Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Checking in at day 158 AF. Still holding strong! Craving and urges still pop up, but pass relatively quickly. Staying vigilant helps. Good to see all the successes posted here. Such an encouragement! Loving my sober life!

Have a great day all!


Day 977
Good morning! Good morning! Good morrrrning! How is everyone this fine Thursday? My day is going well so far. Did my prayer and readings first thing, then went to the gym for leg day. Just got home and am going to clean and tidy up. Im eating well, drinking lots of water, and feeling strong from the gym. Good day so far. Hope everyone is also having a good day!


I am reading and crying… I restarted to drink… And I hope tomorrow will be my next and first day


Sending u hugs Daiga :hugs: Tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start. Make a plan of action and follow thru. We are here for u.


I recognize, that I have to visit here more often, to get more good wibes


Yeah-I got those thoughts a lot at the beginning and still sometimes now. Then I look back on what I was doing and how badly I was poisoning my body and realize that no matter what I am on the right path. Hope and pray each day that I do not go back even for a sip or a puff. Keep working the recovery – you are doing great with 11 days :muscle:
@raspberry Oh man the low energy levels were killer at the beginning. It does get easier. Just keep doing what you are doing and I hope that you will start feeling that boost soon. Your body is detoxing and healing and that takes loads of energy. 24 days strong :tada:
@sadmemequeen Hey Megan – what’s going on? Sending love your way! Hope you are feeling better since you posted this message :hugs: :heart:

It knows that isolation is where it can have the most power over you. Key is to stay connected no matter what! No matter how crappy you feel – keep working on your recovery because we don’t know how many recoveries we have in us. You deserve a better life my friend. I am glad to see you pushing through and giving it your all :hugs: :muscle:
@dolse71 OOH i do love that new avatar. Sorry today is such a UGH type of day where you are lashing out. I do know these days well and hope you are able to find a place to sit and meditate or calm your insides down. That brain of ours is so evil at times and it amazes me how much we crave the things that literally kill us. Stay strong Paul – you are doing great! Here if you need to vent.
@butterflymoonwoman YEAH to getting your eyes looked after and new specs coming. Looking forward to seeing your new look :heart: I thought it would take me a while to get used to wearing glasses but I actually find them very easy to use and not annoying (as I had imagined).
@dan.h84 Yippee – 3 months strong today! Keep slaying this my friend – you are doing great :muscle: :muscle:
@soberwalker So sad indeed. This is a cruel disease and does not care who it takes or when. Thank you for your post and reminder to not give up – so many ways to work our recovery! This photo is absolutely beautiful – you look free and happy – stunning! :heart:
@shel75 Sending massive hugs your way! :people_hugging: I do have those moments of just skating by. Remember that this is when you should find connections and do something to lift yourself up (selfcare, something that makes you happy… etc) For me, the longer I sit in this state the harder it is to get out of it – sending you love and light. Hope you start feeling more like yourself soon – remember that you are not alone and we are ALL here for you!
@laner WAY TO GO! Glad you were able to stay composed and not go back to old habits of dealing with this stress. Sorry that everything was such a mess and you did have to resort to bribery. In some parts of the world, bribes are the only way to get anything done. It is actually a known form of payment (they don’t even hide it). You did what you needed to do and I’m grateful you got that document – a step in the right direction!
@love Hi Daiga - I’m sorry that you started to drink. You can make this second count and stop right now. Whats going on? We are here if you need to talk about it. Are you able to get yourself to a meeting or do you have someone in real life to talk to? Sending you strength and love :hugs: :heart:

Checking in on Thursday afternoon
Gonna get my butt moving and try to get this walk in. I didn’t feel well yesterday so rested (managed to get a lot of stuff posted on Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist and Nextdoor) - hopefully my stuff will start moving soon and I will be rid of my possessions. Make more room as I’ve been storing everything at my parents house.
At least the sun is shining!


I am so at the bottom, and there is no visible reason. I am just drinking. I have school tomorrow, and I already know, that I will have panic attacks, because I use alco today… I whish, that I can make me smart…


Hi all, quick check in. Baby was hiding in the last scans, so I am still pregnant. We could see it clearly on the scan with a heartbeat. I burst into tears and have no idea how I feel anymore. Slightly terrified :joy:

Hope you feel better soon @JazzyS

@Love keep talking here, make this your last one.


Omg!!! This is fantastic news and it made me cry so I can just imagine your emotional state. Much love Jenny! Hope you and baby continue to grow perfectly :people_hugging:


Checking in day 290 AF :blush::grin::heart: I am so proud of myself, at the end of last year i couldn’t even go afew days without alcohol, now I’m 290 days sober! I wont say its always rainbows and butterflies as life is hard at times but quiting drinking is by far the best thing i have ever done. I always take it one day at a time :heart: and those days soon mount up to weeks and months. Xxx


Reflection, do research, make decisions, talk to trusted friends, identify boundaries, swallow large pride, accept, move on, come back and not lose focus on recovery.

Bonjour. I’m Mel and I read the rules, but I will get flagged. I will always keep my shirt on though.

Sober from alcohol: 2273, on TS since day 1 with several breakages
Not sober from weed.


Hey!!! So good to see u Mel!!! Glad ur back!


hello sweet friend :smiling_face: thank you for the welcome, glad to see you.


Hey Mel :v:t2::wave:t2::wave:t2:


Thank you so much, you are so kind :blush:


Great to have you back Mel :smiling_face:


@Tragicfarinelli :v: Hello there, thank you for welcoming me back, and you too @JazzyS. Feels like no time has passed, yet has it ever. So much has happened in between, but I can always rely on the support here.

hi @Amy30 :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Thanks so much Menno :slight_smile:


Thanks so much :blush:

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Welcome back! :heart: