Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Checking in on Friday evening
667 days free of alcohol and weed
1082 days free of cigarettes

Started off as a rough day as I had food poisoning last night and didn’t get much rest. Grateful taht I managed to get work and tasks completed today with the help of fresh air and coffee.
I was hoping to maintain enough energy to go and check out the haunted asylum tonight but luckily my brother came home exhausted and I was relieved as I am super tired myself.
Otherwise same ol same ol – gonna get some rest soon :sleeping:

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Walnuts new harvest are being bagged and sold to customers mostly human consumption. Last harvest started selling the older walnuts as squirrel. Bird and pig food. Actually have some repeat customers. Covering harvest cost is main goal. Only have 4 acres 49 year old trees.


Oh jeeze… food poisoning is AWFUL! Glad that u were able to still get things done while not feeling the greatest under so little rest. Ur super woman!! Hopw u get alot more rest tonight :slight_smile:


Day 978
Today was basically a relaxing day, trying to get better. I have a slight sore throat still and my son is quite sick with a fever etc. I took a sample into the lab so that they can determine what bug he has and how to treat it with what kind of antibiotics. Just have to wait a few days for results. I then went to superstore for a few things, including more liquid Tylenol. Came home and my hubby and I decided our son could use some cheering up and so we let him open the 4 box gift that I had wrapped. He had a ball unwrapping box after box after box until he reached his gift. We got him the new astrobot game and he spent some time playing that. Hoping he feels a bit better tmrw so that we can attend the trick or treating event. Other than that i just spent my day caring for my son. I havent had much time for me yet but will do some self care afterwards. Hope everyone enjoys their clean and sober Friday night!


Thanks my friend :two_hearts:. I am ready for lights out but at that stage where I’m so tired that I can’t sleep lol… hopefully I will be out soon and sleep through the night. Stomach and throat don’t feel so hot but much better than last night.
Hope you two start feeling better soon :pray:t4:. Love that he had such a blast opening up the boxs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:… Glad he’s enjoying his game. Sending love and hugs. Have a wonderful evening :hugs::heavy_heart_exclamation:



Pretty boring day. Just slow and uneventful. I’m enjoying the cooler weather but it’s making me feel hibernatey. I think I’m just trying to make up for all the rest I didn’t get over the summer. Idk. After tomorrow I have 3 days off so I better kick myself into gear and get moving around here. There’s alot to be done. But now it’s almost bedtime, so enjoy your weekend everyone :blush:


Goood night. Sleep tight :crescent_moon:


Day 1098 AF

Sup, gang.

Deleted my post about my dream last night. Idk. I thought it might trigger some folks, so I took it down. Didn’t get much sleep last night. The dreams didn’t stop and kept waking up. Felt like a zombie this morning. Called out sick. Gotta start using my 200 hrs of PTO. Anyway, I didn’t do much. We dropped off the kids at school and chilled with the wifey at the pad. It’s 5 dolla fried chicken at my local grocery store. You know I had to get it. Stayed busy with my little man. Watch a couple of episodes of Loudermilk. Gonna exercise and then pass out.

I hope everyone’s doing well. ODAAT :heart:. Take care. Buenos nachos.

@SoberWalker, congratulations on quadruple 2s!
@mxelle Welcome back. Congrats on 2k plus!
@JazzyS Damn. Food poisoning sucks. Had it once. Didn’t stop me from drinking, tho. Smh. Messed up my insides. Stay hydrated.
@Butterflymoonwoman hope all is well with your boy.


Day 263

Sober and in a better state of mind.
Joyned my old resident pool yesterday in the evening. Found someone with a similar pace to push each other :ok_hand:t2:

Worked on my mindset.
Sometimes it’s real work if we want change.

Enjoy your weekend!
Mucho :heart:


Checking in on day 29, think I missed my own check in yesterday, although was here a lot.

I am lucky that food aversions mean I have no cravings so no danger day to day of me drinking. I want to make sure I work hard during the remaining 7ish months though, to make sure I don’t relapse as soon as baby is born and the physical barrier is removed.

@Butterflymoonwoman I really hope your son picks up and can go to the event.

@JazzyS Feel better soon, take it easy.


Hey peoples,

Day 203 AF here. :upside_down_face:

Been a while since I’ve been here so I’ll just say that I’ve been doing good.

Currently quitting smoking for good. It’s been jumping around between not smoking for some days and smoking at work.

Which is so annoying that I might as well make a strategy for staying sober on that front as well. :sweat: :slight_smile:

Record since I’ve started as been 9 days. I know, that I’ll have to take it one day at a time there as well. Guess I’m just not good with addictive substances. Who would’ve thought. :melting_face:

Anyways, what happened with you all?

Take care and godspeed :smiley:


Hope you feel better soon @JazzyS , a good rest can do wonders! :pray:

*Day 2223 :walking_woman:
The saga continous :sweat_smile: Have a overstretched ore overworked muscle in my back. So now I’m even more crippled :thinking: Slept very bad and have to work today. 2 weeks of plaster to go so halfway there. Counting down from this day.
Happy that I can vent here. I feel like a whining child about it, but here I can because you do not know me in real life beside a few.

This picture I made a few days ago from my garden view. There was a Kingfisher just in front of my house at our little jetty (?).
If I can’t go to nature, nature comes to me :sunglasses:
Today? Work.
Have a good day ore night all and welcome back @mxelle :raising_hand_woman:


Day 483… i missed checking in yesterday. Work was just back to back meetings… tired today. I will go for a dog walk and then maybe read qnd listen to music

Have a peaceful day folks



Had a nice hike following a good therapy session. Hiked in an area I never was before. Not that much different from what I know and a little bit too much tarmac roads instead of going through the fields. Still for me it works well after talking difficult stuff. Meditative.

I want to bike to the dairy farm and get some cheese today but it’s raining. I might have to skip it. Will wait and see for a couple of hours. My body’s a bit tired and aching here and there so maybe it’s for the better. One day at a time.

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come from it. Love from yesterday’s hike.


My town is transformed into a big fair and party tents, it’s the “Octoberfesten”. Will be going out tonight with a group of people who generally don’t drink that much. But I’ll see. Last time I went was about 3 years ago, I left in 30 min :grimacing:. Have a good sober 24 hours, might send some overview pic of the fair tonight. :pray:


Hi, there, day one for me again. I plan to watch ā movie, read disscusions here and drink a lot of water. I need to remember that I have to do it for me, not for my kids, parents, hubby.


Day 644.

And my great British adventure continues. Last night I arrived to my Travelodge to find that I idiotically booked it for last month. Same day, wrong month. Having to find a room for the night on the spot and fuck my entire budget was fun. Well… it’s a travel story. A very expensive travel story, but a story nonetheless.

Last night, the drunk/high people in the hotel kept waking us up. There were a few instances of people mistakenly trying our door and getting frustrated that their card didn’t work. Oh, and a lady was puking in her purse at 8 pm in front the hotel. God, I don’t miss that insanity.

Now I’m drinking shitty instant coffee (I miss my at-home machine) and eating sugary fudge for breakfast. Here’s to another sober day!


322 days
Finished work this morning and headed to the gym. Got a good workout in. Wife and kids met me there for their training too, kids had a class but the wife just did some weights.
Out for lunch then a cruisey afternoon before the wife left for her nightshift.


Hey everybody, checking in I have 7 years clean from meth, 5 years sober from alcohol and now I have 14 hours without my medical marijuana. I’ve had my card for a couple of years. I thought it was all under control but yea, it was just a crutch for me. I find myself in the same behaviors from before…stressing about whether I can afford it, stressing about my allowance. Detox hasn’t really started yet. I’m a little bit anxious this morning but I know I’ll be ok and I just have to keep telling myself that.


A beautiful day 288,

Seems we will get a last kick at summer this week with temps in high teens to low 20’sC… but it’s been below zero at night so winter is coming. I think summer is holding on just to force me to do more mows, lol. My grass just won’t stop growing!!
Cleaned up and mowed 3 clients yards, so about 4 acres. I told them all if they don’t need a mow next weekend I’ll be prepping machines for winter so no more mows… I’ll see how I do on that.

The drinking thing keeps popping in my head, not so much a desire, more of a why not… fortunately I am able to quell the why not easy enough, just weird it pops in so frequently lately.
I don’t have a desire to drink at all so not sure. Perhaps it’s because I took a week off work (main job) and I had a few more moments of down time and or no obligation to be up at 4am, even though I still wake then. Dunno, but as long as I have the thoughts I’ll ensure I check in here and read more of people’s stories.

Wishing you all a good and sober day.
Ps here are a shot of wife’s greenhouse all set up. She is definitely spending a fair bit of time out there enjoying herself.

And this mornings coffee shot from office. Chilly :cold_face: