Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

I hope your little man feels better soon! :pensive:


Thank u so much! I sent off a sample to the lab this morning to see what he has and if he will end up needing antibiotics. Tylenol has been helping tho for now :slight_smile:


Iā€™m really sorry to hear. The event sounds wonderful. :jack_o_lantern::sparkling_heart:


:people_hugging: Laner, your words really made sense to me. When I get triggered I basically implode for a bit. So happy to hear that you have a friend that will come and care for you when you need it most :heart:


If anyone needs some Halloween, I will gladly swap places with them. Almost two weeks to go and I have already spent all my Halloween energy reserves! :ghost::jack_o_lantern: Block parties and hay bale rides in the village this weekend and next, hordes of tourists and traffic is gridlockedā€¦ #bahhumbug


Day 250
Saturday morning sleep in. Well itā€™s 7.55am so thatā€™s a sleep in for me. Pretty soggy morning with lots of rain and storms the past 24hrs. Hoping to head out to a local market this morning if it dries up. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.


Second check in of the day.
I went to my woodworking class this afternoon and the workshop guy suggested I try to make a spurtle according to a design they have, using the lathe. It was quite challenging working to a pattern but I ended up making a pretty good job of it.
When I got home, I walked in to the kitchen to see both kids sitting at the table drawing each other. It was such a heartwarming sight! Then they were proudly showing me their work at the same time as seeing mine. It was a priceless moment, for sure.


Ah, just turn into this guy


and youā€™ll be on your merry way to fall in love with Halloween. Be a big kid.

But also yeah, sounds exhauting, i wouldnā€™t want to be you. Take good care, rest too.


Great numbers!


Back home after attending a leaving do for one of the Gents at work a very likable fella and a lot of old & new faces turned up. A great little shindig. I had 2 Zero Guinness. I didnā€™t particularly enjoy them nor did I really want to spend a lot of time in the pub but I was glad I went to meet the faces there.
Iā€™m racking up the occasions where in the past I would have been a mess, probably for a few days & Iā€™m not fearful or concerned that Iā€™ll slip up. Iā€™m getting comfortable in it now and enjoy flexing my sober muscles. People donā€™t really know me as the drunk guy so much these days. My wife can trust that Iā€™ll go somewhere and not roll home in a state or continue the ā€œpartyā€ for a few days.
Iā€™m in an interesting phase of my live Iā€™ve had a couple of good runs of sobriety some up over 200 days. Current streak is 85 days. Iā€™m sure I can hold firm for the goal I set for myself which is 365. Mabye then Iā€™ll recommit or reassess where Iā€™m at in life. Iā€™ll not worry about that for a while but I have learned over the last few months that everything will be just fine without drinking at these kind of things.
We live to fight another day :pray:


I remember this feeling so well. Iā€™m not a veteran but Iā€™ve been in that place a few times and got some good time under my belt over the years. It can be pretty dark at times but you just have to though it out. You may hate yourself a bit, have a lot of regrets or be thinking youā€™ll have all these massive changes in your life that will be difficult to get used to. But after a while it comes at you quite softly in a way. Tough now, but things definitely soften I promise you. I used the little saying ā€œthis too will passā€ when I was low, and it did!
I was an absolute beast at Xmas and I bet you youā€™ve thought about how that will go when youā€™re dry. I can tell you here and now waking up on like the 29th dec sober, fresh and fulfilled is something next level. Itā€™s a thing you have to experience.


day 0. I relapsed, I gave in. But this time I did something different, I attended to a Zoom meeting and I participate. And that gave me a little bit of hope


I know relapse is hard and for me this is my 3rd day.
Next time when you crave just remember what last relapses gifted you.
We all here to support


234 day check in. Rough relationship struggles last night. Today always a NEW DAY. This morning dropped Yunna off at first Doggie Day Care. We have a Hawaiian 3 week vacation scheduled for November/December and want her to be comfortable with boarding. I think I was more anxious than she was. They said she did great when I picked her up.
It is harvest time for walnuts and lots going on. Took my car for tire balance and now at the oil changer for our Business Truck. Iā€™m tired and hungry. I do feel being so busy eliminates any contact with Hubby to start or continue any fight we were having. Again he I am sure thinks nothing more about the UGLY when I replay all the awful words over and over in my head.

I do love getting caught up here with everyoneā€™s goings on. Please know I care about each and every one of you.

My sober journey is going so well. My new healthy lifestyle with gym, exercise and healthy eating is outstanding. Personally I am so very proud of ME!

Would be so more uplifting if the most important person other than me could muster out. Good for you I am proud of your hard work! So I must be satisfied with self confidence and know I am doing the right thing with the help of my higher power!

Edit early evening. ALL IS CALM ALL IS BRIGHT!


Just checking in for the night. I managed to tire myself out early so I had no motivation to leave the house. :joy: another night sober and another night down. Im a bit too tired tho to come up with a plan for tomorrow , so maybe thats a thought for me to mull over during my morning coffee.


Today I am grateful for:

  • another day sober by the grace of God and this program of action.

  • for step work w/sponsor.

  • that Iā€™m getting near the end of having to comply with weekly drug tests.

  • that my kids are spending night with me tonightā€¦and watching American football with them tomorrow.

  • for coffee which I seem to be drinking copious amonts of.

  • for hope and that lovely warm feeling of knowing its comfort once again.


Some lovely fog on day 120


What do you do with the walnuts? Feed the squirrels?


Iā€™m very happy to be back. Day 2274 no alcohol. I guess I passed the 2000 day mark, and didnā€™t notice. I celebrated this summer, i cant remember if it was a cake or pie, or both? A pear upside down cake i think. I would say Iā€™m further from recovery work, I didnā€™t think much of recovery, nor of drinking. The winter after I left was harsh, i was completely numb. Alcohol is not part of my life, and I feel nothing towards it also. Iā€™m not completely sober though, and Iā€™m always a risk, and Iā€™ve faced this. I want to work and re-engage with recovery, the thinking, the connecting to more feelings, building discipline, getting support too. I need it :purple_heart:

Thanks for welcoming me back and I go when i need to, and come back, and its nice to be able to come back always.


@dolse71 OOH that is a long time to wait but definitely something to look forward to! Iā€™m sure it will be a hell of a concert! Enjoy your 10 day staycation or whatever you decide to do.
@mrfantastik Big hugs to your little girl. What a brave girl and Iā€™m sorry that she is having to be so brave and strong. Hope all goes well and she heals / recovers from whatever is ailing her :pray: :heart:
@soberwalker 2222 WHOOP WHOOP! Girl that is an awesome number! Hope it was a lucky day for you! Keep kicking ass each day and stacking up these days :muscle:
@deelzebub Those moments when you feel off and just canā€™t place what is causing it can be disturbing as you donā€™t know how to fix it. I am glad to hear that you are starting to feel better and those paintings / woodworking project were beautiful. You are doing great with 500+ days my friend. Remember that you are not alone! Hope this feeling passes soon.
@thumper1213 Yeah day 5! Hope that work went well for you today. One moment at a time :muscle:
@juli1 That mind is so deceiving and conniving at times. Glad no cravings are hitting ā€“ keep strong friend ā€“ these suggestions are all lies. :hugs: No need to repeat the early days of torture
@chevy55 UGH those thoughts are so damning! Glad you play the tape forward and continue to protect your sobriety. The holiday season with its cold and grey days does make it hard and increase the mind taunts. You made it through the summer and all the get togethers! I know you can push past these temptations and keep stacking up the days! :muscle:

Iā€™m loving the attitude and determination! Hell yeah you are already on day 2! Keep that momentum going and remember to lean in on us if you feel wobbly.
@butterflymoonwoman sending healing vibes your way ā€“ need him to feel better and have a good time with is Halloween fun tomorrow :crossed_fingers: :pray:
@mindofsobermike Doctors appointments are ridiculous to get these days. Make that appointment and ask them to put you on a cancellation wait list so that you may be able to get in sooner. Many people cancel especially during the upcoming months. Hope you are able to get to the bottom of this and decrease the numbers

Work on that day 1 friend. Glad you are trying something different and grateful to hear that it helped. Hope is so important. Get back on that track and keep facing forward!
@dujavae Another day / night is an amazing accomplishment! Whatever the plan, remember that we are always available if you need extra support. Be prepared with your drink of choice in hand (water, lemonade, seltzer water etc)ā€¦ this helps reduce the temptation and keep others from asking you if you want something. ODAAT


2000 club eh? That is brilliant! Never too late to celebrate with your peers :tada: :tada: :clap: Sounds like you had a wonderful way of celebrating - Pear upside down cake? Never heard of it but now I want some :laughing:

I do love this place because no matter how long you have been away the community is always here and always ready to support / love and care! Being among fellow addicts is a beautiful thing. We get each other in a way no one else can.

Glad to see you back and working on your recovery. It is so true that the one thing you donā€™t think you have a problem with anymore can be what you are drawn to if you let go of your recovery tasks. We really do need to be vigilant each and every day.

:people_hugging: You got it love!