transformation on the shed. Looks like alot of work.


Amazing work, @Chevy55! If only my garden was large enough to hold a greenhouse :star_struck:


@efountains 770 days is awesome. Love the hangover free mornings and days! Keep up the amazing work!
@jennyh Love the positives – hold onto those friend. The sadness I’m sure will linger for some time. Here if you ever need to talk :pray: :hugs: You are not alone! 25 days is flipping awesome
@mrmoustache You have a wonderful number of days stacking up. Sorry for the feelings you woke up to. It does get easier friend. Hope the run helped :pray: :hugs:
@mindofsobermike WHOOHOO 11 months is marvelous work. I love how far you’ve come too and love that you are in love with your life! ODAAT :muscle:
@catmancam 3 weeks is wonderful with your no binge eating – that is powerful friend! I think that is great news about your meds and taking it slow and monitoring the symptoms. ODAAT! Seems you are really diving deep in therapy. Sending hugs as you keep healing. We will be with you in spirit today – hope the visit went well and you are now enjoying your Tuesday evening :people_hugging:
@collins WOW friend – so grateful you are ok. Congrats to you – wishing you so much luck with your physical aptitude test on Saturday. I do hope all went well with the truck purchase and you are able to drive it home tonight. Thanks for sharing ho through all the ups and downs – you have managed to maintain sobriety and keep pushing forward! :muscle: :tada:

Wise to get your ducks in a row and know what you are up against before jumping in head first. So DISGUSTING how the kids are being treated and how these adults live with themselves. Grateful for you and your big heart. :heart: :heart:
@thumper1213 Great to see you back on track and day 2. Sending strength your way and hope to see you checking more – ODAAT with connections and support is what helps us stay on this path.
@pamela Congrats on your double digits! Wonderful that you treated yourself to a lovely take away – enjoy! Awesome that you are also working on vape free! Keep up the amazing work :muscle:
@mischa Sending you motivation to get in that run tomorrow morning. I totally get wanting to hit that snooze button especially with the colder weather coming. :muscle: :muscle:
@lighter One more day love – then the weather will be easing up! Hang in love – you can get through this heat wave :hugs: :heart: We are here if you need to talk / vent it out!


Thats a wonderful transformation. You are always doing something impressive - love it Nick! Great job :muscle:


@JazzyS Thank you. I appreciate you. Did a bit of indoor exercise and it’s helping :blush:. Need to get endorphins going. Fall always gives me energy. I’ll hit the grocery early and get ready to bake. It should be here in just a few hours. Go Cold!!!:cold_face: :point_up: :white_check_mark: :snowflake: hahaha


Day 975
Well i finally have all the paperwork i need to submit, with regards to this financial situation im dealing with. Im kind of nervous about sending everything in bcuz im nervous about the outcome. But i will have faith and trust in God, that everything will work out as it should.

Its been a weird day. Not necessarily bad or anything, just weird. Kind of feeling out of sorts. Hope everyone is having a good Tuesday tho :slight_smile:


Looks amazing!


Today I feel weaker


@Butterflymoonwoman @Dirk @JazzyS @Mno

Thanks all. I really enjoy working with my hands and seeing the finished product after years of management life…
While it tires the ol body out on some days, I love going to bed worn out and feeling a bit stiff, as long as I’m always ready to pop outta bed early and get at it again the following.

This week I’ll put all my clients properties to rest with a final mow, mulch, fertilize and leaf gathering and then a last service of machines before their winter slumber.

Rest well