Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

@LaVonne congratulations on 20 days of sobriety!! :smiley:
@Thumper1213 congratulations Billy on 1 week :star_struck:


Thank you!!


Day 233

Beautiful day. Swimming is getting easier. I wanted to be fit enough to do lots of laps in the indoor lap pool by the time the outdoor pool closes November 15th. Iā€™m ready. Swimming has changed my life and saved my knees! :grinning:.

Gave the car a good scrub. Sheā€™s pretty and ready for a long haul to the mountains. I wish I could take you with me! So many hours eating snacks and singing in the desert, not a tree in sightā€¦then suddenly you go over a hill, and the entire horizon opens up into blue and purple mountains. Itā€™s emotional and feels like going home. And now it is my second home. Iā€™ll share some pictures. Will try to stop at the exact spot where the mountains suddenly come into view.

Allā€™s well on the sobriety front. I had a strange patch in September where I had cravings but none since. So glad. Itā€™s an awful feeling. Big changes are underway, so of course things can get bumpy. When I get back in November Iā€™ll train and start my patrol job, and get some paid work started. Itā€™s all very cool and I donā€™t ever want to get complacent. 7 months, a year, 2 years is NOT a lot of sobriety. So easy to think Iā€™m cured.

How is it 330 already? This beautiful day flew! Have a great sober day.

Lots of hugs, :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: love yā€™all


Day 264

2nd checkin, need to reflect.

After crying thus morning I somehow got in a better state and enjoyed time with my niece and neighbors dog. Later she decided that she wants to stay another overnight with us :heart:
I found peace while making the laundry.
Yeah, realy. Total peace. :upside_down_face:

Later I learned putting boundaries.

I priorised going to the pool (longer distance to go to a location in winter), mum and niece enjoyed dinner, cuddling and TV, all fine.
It was OK to do something on my own.

Swim was decent and strong :ok_hand:t2:

After the pool a WhatsApp message from an unknown number popped up. ā€œHey Julia, can you remember me? Hope you are fine. Can we talk?ā€ WTF It was the person I had 2 dates with in summer, painting a beautiful future lol, who told me then that he is in a relationship. And - who wanted to go on dating anyway. Fucker. He used another number. I didnā€™t need a lot of time to push the button this time. :no_entry:

And I am proud about that! :muscle:t2:


Nice nice, f*ck 'em.


@Wakikki great to see you checking in and congrats on your quadruple digits :muscle:t4::tada::confetti_ball:. Iā€™m sorry that life is hard. Sending hugs and energy your wayā€¦you should be proud to be keep pushing through and protecting your sobriety
@LaVonne yeah to 20 days!!! Keep stacking up the days :muscle:t4::tada:
@miscya84 phantom hangovers suck. Iā€™m sorry and hope you are feeling better. :pray:t4:
@thumper1213 way to go on your 1 week milestone :muscle:t4:.
@Juli1 thatā€™s awesome girl. Glad you blocked that a**hole. You donā€™t need that negativity in your life


Today I am grateful for:

  • another day of sobriety by the Grace of God.

  • last nightā€™s group and hearing the desperation in some and joy in others. Being able to identify with both sides of that coin.

  • for 5 months without a drink or a drug. Havenā€™t had that in my life since 2001-2002.

  • for overriding the voice in mind yesterday to fat ass it and getting on the bike for a ride.

  • for my daughter taking a short video of her and I dancing together to send to her friends.

  • for putting face to name last night with another member of the fellowship. :slightly_smiling_face:

  • for my football team winning yesterday.


Great work on your 5 months! Impressive work that youā€™ve been doing and are continuing to do :hugs::confetti_ball::tada::muscle:t4:. Great to be celebrating this with you :blush:


Dear @JazzyS so glad that you enjoyed so good time with friends.
I was able to go to the Church and that helps to connect and not to isolate which is my tendency.
Day 2. A little bit better


@Sober_Ninja what a great joy see you around again!!! I read your post and helped me. So thankful that you are now without pain. thank you so much for your sharing


Congratulations :clap::tada::clap:



1 year is amazing!


@JazzyS @Just_Laura thank you! Itā€™s a good thing to think about as I return to life, dating :flushed: would I say yes, or no? Is maybe an answer? :rofl:. Probably not quite ready yet. I think Iā€™m on a good path right now. Iā€™ll see who might be on a similar path in time. It is lonely sometimes but better than the wrong partner by far! Thank you so much for reading and sharing your thoughts. :people_hugging:


Thanks for that question, I thought about it and discovered there was quite a bit to unpack.

  1. I think there is a difference between ā€˜venturing into the dating sceneā€™ and ā€˜considering a potential partner when they happen upon your pathā€™. In my experience, serial dating is enough to drive anyone to drink, but opening your heart to potential seems a lot safer.
  2. I would carefully consider what role you want a potential partner to play. If being in a relationship is expected to fill a hole in your life, I would actually shy away from that because itā€™s not much different to needing drink or other substances to manage life. If your life alone is good and balanced, why not see if having a partner could be a nice addition?

As with many things, it may be worth a try but your sobriety and recovery MUST come first at all times.


day 1 completed on sobriety from cannabis

iā€™m in a rut ā€¦ rutty rut rut. Stuck in bad habits with weed, and just low, generally low. I feel like shit honestly. Iā€™m disappointed in myself, and when I use itā€™s like I forget how much I loathe feeling the way I do now. Iā€™m unlikeable at the moment, event though my entourage may not agree. I feel bad, and Iā€™m also increasingly insecure and all around losing my sense of self. Itā€™s not far, but Iā€™m not connected to it at the moment, Iā€™m just in addiction, which is such a shell of myself. There is literally no excuse, Iā€™m just using and stuck. Weed is insidious, I hate it so much. I feel like without it though, I have nothing. Isnā€™t that a weird thought, I donā€™t fully understand this. Anyway, Iā€™m not alright, but Iā€™m here and I need to get sober.


Day 980
Evening everyone! What a bussssy day today was. Worked from 8-4pm then had to rush to the pharmacy to pick up antibiotics for my son. His sample results came in today so we were able to get his illness figured out. I came home, ate, and now im doing 2 loads of laundry. WiÄŗl get my son ready for bed soon and then I will have a shower and do my skincare etc. Hope everyones evening is going well :purple_heart:


Day 1 is remarkable. I get that rut feeling and how quickly we forget how horrible it is to be in active addition once we gain some time.
Iā€™m not sure what it is with these addictions and how they change our mentality to think we are better and happier with them. The lies run deep within us (could be part due to us having this addiction for di Many years and itā€™s linked to do many of our core memories and it could also be linked to how freely the addiction and s in our face on a daily basis- with real life, movies and ads).
Regardless, we know itā€™s a bunch of lies and no good can come from it.
Are you able to make yourself a video explaining the state of mind you are in at the moment? Maybe even write yourself a note with bullet points of what you are doing this and what weed does to you. Sometimes our own words hit home and reach us like nobody else can.

Scream into the void. Punch the air. Find a healthy release for all that pent up anxiety. Here if you need to vent, talk or whatever. It does get easier :pray:t4::people_hugging::heart:


Checking in day :seven::seven::seven:! Happy to be checking in on such a lucky sounding day.

Had an interesting day overall, letting myself take time to feel sad. Recently bought a house and moved some things in today. Itā€™s hard because the last house I owned was with my ex, who passed from this horrible disease inside that house. Just felt tough today, even though I also feel happy and proud to be on this side of things. Just a complicated mix.

Hope everyone had a wonderful sober weekend :sparkles:



Congratulations on 777 days!



Pretty good day. Got going early to meet my friend to pick up this dresser she found for my daughter for free at an estate sale and brought it back home. Then my neck started bothering me and ended up being the beginning of a migraine, which I havenā€™t had in sooo long, but as soon as I started seeing spots and feeling sick, I realized I needed to take something and lie down. After an hour, it was better and we went shopping. Glad to have stocked up on things Iā€™d been out of for a while. A little worried for winter, but I always get by. Just finishing up a movie now before bed. Grateful to have you all in my life :smiling_face::heart::sparkles: Goodnight!