Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

329 sugar
193 UPF
67 gluten
67 dairy
3 distraction-free eating

On vacation.

Today I am going to visit the archeological museum.
Once again to collect ideas and inspirations for my work. There should be some interesting things on display from the stone, bronze, and iron ages.

Yoga and Recovery Dharma later in the day.

Peace and love for live always :lotus:


Sorry english is not my language so I dont understand the question. Is that a some kind of saying or joke or insult I dont understand those kind of ā€œsayingsā€ or terms in english.


Happy hump day!

Well when you own a business I guess you never really have a hump day haha but thats ok.

Thankful for another sober morning without a hangover. Only woke up once last night and got a better nights rest. So maybe this no caffeine thing is starting to work.

MAKE it an awesome day my friends!


24 AF
4 pot free

Just came from a 1.5hrs walk, felt really good. Withdrawals from weed are still terrible, mentally Iā€™m a wreck. Full of depression, fear, shame and guilt. After being sober over 70 days, my relapse makes me feel so sad, but I know I can be sober again. Now I just gotta be patient and to wait weed withdrawals go away. Have a great Wednesday yaā€™ll!


@Just_Laura congratulations on your 20 months. :tada::confetti_ball: Yeah- you remembered that neck massager - they really do help so much. Hope your neck is feeling better :hugs:
@GOKU2019 wow! 3 years and kicking ass :muscle:t4::tada::confetti_ball:. Keep up the amazing work friend. So glad you got that sorted out with complex manager.
@Dustysprungfield 83 days is greatā€¦ coming up on your 3 months! Smart to have a plan and be aware of the upcoming triggers. We got you too so lean on us if you need any additional support. Hope all goes smoothly next week and you have a wonderful time
@SoberWalker 1/2 way through :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:. I know it hasnā€™t been easy but damn girl 2 weeks down is greatā€¦you can get through the upcoming 2 weeks too! Beautiful pic :heart_eyes:. Congratulations to your daughterā€¦have a wonderful celebration
@CATMANCAM yeah kittens!!! Sorry you had that uncomfortable conversation. Iā€™ve heard about boiling water to get rid of toxins but then you get rid of all the minerals too ā€¦never that it harms the kidneys :man_shrugging:t4:. You do you my friendā€¦I too drink tap water. Today sounds awesome - have fun
@JennyH glad you were able to stay home and work in some comfort. Iā€™m sorry for all that you are going through. Sending love and hugs :hugs::heart:. I donā€™t think we ever get over the pain, just find a way to accept it and put it in a safe internal shelf. It does find the oddest times to come back up (just to let us know itā€™s still there).
@Tragicfarinelli happy 1st birthday officially Blue and Bear :confetti_ball::tada::birthday: the pizza dough sounds lovelyā€¦hope all turns out well and weā€™ll be seeing some lovely pizza pics soon :smiling_face:
@MrMoustache donā€™t dwell on the relapse. I know thatā€™s easier said than done. You can learn from it and keep kicking ass today. 24 days is impressive and I know youā€™ll get back to 70 and keep stacking up the days. Be proud of what you are doing and where you are at today. Sending hugs and hope you feel some uplifting relief from the depression :people_hugging:


Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words. They really uplifted my mood. Iā€™m happy to know Iā€™m not alone, I love this app and forum!


Checking in on day 500 AFAF.
Iā€™m a bit under the weather today so Iā€™m tucked up cosy in bed. I did a cold plunge yesterday with some of my yoga group even though I didnā€™t feel great. I hoped it would make me feel better but it doesnā€™t seem to have. Thatā€™s ok though. Iā€™m going to take it easy and just do puzzles today.


Day 229

Welcoming FALL this morning! :maple_leaf: :fallen_leaf: :jack_o_lantern: :blush:. The best day of the year; the day of the first real cold front! After 5 months of summer, itā€™s oddly quiet from the central AC actually shutting off on its own. I can hear the wind howling- itā€™s here!!

Love yā€™all


It is not an insult. :blush: A merry-go-round is a thing in a amusement park that you sit on a metal horse and go round in circles.
But we use it to mean doing the same behavior again and again, going around in circles. (you may also see ā€˜hamster wheelā€™ being used in the same way)
So the question means - Have you stopped using?


No joke or insult @zzz. Just curious how your sobriety journey is going


I am on the computer so who knows what day. Doesnā€™t matter, one day at a time, I was sober today.
I am maybe at the beginning of a cold. Some suspicious sneezes, tickly throat, prickly nose. Hopefully I will kick it to the curb soon.
At the end of this month I will have a few days off work as the universities have their culture festivals. Randomly one day is exactly Halloween, so I may spend the day watching the new Beetlejuice or something, buy some fall snacks. How I love my days off now, they absolutely terrified me in early sobriety.


@Deelzebub congratulations on 500 days Delia!


Day 976
Morning everyone! Had a decent rest last night and am ready to tackle this day. Going to start my day with prayer and readings, then hit the gym for a back and bicep workout, and then home to clean. I submitted all my paperwork last night online, now its just a waiting game to see what the outcome will be. Probably will be a 2-4 week wait. Feeling a little nervous but ill manage. Hope everyone has a fabulous day!


@Cjp Well for me that sounds like an insult. Are this some kind of sobriety championchip? I am not as focused on numbers. So please. Just go on your path and let me go on my. I am focused on totally differrent things.


@MrMoustache glad to know the words helped lift your mood. You definitely are not aloneā€¦keep fighting the good fight
@Deelzebub congratulations on your 500 days! :tada::confetti_ball:Hope you start to feel better soon :pray:t4:a day of resting and doing puzzles sounds perfect.
@Lighter yippee - itā€™s here and Iā€™m happy that itā€™s making you so happy. Enjoy your cooler day my friend :people_hugging::fallen_leaf::maple_leaf:
@Butterflymoonwoman so glad you have that submitted and off your mind. Sending good vibes that you get a response soon and all is well :people_hugging: :heart:

Checking in on Wednesday morning
Sleep is in and out and these coooold mornings make it impossible to get out of bed tired lolā€¦ I feel like I need all my energy to deal with this temp. Gonna start my day with yoga todayā€¦ Hopefully thatā€™ll help. My eyes are still burning from lack of sleep so maybe yoga with my eyes closed :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:ā€¦ Hope I keep my balance.

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free dayā€¦ sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in day 212. Big couple of work days ahead! Have a great day everyone.


Checking in on day 3.


Hey all, checking in on day 1585. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 336. Day off today, about to head out for a ride. Hopefully get some good pictures, was watching this clip of reels. And this person said partying is weakness for the soul, man it sure was. The strength i feel within myself sober is the best. Much love


195 days sober
Was a good day here. I meant with social services and we had a good conversation about the orphanage and also about the materials Iā€™m translating for them to have/use. And then did some translation work in the afternoon.
I received another request for a project Iā€™d have to travel for but I said I canā€™t do this now. I wonā€™t travel till spring and then in the spring this group of volunteers will come so I think for a few months Iā€™m just going to take jobs I can do at home or in my own area. Honestly I found it difficult to say no to this project proposal because of the location being one of my favorite areas to visit but it is something I can always circle back toa another time.
I had my closest friend over for dinner and we had a really good time together. Was a lot of laughing and good food.
Relaxing for the evening and hoping to have a good sleep.