Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Day 980
Good morning TS! It was sure hard getting up today, but im on the way to work now. Just want to wish everyone a great addiction free day! Much love


Day 340. Had a fun ride yesterday, i was going through town and couple people at a bar stopped me again. Honestly i just gotta act like i cant hear them lol. But i stopped, they were asking me to do a speed run and stuff and i politely declined bc it was to crowded. It was a guy and girl they were mumbling about something, and the girl was like and he sells socks. The guy was like yeah and opened a bag and idk he did have some socks and was like i got w.e you need. The girl was winking at me and said it will make the kid in you happy. I finally caught on that he was definitely selling more than socks and remembered at the half way house someone saying if you ever need anything just find the guy who sells socks. I just said yeah man im good on socks atm and fist bumped and rode away. But jees louise is all i can say lol. Today im thinking of staying home after work and tearing my euc apart and cleaning it well. Will see, but much love


Way to go on working thru those emotions! Thats a HUGE win!!!


Im so sorry ur feeling so down David. Regrets about the past can really bring on depression. Even tho nothing can be changed with what happened in the past, u absolutely CAN change the narrative for the future! U are already making a difference by staying sober. Its truly amazing the gifts that sobriety brings into our lives when we stay sober :slight_smile: Sending u strength and healing for today friend


What an incredible story! Thank u for sharing and checking in :slight_smile: Im so glad that u were released from that pain after soooo long. Recovery is sooo good!


Super cool! ! Iā€™m so happy you went :heart: Youā€™re such a mommy and I love your shares around family :cherry_blossom:


Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words! ODAAT.


Awe thanks friend! My family is s HUGE part of my life, which is why I share about thrm alot lol! One of the greatest gifts that recovery gave to me, is the ability to be a great mom and wife. How have you been? Its sooo nice to see u back!


U are most welcome! I too had alot of regrets from not being the best mom i could be at times. But once i got sober, i was able to start doing things differently. The feeling of regret isnt AS strong now bcuz im changing my ways odaat. I hope that overtime, the longer u stay sober, that things will work out for u and ur children :slight_smile:


Sounds really good! My children are all almost adults but Iā€™ve missed their youth while being wasted. But of course now I can be as good a dad as I can be although I donā€™t see them very often. But staying sober is the most important thing, otherwise everything falls apartā€¦ again. I donā€™t have today any cravings towards alcohol, but weed has me in its grip. My brain keeps telling me how one spliff would make me feel better, but I know how terrible the aftermath would be, to come back to the reality. And I wanna live in the reality.

Iā€™m so impressed of your sober days, really inspiring!


@Butterflymoonwoman thanks :purple_heart:
Walking helps. I try to keep that in mind next time Iā€™m overwhelmed.


Checking sober from meth and alcohol for 9 months life is good


Letā€™s goooooo! Congrats!

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9 months clean from meth and alcohol and all Molly and uppers. Life is becoming normal again. I take micro dose mushrooms and it helps with my mental health.


Morning lol i did it again I wrote a novel erased it and now Iā€™m going to keep it simple one day at a time hope everybodyā€™s doing well


Checking in. Having an ok weekend. Went to a family get together yesterday. Everyone brought a different kind of soup and pie. Played some games and socialized. I was over it pretty quickly though. Everyone and everything is annoying me lately. I think so much into everything everyone says or does. I canā€™t seem to get out of my own way right now.
Got up early this morning and got a bunch of stuff done around the house. Itā€™s starting to warm up and itā€™s sunny today so i should get outside and get some fresh air and exercise.
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend :purple_heart:


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Checking in day 15. Chilled day today. Went for a dog walk and to the gym. Annoyingly eventhough I didnā€™t drink last night, I hardly slept, so I still feel a bit rubbish today, but nothing like a hangover and no hanganxiety or wondering what I said or did. Canā€™t wait to get a few months under my belt. Feel like Iā€™m relearning life doing everything sober. It can be anxiety provoking and a bit awkward to begin with but Iā€™m hoping after a while I will feel more confident with things as Iā€™m no longer relying on alcohol for a confidence boost. Still early days of course, but Iā€™m looking forward to embracing my new identity as someone who listens, isnā€™t over powering or intrusive, doesnā€™t say things that rub people up the wrong way or make silly decisions (all the things I did when drunk). Wishing everyone a happy sober day :heartbeat:


Great, i hope we both same way of learning course online.
Your decision is good, we spent lot of money for our addictions that made our life worse. Time to boost our skills. My field is computer programming and web development and what is yours ?

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Checking in on day
529 no alcohol
169 no form of nicotine
37 no form of pot

I feel pretty good today
Kicked works ass so far
Lastnight left a big mess for me but i have 1 more task to complete then i got all cought up on my own

In the afternoon i usually have someone to work with but the morning is most of the time just me. This morning for the first 5 hours i was alone. I have 1 more hour alone be4 i get some reinforcement

Pumped i got cought up by myslef :slight_smile: