Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Checking in on day 502AF.
My mental health hasn’t been great this week. I barely got out of bed on Wednesday. I’m feeling a bit better today, and I have woodworking this afternoon so I hope that helps. The cold symptoms that I had earlier in the week have lessened so that’s good. I’m also pleased that I spent a bit of time painting this week and got one of my bigger canvases finished. There’s nothing really wrong, it’s just a feeling and I know it will pass.
One Day At A Time


Day 5.
Going back to work,nervous but hopeful.ODAAT!


262 days AF

My mind is still making suggestions to drink. Started last Saturday more then 200 days without this suggestion. Still not a cravings. But it sucks.


Day 1399,

Gonna take a nap after a nice walk and lunch with a former colleague of mine. Used to work together and shared a room about 23 years ago . Time flies, was good to catch up. He noticed some difference (positive ones) in me :pray:


331 sugar
195 UPF
69 gluten
69 dairy
5 distraction-free eating

On vacation. Late checkin.

Went to fitness class with my aunt, took a short hike with the perfect sunny autumn weather. Now chilling.
Will take another walk later, do some relaxing yoga, and spend the day doing nothing much.

Picture from my hike

Peace and love for life always :lotus:


Day 287 AF

Like Julia, my mind started suggesting having some drinks. Let loose. PARTY!! :tada:

Not craving it at all and once I get moving and busy it passes, but in the quiet moments it still likes to creep in.

As soon as I think it, I play it forward and push it aside, but it’s so weird that it now has begun more often. Perhaps the thoughts of coming into Halloween and the start of the holiday season has triggered me a bit.

Dunno. :man_shrugging:


Day 231

Slept with one of my bedroom windows open which is rare to be able to do here. It’s normally either incredibly hot or cold and windy. Always extreme. We have perfect now. Slept so deeply :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. Setting me up for a great day.

@Chevy55 I know man! I am getting a few of those thoughts as Fall is by far my favourite. Nothing strong yet but still! Keep close. You’re doing great!

Will get to the pool once it warms up a bit. Being a Texan I can’t imagine a polar bear plunge. When I move to the Rockies I’ll start that crap :laughing:

Pumpkin spice! I’m still not sick of it. Need to make some pumpkin bread today. :heart::heart:

Love y’all, happy Friday


Day 2

No alcohol or tobacco.

The day bit depressed I again relapsed after 7 days of my 100-day challenge, But I will start again and this time I will complete the challenge for sure.
Sleep was very disturbed last night and I drunk plenty of water through out the day. Appetite also reduced but eating small snacks.


515 days! The ups and downs, it’s great to experience it all sober. I remember my first days were the hardest and I have relapsed many times. I guess this time I was finally ready. Now, I am just so happy I dont have to drink. Everyone is so supportive and have non-alcohol drinks with me. They are used to it now and it’s normal that I don’t drink anymore. Hang in there everyone - it is so worth it. It’s your life and you deserve to be happy and healthy. Have a lovely sober weekend everyone! Happy Friday!


Thanks Marie, I’m keeping tabs on it to ensure it’s nothing I take lightly.
I believe in my mind that when you make it this far we take things for granted a bit and I don’t want to get into that lazy mindset.

Enjoy this season of open windows and amazing sleep!!


Spot on, thank you. I threw away 6 years of sobriety and it took me another 10 to get back! Enjoy your fabulous day off :maple_leaf:


Hey all, checking in on day 1587. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 978
Woke up this morning to a sick little boy :frowning: My son has a fever and a sore throat so hes staying home from school today. Hoping he feels a bit better tmrw as we have our Halloween event to attend. My husband also took the day off from work so the whole family is together. Today will consist of a grocery shop (have to pick up more Tylenol for my son plus a couple other things), some cleaning, a tracheostomy change appt for my son and then we will relax. Not much else right now. Would like to hit the gym at some point but it depends what hubby is doing and if he can stay home with our son. Not sure what he has planned for today. Anyway, have a great day everyone


Oh boy off to the first sober friday and weekend. What a daunting task :joy: im not to worried about the day today. I think Saturday is going to be rough but I’ll worry about coming up with a plan tonight. The day today is looking good. Lots to do. The evening might be tough tho! Ill have to do another late night check in with ya’ll.
But lets look on the bright side, it’s beautiful out. I have lots of yard work and organising to do. In a way im greatful for being sick. Its a solid excuse not to drink and nobody is going to question it! :joy: If i make it… no. when I make it, I’ll have 6 nights my head landed on a pillow sober, thats the longest I’ve gone in awhile. (Trying to work on the relationship I have with words to discribe myself and my goals. Gotta mannifest the good vibes you know? )

I hope everyone has an amazing friday and if its not I hope you still make it to bed sober!


Checking in. Im still in a slump. Just don’t have any energy or seem to care about anything. I only had one appointment today for work and she canceled, so im taking the day off and making it a 3-day weekend. Im going to do some baking and cooking for a family event tomorrow and probably do laundry and other household chores to get them out of the way. Being in the kitchen usually cheers me up. It’s a pretty nice day, maybe I’ll go for a walk. Gotta find something to get me out of this mood.
Hope everyone is having a great day :purple_heart:


197 days sober
Today was one of those days where my past caught up to me. I can’t even pin point what happened. One moment I was fine and in a great mood even then I wasn’t. Sometimes it’s a certain scent or a sound that I hear that sends me barreling back into a memory I rather not revisit. Sometimes I can see what triggered me but today was one of those mysterious times when I just don’t know what brought it on. But whatever it was hit me hard. I hate feeling this way but honestly I’m doing okay. I felt bad and called my friend. She came and put my dog in my lap. Gave me hot tea, put on my favorite music and made herself busy in my kitchen baking. Later she told me that she thought the nice baking smells would helo. I’ve never gotten out of a place like that so quickly before. I still felt bad after but it didn’t linger with me throughout the day how it usually does. I needed help and called a friend. She helped me by caring for me in a way I needed. And I’m thankful for that. Who needs alcohol when you can cope in other ways and have such good friends?


26 AF
7 without weed

Today has been so far the best day of this week. I’m still messed up after my weed relapse (two weeks of non-stop smoking), but I can see the famous light in the end of this friggin’ tunnel. I got this, I know I can be sober for a long time (my record is 5 years). This week I’ve been walking and running a lot. I bought a new GPS watch to help me in my training. Now I’m listening to music and reading TS, taking it easy. In the end, life is good.


Day 338. Got some blood work in may or june and my therapist said she was worried bc my liver enzymes were elevated. Was supposed to make doc appointment and well they were so far out that I just kinda put it off. I just had more blood work done, and thought maybe with the decrease in medicine in might help my levels get back to normal. But apparently that wasnt the case because now they are even higher than the last time. So idk i definitely need to make a doctors appointment and get it figured out.


Checking in day 13. Almost at that 2 week mark. Feeling a lot better than last week. Going to my first meeting tomorrow, feeling a bit anxious but I know it’s a needed step in my recovery. Lots of thoughts about drinking (not wanting to drink) and the future but I know I don’t need to think about that right now. ODAAT & today I’m not drinking. Looking forward to a wholesome sober weekend & wishing the same for everyone here :heartbeat:


Wow! That looks so cool!! Great job! :heart_eyes: