Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

333 sugar
197 UPF
71 gluten
71 dairy
7 distraction-free eating

On the road back home today. 10h drive approximately.

Peace and love for life always :lotus:


Hey all! I canā€™t believe its been more than a year since i last checked in! Sorry :upside_down_face:

Still doing the dang thing. 7.5 years into my journey and feeling even better than ever. I dont know who else to share this milestone with, so i decided to pop in here.

I wrecked my car 18.5 years ago. The night i got my driving while intoxicated ticket. I never got seen by doctors afterwards and ignored the pain i lived in every day, because drinking was nore important to me than anything else.

6 years ago when I moved, I started doing yoga at a local studio. About a year into a regular practice, I had a loud pop in my back and about 40% of my pain disappeared. I have gradually continued to heal all of these years. Chiropractic, massage, yoga had me feeling pretty good. Basically everyone ive seen over these years agreed that i had un treated whiplash.

Last year i decided to give acupuncture a try and he solved almost all of the rest of my pain! Completely changed my life. I still get emotional about it. I was so excited that after 2 months basically pain free, i started working in the hair industry again. Every day i worked was terribly painful, but every other day was fine, so i struggled through it.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago when i had a meeting with a personal trainer. I had decided that was the last step in curing my pain. Wednesday was my first session with him, and I finished my work week pain free. PAIN FREE! 18.5 years after my car accident, i am finally pain free. One of the final huge reminders of the mistakes i made every single day has finally released me from its grasp.

If i was still drinking, none of this would have happened. I probably would have gotten at least one more DUI. If i was still drinking I would be dead, Or still sitting on a bar stool in iowa. Not every win is a win we would relate to our addiction, but most of the situations i got myself in were completely because of my addiction. Every single day i heal and continue to become the best version of myself.

Continue on your journey. You dont know where it will take you, or how it may transform you.


@Steve14 Good to see you checking in :blush: Iā€™ve been in a similar funk for a week or so. Didnā€™t feel like doing anything outside of work besides hibernate. It seems to have ended today. Iā€™ve experienced many lulls during my sobriety where I justā€¦exist, but if I wait it out, things eventually turn around. Keep going :muscle: Even if it doesnā€™t feel like youā€™re moving.

Thatā€™s a good question, and one Iā€™ve pondered lately :thinking: Every situation is different, and I think it ultimately has to be your own decision. Iā€™ve been single 3 years now, after a relationship I wouldnā€™t wish on anyone(except maybe the ex :smiling_imp:), and closing in on 2 years sober. Iā€™ve only just begun to contemplate this question, but when I think about what I miss from being in a relationship, I realize itā€™s not connection. Itā€™s things like having duel income, or someone bigger than me around when things go bump in the night(or a jar wonā€™t open :sweat_smile:), or someone to share chores with(mostly shoveling :laughing:). Maybe itā€™s bc Iā€™ve never been in a healthy relationship, idk :woman_shrugging: Regardless, I donā€™t feel lonely. I feel like Iā€™m still getting to know myself and moving towards the person Iā€™m meant to be. Adding a completely new person to the mix could put me over capacity. Try thinking over each aspect of yourself and you mind find the answer youā€™re looking for :pray:
@Seb Ignorance is bliss. I completely understand wanting to research your condition, but it can cause downward spirals(especially when the internetā€™s involved) Sending you positive, optimistic, peaceful vibes, my friend :peace_symbol:šŸ©µ:people_hugging:
@Sober_Ninja Great to hear from you :smiley: What amazing progress youā€™ve made! Awesome job getting :poop: done :tada:


Whatā€™s the quickest way to motivate yourself into cleaning? Expecting a friend over, of course! :joy: I usually donā€™t care how my house looks to guests, but this friendā€™s house looks like a page straight from a home goods catalog and she still apologizes for ā€˜the messā€™! Thereā€™s so many messier/dirtier homes than mine, but mine feels like a dump compared to hers. Iā€™m grateful I feel that tho, bc I cleaned the crap out of my apartment today! Whoo! :rofl: Hoping it continues into my 3 days off :pray: Have a super sober Sunday!!! :heart:


Love it! Looks super fun, I hope your son had a great day! :heartbeat:


Such an uplifting post. So glad you are now pain free, thatā€™s amazing after such a long time! And as you say not having the reminder and pain of your mistake gnawing away at you everyday must be so freeing. Itā€™s been so long, youā€™re doing so well with your sobriety, you deserve to be able finally leave the pain of the past in the past. I hope pain free days continue for youšŸ™šŸ»


Day 1099 AF

Busy day for me. Went to my nephewā€™s bday party after work. Caught up with the family. Stayed busy watching the little man in the jumper. Got home and watched a movie with the kiddos. Ready for bed. Iā€™m hoping to wake up early and go for a walk.

I hope everyoneā€™s doing well. Stay strong, gang! ODAAT :heart: take care.

Luv yā€™all.


264 days AF

Mixed feelings.
Thinking about putting money in another online course.

Strong need for 100% autonomy.


Love you guys :heart:


323 days
Good day with the kids. Swimming lessons, followed by grocery shopping. Then just chilled.
Wifes on nightshift again before shes off work for 5days, right when i go back on duty.
Hoping to get to the gym tomorrow morning after I get the kids off to school



Iā€™m glad I did bike to my favourite grower/grocery yesterday. Such a nice ride though the autumny town. The place is getting quieter again, the big summer crowd is gone, which makes shopping there so much better. Thereā€™s time for some small talk with other customers and people working there, which is also important for me, makes me feel less isolated here.

At 4 am I was woken up by a smoke alarm going off with one of the neighbours. Took me a minute to realize this might actually be a problem instead of just a nuisance. I was dressed and ready to check it out when it stopped, and nothing detectable was going on in the stairwell.

Took me a while to get back to sleep. Negative dreams after, failing at my job and at school. Not feeling totally rested now. But will take it easy, itā€™s a grey damp day anyway, I have some useful stuff to do, some good food to eat, and be back at work tomorrow. Have as good a day as you can all. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come from it. Love from my favourite tree in town.

@Sober_Ninja Thanks for checking in friend, and for sharing such a great story of recovery! Hugs.


Thinking about you and your good health, @Seb Iā€™m glad that you are posting about it.
Soon you will see the surgeon and will see what he/she has to say.
Iā€™m really sorry that youā€™re having to go through this. Lots of uncertainty and normal to have anxiety and fear.

You and your wellbeing are thought about.
Glad that you had the symptoms to end up finding out that you had it.

Hereā€™s a candle burning for you.

Big hugs. :people_hugging: :people_hugging: :people_hugging:



Thank you immensely for the beautiful words and thoughts Alisa.


@CATMANCAM I hope your cats settled again. And that they get along well. Ours now gets her medication in the morning and the evening. That means a treat at 6.30 am - it is fascinating how quickly something is becoming routine and adamantly requested.

Yesterday evening we visited a friend and had dinner. Last time he and I shared two bottles of wine and 6 large beers. My wife does not drink at all. This time I wrote him that I will bring some nonalcoholic beer, because I donā€™t want to drink. Turns out he drinks much less than I thought and often has guests with no drinking at all. These experiences are sort of mind blowing for me, what also is sort of ridiculous :blush:

Have a great Sunday!


@Steve14 sending strength šŸ©µ
@acromouse safe travels home :red_car: congrats on all the 3s for no sugar :tada:
@Rookie @Pamela congrats both on 2 weeks :tada:
@Dujavae congrats on your week :tada:
@Sober_Ninja congrats on 7.5 years AF :tada: and after all this time, finally being free from pain :raised_hands:t2:
@Mno that is a cool tree :star_struck:
@Timbuk thanks, itā€™s getting a little more harmonious, and Prince has eaten today which is a relief :raised_hands:t2::smiley_cat:

1531 days no alcohol.
996 days no cocaine.
26 days no binge-eating.
10 days no vape.

I managed to sort all the recycling out. I still need to take it out to the bins and clean the kitchen though, so today I plan to do that, along with unpacking the deliveries that are clogging up the hallway again, I have all the catsā€™ supplies being delivered later this afternoon too.

I hope youā€™re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Yesterday I was angry and frustrated. To blow off steam I went for a walk. My thoughts spiraled and in some point I thought maybe I should drink. I didnā€™t want to. I just wanted to numb myself. So I kept walking until I calmed down and started paying more attention to my surroundings. I walked two hours and came back home tired.

Now itā€™s sunny sunday morning and I am happy I woke up sober. Drinking would only cause more problems, not solve them. Running away wonā€™t solve them either. So Iā€™m manifesting strenght to handle whatever next week brings along.


Hey all, checking in on day 1589. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Happy Sunday!!!

Blessed to wake up to another sober, hangover free morning. Looks like itā€™s hoing to be 80 degrees today (not bad for October in Chicagoland).

MAKE it an awesome day my friends!!



Another sober weekend coming to an end. There were Nutella pancakes, a 3 hour game of Monopoly, a BBQ, some panic school trouser buying, and some cat puking. Stuff of family life.


Day 289 AF

Headed out to take son (with wife) for dinner tonight to celebrate his 21st birthday.

Where has all that time gone so fast??

My left hand has been sore and stiff lately, and today (through night) worst yet. I dunno, perhaps arthritis?? Took an ibuprofen this morning and seems less sore, but wow, itā€™s definitely a painful feel in the knuckle, hand, fingers area. Iā€™ve never dealt with pain like this that I didnā€™t understand the whyā€™s of it.
Definitely need to speak to a doc (if only I had one) to see if we can figure this out as itā€™s a PIA.

Anyway, enjoy :blush: your day all :peace_symbol:

  1. We were up and drinking coffee by six this morning. I donā€™t remember lie ins anymore and Iā€™m not mad about it. I love the early mornings these days with the cats and coffee and productivity. I completed my two job applications by 7am :rofl:. We have a couple of footie games today including the Chelsea v Spurs derby tonight. Iā€™m hoping for a fun and peaceful day, some good food and a nice sleep later. I plan to pick up my fitness regime again tomorrow as Iā€™ve given myself a week off, but focused on a clean diet instead where I can, resetting sugar and staying mindful now Iā€™m not vaping either. Upped my water intake as well, and Iā€™m overall feeling pretty good in mind and spirit. :dove:

28 AF
9 without weed

Oh man, this is one of those days again when everything is black and hopeless. I just wanna sleep and cry. Iā€™m regretting today so much of the wasted years concerning my kids that I canā€™t stand it, itā€™s too painful. Oh well, Iā€™m gonna go back to bed. I hope you all have a great day!