Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Day 231

I have dog this week so 6am was wake up time. I did sleep well. Exercised dog before AA meeting. AA was great / topic being FEAR. Some old timers clearly expressed where there is FAITH fear cannot reside! Met with sponsor still working on step 4 progress being done. Worked the afternoon for hubby’s business including research into converting our solar system to an off grid service. Never really cared how solar worked but husband making me understand how it works. Please note husband says that I think I know everything, Well he makes me learn all this shit because he doesn’t want to. And I do know a LITTLE about everything and it is his fault!
Sponsor’s 84th Bday today so before gym took her flowers and she was pleasantly surprised. 90 minutes pool exercise only to come out to truck not starting. Hubby swears not the battery. I lost my tow service card while drunk but was able to download to my Apple wallet and request service. Service would have been very quick but construction going on and made it in a half hour. Couldn’t get truck in park to start but he got it into neutral and started. Yep not battery. Last week just had Gear column replaced. Repair shop getting call tomorrow!

The old me, the old drunk would not have been able to handle this event at all. I would have been a basket case plus mad at everybody!!

The new sober Me took a breath and did what was necessary! I could have hugged tow service guy and he did tell me a way home to avoid construction.

My friends to all newly sober or sober awhile SOBRIETY IS THE BEST WAY TO LIVE EVERYDAY. I cannot believe the positive changes in me and my life.


@Chevy55 Wow :astonished: You did all that?! Seriously impressive work!

This is so true. Once I accepted this, got sober and relapsed, I absolutely knew what I was doing at that point. I was just weak and torturing myself. Enough of that made me choose sobriety again, and now I learned to remind myself daily what I am. Congrats on almost 11 months again :clap: ODAAT!

20 months

After doing nothing for most of yesterday, even with extra caffeine today(bc a chai latte sounded too good to pass up :yum:), my muscles stayed relaxed. It wasn’t until I hauled 100 lbs of cat litter inside, then proceeded to sit hunched over for 30 minutes while doing mine and my daughter’s nails, that I noticed my neck tense back up. I think what I really need is a massage. It’s been over a year. I used to go all the time, but it’s hard to find the time or afford it now. Omg! I just remembered I have a massage gun! Totally forgot about that :woman_facepalming: Haha :sweat_smile:

Anyway. I also forgot when our library dvds were due and racked up $11.50 in fines! I could’ve sworn we got them 2 weeks ago, but it was 3! This is the shit I’m talking about. How tf could I always remember these things drinking, but can’t sober?! Apparently I still need to relearn how my brain works. Overall, it was a good day. Time to wind down so I make it thru lunchshift tomorrow. Wish you all the best :heart:


Day 1095 AF

Wud up, gang.

I forgot we had a mandatory Zoom meeting this morning at 9 am. Luckily, I jumped on early to load my laptop. Busy day at work.

I got a voicemail from my complex manager stating my rent was late, and I had a balance of $1,846. I was like, da fuck? Pretty damn sure it was deducted from my checking account. So I checked the carbon copy and noticed I had written the wrong unit number. Smh. Anyway, I got it settled, and all is good.

Went for a long walk after work. I’m just chillin’ at the apartment right now. I started reminiscing about my drinking nights. Not all nights were bad. I did have some good times with friends. Nights where we just chilled, cracked jokes, stayed up all night eating munchies. I guess I kinda miss it in a way. I wondered what happened to those dudes. Where are they at in life right now?

Gonna watch a show and pass out. Ima wake up 3 years sober tomorrow.

Good night, fam. ODAAT :heart: take care.


Hey checking in made chicken in Crock-Pot for dinner tonight just chilling trying to do research on different things I’m trying to do come up with a game plan don’t have much to say tonight hope all is well one day at a time


Thank you for your kind words, my friend.


Checking in say 83. I have another big slip up opportunities coming my way next week. It’s an occasion where in the past I would have went all in. Thankfully I’ve got the systems in place to prevent it. I’ve already decided that my reward at the occasion will be 1 zero Guinness and I’m confident it will go no further than that.
I feel empowered and like I took back the initiative, I’ll decide the course of action not alcohol.
Much love this morning to all in the struggle, it’s not easy but it will be worth it🙏


Missed you for a few days @sarath_unrelax , how are you doing??


*Day 2219 :walking_woman:
My mental state is up and down. Sometimes my head is in my feet and sometimes I manage to get it out of there :blush: Tomorrow it’s 2 weeks and I’m halfway the plaster drama.

Picture from a holiday in Turkey, when we went out of bed very early to watch the balloons hit the air. It was magic! We had 2 stray dogs who followed us the whole walk and stayed even while we watched the sun came up.
Good sober memories! And ready to make new ones!
Today? Having the day off. Going to decorate the house because of my daughters graduation :woman_student:
Doing some lego, reading and small house chores too. Tonight it’s familynight so we’ll have all our kids at home :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


@Collins sorry about the accident :people_hugging: but good luck with the rest of the recruitment process :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover: Truck looks awesome! :star_struck:
@Aussie_Tiger thank you :blush:
@Tragicfarinelli good luck with your application :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Laner I’m grateful the children have you, and I do hope things work out and you can help them as much as you want to :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:🩵
@Thumper1213 welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on 2 days :tada:
@Mno it went better than I was anticipating, because kittens :heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat: thank you :blush:
@Pamela congrats on double digits :tada: and for putting down the vape :tada:
@Lighter sending strength :people_hugging:🩵 I hope you get to breathe some cooler air soon :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Chevy55 awesome job :clap:t2: :star_struck:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: it wasn’t so bad, we had kittens to talk about :heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat:


@Butterflymoonwoman hoping for the best possible outcome for you :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Bomdhil congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Rookie congrats on double digits :tada: and the vitals :raised_hands:t2:

1527 days no alcohol.
992 days no cocaine.
22 days no binge-eating.
6 days no vape.

The visit with my dad and his wife went okay overall. Within two mins of arriving he found something to have a go at me about…drinking tap water…he was telling me I should boil it first else it’s bad for my kidneys. Then he was prying about what my therapies are for, it caught me off-guard so I looked away and all that came out of my mouth was ‘stuff’, (he doesn’t know about any of my traumas apart from losing my mum), then thankfully his wife came to ask if I wanted to meet the kittens…of course I did :smile_cat: then we just sat and observed and talked about the kittens, so they saved the day. I was there for 1.5hrs.

Today is my walk with the Safe Soulmates volunteer, so I will see and feed some water birds again :grinning:

Sorry, I’m all out of likes due to my 5 day catch-up yesterday, so here’s a communal one :yellow_heart:



Hello all, checking in on Day 26. I was really going to try and go into the office today but the morning sickness kicked up a gear and I am just feeling so fragile, so will work from home under this blanket. I just don’t think I can face small talk today.

I am very sad but think some of that is hormonal, am sure I remember this in early pregnancy with both my children (even though it feels like a lifetime ago). It is triggering all sorts of memories of my son’s stroke too as that happened at this point in my daughter’s pregnancy. I wonder whether it may be good for me to face that all again as I am pretty sure I have buried it all. Crazy to think how long we can carry pain and just become used to it (nearly 14 years in this case).

I am loving all the beautiful photos @Mno @SoberWalker @Chevy55 Thank you for sharing.


This all looks good @CATMANCAM
Enjoy your day :heart:


Sounds like a tough start (I drink tap water btw) but so glad you got to see the kittens :smile_cat:

  1. And my kittens are One years old today. Wow, how time flies. I’m a week off vapes today as well! Its not yet 8.30am and I’ve already had visits from a crew to check my front door and door handles. Yesterday we had a man in a cherry picker hovering outside the balcony. With the scaffolding all up (again…) it’s literally the noisiest and most intrusive time. I just want my balcony fixed and fire safe by Christmas please. The £7,000 to fix it is a kick in the teeth, but I can’t dwell on this too long without spiralling so I won’t. Also want my shitty bathroom fixed by November, that’s my aim. High hopes… :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:. Apart from lots and lots of crap going around my head threatening to swamp me with various anxieties I’m all good. My better half leaves today for a few days to attend her mum’s health appointments and sort her life out for her, which I know is a stress and burden I can’t alleviate. But we prevail with baby steps. I’m starting a 72 hour cold ferment of pizza dough tonight for the weekend, which is a nice distraction to annoying crap like this. No gym today, rest day. :dove:

Happy birthday kittens!! :smile_cat::smile_cat: (they should do different colours!) The flat stuff sounds really stressful, would hate that level of intrusion. Hope you manage to find some peace there.


@CATMANCAM I wonder what the scientific explanation should be that unboiled tap water is bad for the kidneys :face_with_raised_eyebrow: But I envy you a bit that you could look at kittens over an hour :smiley: Sometimes when stressed at work I go to my office and watch a short cat clip. That usually calms me down instantly :smiley_cat:


Hey @CATMANCAM whenever possible try to stand in your power. Your body, your choice. You don’t need advice from the tin foil hat brigade. Smile, and let it slide over you.


Day 480. Long day at work . Nearly the weekend tho :slight_smile: ive messed my counter up somehow so im counting on my fingers now


Thanks @JennyH IT IS NEVER ENDING… Sending love your way, I know it’s difficult currently for you :heart::heart:


Day 285 AF

Enjoying this week off work and catching up on chores around the house.

Feeling pretty good lately, zero complaints.

Be well everyone