Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

236 days sober. Personally I am doing great. Negativity surrounds me at times. I am praying and practicing ways to minimize my environment so as to not affect me. Sometimes really TOUGH. Having a lovely cup of coffee with plans of Kitchen Time. Juicing, cookies and muffins on the agenda. Weather is perfect and in love with Autumn.


Welcome back on board! :heart:


Feeling much better today since I found one stray pill of my prescription still in the bottle last night. Itā€™s supposed to be 80 degrees today. Im going to my womenā€™s meeting in the park and then meeting with my sponsee after to do stepwork. My daughter is getting her hair done (I hope) since the stylist couldnā€™t make it last weekend. Iā€™ll try to fit in a walk this morning or it probably wonā€™t get done in the afternoon/evening. It gets dark so early now. Hope you all have an awesome day today!


Sunday afternoon here and spent the morning cleaning up the yard. The fall ritual of picking up leaves. Now Iā€™m ready for Monday and itā€™s funny all week I think about the weekend and when the weekend comes I just want it to be Monday so I can get back to the work grind! Must just miss the chaos :smile: Hoping you all are having a good day!


I have been thinking the last few days on topic should i start dating. Well this is what come to my mind. How long has it been for you to heal from your last relationship? Can i give a honest effort to a new one. Idk just some of the things to look at. and then i start thinking of everything that l need to fix myself. It a hard one for me and im sure im not alone at the same time i dont go out no more. Dont like social media or dating apps either so where do you find someone or even find new friends idk u got all i do know is that it is scary being at this point of my life.


@climbin Glad you have been having some nicer days lately. It is never too late to find that person who you connect with in your life. Maybe it is wise to work on your recovery and healing yourself (mind, body and emotional health). I have seen stories of people finding true love in their 50ā€™s, 70ā€™s etc. Donā€™t give up on hope of finding that special someone. At the moment focusing on your sobriety and healing should be your top priority. ODDAT ā€“ you have a great plan to put your pieces together
@love Of course ā€“ how are you doing today? Loved Once Upon A Time! They really did a great job with the show.
@kareness Hope all goes well with your sonā€™s CT and hopefully wonā€™t need another surgery :pray: I am sorry that the reduction in meds did not work and left you feeling the same as before. Grateful that you have a solution. ODAAT!
@steve14 great to see you checking in. The motivation dips happen from time to time. I think with the change in weather and the early darkness it is a normal dip this time of year. Sending positive vibes and hoping the motivation rises soon for you! WAI!! Did we miss your 2 years? Congrats friend. You are amazing :tda: :tada: :muscle: :clap:
@chevy55 thanks Nick! Tummy still healing but I did manage to have a great game night with friends. We ended up playing video games instead of board games which I havenā€™t done in ages. Took a minute to get the hang of the controllers :laughing:
@laner Sorry for the rough day ā€“ how is today treating you? Closer to the 200 mark! Love that for you
@rob11 Where were you heading?
@lighter Dating is such a personal thing in sobriety but definitely not something you should jump into if you still feel fragile in your recovery. IMO you just started the new job and getting more daily responsibility and this may need some adjustment. Your move is not set in stone for a date so I donā€™t think you have to wait till after that to make your way back into the dating scene. Whatever you decide, we will be here to support you. You know yourself best and know what you can or canā€™t handle with the emotional rollercoaster that comes from dating. Killer armadillos? YIKES ā€“ I may need some help with those too :laughing:
@rookie Congrats on your 2 weeks! Glad you made it and feeling better. Brownies are awesome ā€“ I made a batch last night as well :heart: :yum:
@pamela Great work on your 2 weeks! Glad to hear that you are feeling confident in your sobriety! :muscle: It does take time to relearn how to live everyday life without our crutch of addiction. It is so great to wake up and not be dependent on something else to make us happy or functionalā€¦ keep going friend ā€“ it does get easier.


@seb Awe friend I canā€™t even imagine what you are going through and all the information you are having to sift through / absorb. A lot of uncertainty and it is out of your control. You are doing all that is in your control and I am sending you positive vibes to keep hopeful. Sending comforting hugs your way. :people_hugging:
@bomdhil I am sorry friend ā€“ feeling this way is when you should find connection and support. Are you able to go to church today? How is day 2 starting to feel? Keep pushing forward :hugs:
@butterflymoonwoman Oh wow ā€“ so happy to hear that your son was feeling better and got to enjoy his Halloween! Cool ass costume and pictures! :heart: :heart:
@sober_ninja Welcome back and what an amazing post! So thankful that you would share your milestone and a bit of your story! Grateful you are now painfree and have been healing in your recovery. Absolutely amazing! :pray:
@catmancam Congrats on your 26 days of no binge eating and double digits no vape! Keep up the amazing work.
@raspberry So grateful you found a healthier way to blow off steam. Walking in nature sometimes aimlessly is the best cure of all. Glad it worked and hope you enjoy your beautiful sunny hangover free Sunday!
@chevy55 Happy 21st birthday to your son! Hope you enjoy the celebrations. Hope your hand starts to feel better! :pray:
@mrmoustache The black and hopeless feelings are intense and can really wear heavy on you. Its okay to sleep and cry! I know I spent a lot of time doing this during the first stretch of my sobriety. Its ok to do whatever you need to help get through this moment as long as you donā€™t pick up. This will pass ā€“ remember that! We are here for you friend.
@jibs416 Welcome back! Way to stack up 9 months :muscle:

Checking in on Sunday afternoon
669 days free of alcohol and weed
1084 days free of cigarettes
Yesterday was so crazy busy and tiring. Was worth it to chill and relax with friends in the evening. Been way too long! Had a lot of fun chatting / catching up and playing Mario Party Jamboree game. Canā€™t believe I stayed up till 2 LOL ā€“ now resting and catching up on TS with my coffee. Gonna have a chill day today.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Who wouldā€™ve thought it? :slight_smile:


Great to see you checking in Josh and congrats on your 1 year milestone :muscle:t4::tada::muscle:t4:

Thank you so much for your encouraging words! Iā€™m a wreck right now but like you said, this shall pass. ODAAT.

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Checking in! :wave:t2:
I havenā€™t checked in for a few days, but lifeā€™s busy right now. Itā€™s high season at my job, and I do a lot of extra hours. But lifeā€™s going well so far, Iā€™m going with the flow! Today I went to see a friend for a coffee, and I also helped my mom, cause sheā€™s moving on the 24th! Stressful days for her, Iā€™m looking so much forward to the day that all her furniture is moved, and she can start relaxing a bit! :heart_eyes:


Nicely done man!!

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Congrats!!! :tada::confetti_ball:

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Day 484

Just relaxing watching James bond movies

Its been a good weekend.i like being alcohol free


Checking in, been a long time, but Im in here every day reading. This is the most important place for me and my sobriety. Ive reached 1000 days. Today is 1025.

Ive had good days, and Ive had bad days. Its not been easy life the last couple of months, my sobriety is safe and I stand strong. My life is hard now, Im exhausted.




Checking in day 293 AF :blush:


@DresdenLaPage one big fat year sober! Congratulations! :balloon: Good to see you checking-in. Stay strong :yellow_heart:



Fantom hangover. Headache all day, zero appetite to live. A bit of vomiting, a bit of being snappy. Sunday funday.

Other than that? Same olā€™, same olā€™. Gaining weight, preparing for the winter probably.

Love you people šŸ©µ See you tomorrow


Checking in on day 7.