Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Day 2 after 39 days of sobriety. Emptied two bottles of vodka and a couple of beer-packs. The withdrawal isn’t so bad but i have a big lack of energy and empty feeling. Emptiness is the worst. Today i have read a few pages of a book and walked with my dog. I’m scared of the long dark winter that we have here in Lapland mainly because i’m unemployed. I cannot just read and walk with my dog the whole winter. Before the winters weren’t an issue for me. Next spring i am hopefully be working.


@jennyh Thank you. About to hit 1 month. You still have a ways to go with the pregnancy and hopefully will find other habits and rituals to help destress. We will be right by your side. Keep positive that you will continue on this path :pray: :hugs:
@JonasE Great to see you checking in! Congrats on your 200+ days! Sending you strength as you tackle smoking. I know its not easy but believe me it is so worth it. I absolutely love waking up without coughing and stale smell of cigarettes. ODAAT! 9 days is amazing work :muscle:
@SoberWalker Thanks Claudia! YIKES! Your back? I am hoping that the muscle eases up on you. Wishing you well with having to work through it. Of course you can vent here! You are not a whining child! Your body is going through some rough moments and of course that takes adjusting to. Hopefully you will be back to yourself and walking in a few weeks. :hugs:
@Rob11 Congrats on your 1400 days! :tada: :tada:
@love Be proud that you got back here and are working on day 1! It is not an easy journey by any means but with planning and support you can keep stacking up the days and pushing past the urges / triggers. Hope you have a wonderful time watching movies (what will you be watching?). A great plan for today and the best is that you are doing this for YOU. I too realized that it didn’t stick until I did this for me. :hugs: :pray:
@Jette welcome back! Impressive work on 7 years meth clean and 5 years alcohol free! 14 hours no weed is a great start too! You have the tools :muscle: Keep working your recovery and be prepared for when the urges do begin. You do have support here so lean on us when the detox starts. ODAAT!
@Chevy55 WOW that looks awesome. Of course she is spending time in that lovely space! Well done! LOL - mother nature really is being funny. Even I am wondering when the grass will stop growing for the season. My reasons are more for wanting to put up my graveyard scene for Halloween LOL. In the past I would put up and take down when I needed to mow and then put up again but now I’m in a condo community and not ever sure of their schedules. A lovely view as always - hope you enjoy your morning coffee!
@finn Congrats on dumping out that poison and 2+ days! The energy does take some time to reset as right now all the energy is being used to detox and heal. Are you able to join groups or partake in hobbies that would be suitable for winter? This may help with the winter blues? The cold dark days are hard regardless but do make it depressing when we are trying to recover. Find ways to fill that time with activities you enjoy or projects that you would like to tackle. Sending love and strength. :hugs: :heart:

Checking in on Saturday morning
Not a great night of sleep as my tummy is still not great. I am up and going to attack some accounting and cleaning while I have the energy. Not much else to report - hoping friends do stop by for a game night tonight and hope I will be up for the company.
Right now - enjoying a lovely hot cup of coffee and catching up with you lovely friends. Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


@Seb Congrats to 250!


Day 3

There was a thundershower this evening. I had tea and a banana, then took a short walk around my house.

I’m still finding it difficult to spend long hours in front of my PC to learn and finish the course I started earlier. After my last relapse, I’m recovering slowly, but I’m confident I’ll be able to dedicate more time in the coming days as my mental clarity improves.

I’ve been drinking 3.5 to 4 liters of water daily and having small snacks throughout the day. I also attended an AA online meeting. Now, it’s time for a bath and prayer.

I hope you’re all doing well.


Welcome back Jette. Congrats on all your sober and clean times. Indeed detoxing from marijuana is not that different from detoxing from other substances, it just comes with its own particularities. Indeed you will be OK. Do you have a support system? In my experience that’s the most important. I needed and still need my peers to keep me focused, to help and be helped by, to share with, to learn from. I find most of that right here. I’m glad you’re here with us friend. Strength in numbers. Wishing you all success.


Checking in on day 6.Hope everyone has a good day.


Happy Saturday!

Great (but cold) walk this morning in one of our local forest preserves. Grateful to be sober, hangover and skakes free, clear minded, and happy.

Everyone MAKE it an awesome day!!!


Hey all, checking in on day 1588. I hope everybody has a good one!


Hey last few day have been nice in sone ways. My modes are up and down but my emotions are ok. No crying :cry: fishing therapy has been great. Dr called yesterday and said i can get another referral so i can get a second option so im happy with that. There is still hope i feel. At leat to feel normal again . I started to make a list of things. I would like someone to have in my head if or even may someone special ever come in my life again. But as i have thoughts of meet anyone i lol and ask myself where i dont go or do anything anymore. I dont have much to offer and my age is not in favor of finding the real deal . So my plan is too get debt free feeling better back to the gym. And replace my beautiful truck i had to give back that my ex got in her name. Who knows i dont for sure but i do know im clean from hard drugs. Life continues no matter what other people’s do or don’t do. Yes it would have been great to fight throu ever thing the past year with a person that was solid. And supportive but as time goes bye i think i was supposed to go throw these days alone :pensive: it sucks but i feel there just might be a wonderful world out there for me to make for myself. Well hopefully the pieces will start falling in the right places soon (odaat) keep your heads up and have a great day


Day 339. Cooked a nice beef stew last night. Went for a good ride. At work feeling blah but grateful, much love


@JennyH thank you :blush: and wow, what an emotional rollercoaster you’ve been on :people_hugging: here’s to a continued healthy pregnancy 🩵
@Alisa thank you :blush:
@Tragicfarinelli thank you :blush: belated happy birthday to your kittens :smiley_cat::smiley_cat: :balloon: :balloon::partying_face::partying_face: I’m sorry about all the noise and intrusion, I hope they get done what needs doing asap :crossed_fingers:t2: congrats on your week+ off the vapes :tada: and yay for plastering! :raised_hands:t2:
@Timbuk I have been Googling it since and can’t find any viable evidence, quite the opposite. Cats are awesome :smiley_cat:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: food poisoning is rough :people_hugging: feel better soon 🩵
@Deelzebub congrats on 500+ days :tada: sending strength 🩵
@Misokatsu feel better soon 🩵
@Bomdhil thank you :blush: and welcome back :people_hugging:
@Dan.h84 congrats on 90+ days :tada:
@GOKU2019 belated congrats on 3 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2:


@Love welcome to the checking-in thread :blush: keep trying :people_hugging:
@mxelle welcome back :blush:🩵 congrats on 2K+ days :tada::trophy::star2:
@SadMemeQueen good luck with the new doctors :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@wahtisnormal congrats on 6+ months :tada: sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@Dolse71 enjoy your time off :blush:
@Alycia yay for new friends :grinning: enjoy Bali -that’s a dream destination for me!
@SoberWalker congrats on all the 2s :tada: love that you had a visit from a Kingfisher :grinning: I hope your back feels better asap 🩵
@Frank68 congrats on double digits for no caffeine :tada:
@sarath_unrelax welcome back :people_hugging:
@Butterflymoonwoman hoping your son feels better and you all can enjoy your Halloween :jack_o_lantern: 🩵


@Shel75 sending strength :people_hugging:🩵
@Laner well done for reaching out to your friend, I’m grateful she was able to be there for you 🩵
@MrMoustache congrats on your week of no weed :tada:
@Seb congrats on 250 days :tada:
@Mindofsobermike yep, schedule that appointment :people_hugging:
@JonasE congrats on 200+ days :tada: good luck with the smoking quit :no_smoking::crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Rob11 congrats on 1400 days :tada: enjoy the fair :grinning:
@Amy30 wow, some good reminders to stay sober, sorry you had to witness it all and spend out of budget :pensive:
@Jette welcome back, congrats on 7 years clean from Meth, and 5 years AF. :tada::tada: Wishing you well with your Marijuana quit :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Finn welcome back :people_hugging:

1530 days no alcohol.
995 days no cocaine.
25 days no binge-eating.
9 days no vape.

Wednesday, the walk was nice, fed the water birds, they seemed grateful.

Thursday was the ordeal of capturing the cats to take them to the groomers. Prince only has his nails trimmed, so I wait for him, then I was supposed to collect Wolfie after 2hrs at 12pm because he was supposed to be having his regular groom, followed by his first ever wet bath. I received a msg at 11am saying ‘the bath was a no-no’, I knew he wouldn’t tolerate it because he hates it even if a tiny drop lands on him, but it was worth a try because he has developed really bad dandruff. We were all home together by midday but Prince was hiding under the sofa for 2.5hrs. Wolfie kept looking for him. I was really hoping that Prince wasn’t going to be nasty to Wolfie like he has been the other times, because she said she purposely didn’t use any perfumed products on him, but unfortunately Prince still thinks I’ve bought a new cat home. He keeps hissing when they are face to face, and he’s on a hunger strike.

Yesterday was Friday therapy. I had seat reservations for the trains again. It was another table seat on the way there, and it was also a window seat, so I felt like I was crushing myself to be as small as possible. The man in the seat next to me kept tutting and sighing, so loudly that it was audible over my music and noise cancelling headphones. So it was a relief to get off. Therapy felt like I was only in there for 5mins. We have a session next week, then there will be two weeks between that and our next session. The journey home was much better, no table, and nobody in the seat next to me.

Now that I’ve caught-up here, my task for today is to tidy and clean the kitchen. I have recycling everywhere!

Wishing you all wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Day 979
Its an absolutely beautiful fall day here today. Perfect for the Halloween event that we will be going to this afternoon. My son seems to be feeling a bit better, at least well enough to go today, which Im thankful for bcuz he has been looking forward to this for weeks. I have laundry and dishes to tend to today, so that is also on my agenda. Then will need to get ready for work tmrw. All n all today is going to be a great clean and sober day! Hope u all have a great day also!


Yesterday I went to a work party and it was open bar with a waiter taking drink orders. That’s the most drinking I’ve been around in a long time. I didn’t stay very long. Today my 16 year old son is getting a CT scan of his leg. He was born with club feet and has already had 4 surgeries for it. He will probably need another surgery although I know he doesn’t want to go through it again. We aren’t talking about that yet today, just getting the scan so the doctor can go over it.

Still on my main med for depression although I don’t talk about it much here. I’ve gone off a second supplemental one that I started during Covid so we’ll see how that goes. I usually have dips when I try to go off it, I’ve tried a couple of times before. I still see my therapist one time per month which seems really good for maintenance and we do EMDR to get rid of old thinking.

Have a great day today and let’s make it a sober one!


Hi, thanks for supporting:) Wathching “Once Upon a time”, Disney. Love fairy tales:)


Been awhile since I checked in. The shop has slowed down some which it normally does this time of year. Mood has been in the toilet lately and motivation has been low. Seems what use to matter really doesn’t other than work. Not sure what up but it will pass. Hope you all have a good weekend :v:


Thank you my friend.

I wish you to feel better and get a good “game” night in for some enjoyment.

Have a wonderful weekend :heart:


Welcome back!


332 sugar
196 UPF
70 gluten
70 dairy
6 distraction-free eating

On vacation.
12km hike, good food, a nap. Life is good.
Will travel back home tomorrow.

Peace and love for life alwys :lotus: