Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Beautiful weekend with the family. In-laws visiting from overseas and it was a beautiful thing having them here in our home. Just about off to bed.

Bought a little inhaler that is no nic, just flavour and used that a bunch today as I want to curb to the point of quitting. Have a girls weekend coming up and going to not bring or buy smokes! We’ll see how it goes :slight_smile:

Had a great job interview last week. Fingers are crossed hopefully get aome news this week xo.

Sending all love for another 25th hour. Im off to bed. Xo.


Day 1100 AF

What’s up, gang.

Did laundry at the laundromat this morning and then went for a walk. Didn’t really do much afterward. Just chilled at the apartment with the fam. Gonna watch a show and then pass out.

Take care, everyone. Stay strong. ODAAT :heart:



Monday workday. I’m OK. Didn’t sleep great, didn’t sleep too bad. Glad I wrote an application letter yesterday. It took some effort to do after (just) two failures before. All in all I had a good long weekend, I saw old friends, talked to newer ones, wrote a bit, hiked, biked, had good food, cuddled with Luna. Remained sober and clean.

So let’s go into the new week. I’m going to have as good a week as I can and I expect the same from all of you friends. Clean and sober. Pic is another memory from exactly 5 years ago. Guadalupe River TX. Love.


Just checking in to let you all know I’m still around.
450 days free of alcohol today.
It’s the new normal for me.
I’m still checking in quite often and I’m always inspired and impressed by you who post regularly.
I’m proud of you all and once again: thank you all for keeping this wonderful community afloat. You’ve no idea how much it means to quiet readers like me.
Have a wonderful sober and clean day or night everyone, wherever you are.


A productive weekend, it had a bit of everything and I’m happy out heading off to work this Monday morning.
It’s a big week personally I’m lining up for my 50th and quite possibly my final marathon at the weekend. I will enjoy the lead up and maintain my mindset of control, clarity and remain safe in the knowledge that I can sit here again next Monday a sober gentleman with no regrets :pray:


Congratulations with your 1 year milestone @DresdenLaPage :confetti_ball:

*Day 2224 :walking_man:
It was a short weekend. Had to work at satuerday and yesterday we had a family gathering. It was good to see all.

Today? Work.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


324 days
Up early to get the kids ready for school. Then headed to the gym. Was there for a while as my wife had training too after me, so I took the dogs for a walk and then came back to watch the end of her training. Cooked dinner then picked up the kids from school, before it was back to the gym for their training. Feels like I spend half my life there sometimes haha.
First dayshift tomorrow so will be up early for that. Usually up at 430am before a dayshift


Checking in on Day 31 - yay! What a difference a month makes.

Generally quite upbeat but my body is really struggling. The nausea is really boring now and the stress on my body has triggered my FND, so my leg isn’t working properly :roll_eyes: Hoping that is a temporary thing.

Need to start my working week. Hoping I am a bit more engaged.

Have a good day all.


Hey Mel.

It totally makes sense. I was dabbling in THC edibles for a while, very much now and then like maybe twice a month maximum at first. Then I did it every weekend. Then for a brief spell, quite often. I got it to the point that 25mg edible was enough for a decent night of nothingness. It felt ok because there was no consequences, I didn’t fall over or argue or start a house fire. I just wanted to be in that nothingness.

It was great fun for about two weeks of every night use. Then I started to get lazy and unproductive and apathetic towards growth (I’ve lost 23kgs over a year or so thru dedication to moving my body more and sobriety and good eating). And I also felt really depressed…And I fucking realised that it was just the same as the drink hangover. Just no broken bones or loss of dignity. But I was about to lose my purpose and action all over again. I could also feel myself preferring myself high than sober. That lightness lured me in again.

Sending you all the strength here, it’s insidious. I get you. I’m over two weeks off taking any THC at all and have zero plans to ever start again, because deep down I do acknowledge it would have been a problem for me just like alcohol was, eventually… (Even though I easily stopped and started as I wished).

It’s addiction that’s the problem perhaps, the source a by product. Lots of love, it’s hard. Good look. You got this.

  1. What a football match last night. Epic. I’m going to the gym this morning, I’ve promised myself. Even just a big long walk and some weights. Going to plan my week a bit now that all my current job applications are in and up to date. Probably be a week focused on myself and getting the flat sorted. Soon we have to take the cat balcony down so the guys can change the wooden slats to aluminium. Having two cats with all this work in the bathroom and exterior is maddening. But it’s gotta be done and I’m ready. This will pass. Hopefully next year or the following we can think about selling the flat.

334 sugar
198 UPF
72 gluten
72 dairy
8 distraction-free eating

Back home. I tell you people I do hate long car trips. Yesterday’s trip was as good as a car trip can go - only 10h for 900km including breaks. But still not my favourite way to travel…
It did have some good sides though. I spend a lot of time chatting with my mum, I could practice driving, and I could load up on books and foods from home.

Yesterday evening I checked out a different Recovery Dharma online group. Wow! It really was great, all that stress from the travels subsided, I felt grounded and at home in my life. Great group. I am going to zoom in more often.

I did my rowing session this morning, and the rest of the day is going to be all about getting sorted out: laundry, groceries, planning my week, errands, that kind of stuff. Yoga in the afternoon, Recovery Dharma in the evening.

Today’s picture is Mary with child. A small wood carved shrine at a spring I visited on my hike along the Polish-Chech border last Saturday.

Peace and love for life always :lotus:


Day 204 AF
Day 3 smoke free

Well ladies and gentlemen,

the fun part of this journey just started. Romantizising cigarettes, longing for the feeling, all that good stuff is hitting me like a wave.

I had two packs safed at work “for emergencies”. Which is me building a relapse. :man_mechanic:

So I gifted them to some coworkers and they took them from me.

We had a little discussion about quitting and how many people in germany are still smokers.

Which is quite a lot to be honest. Most of my collegues used to smoke or are still actively smoking.

Guess I’ll have to make myself a new daily routine but so far I’m just riding along and avoiding triggering places. :melting_face:

This is my life now. This is what I do.

Take care everyone^^


290 AF

Out with wife and dinner celebrating my son’s 21st birthday. Hes such a great young man. I’m very proud and love him very much :heart:
The believed arthritis is still there. Hand quite sore again this morning. Ibuprofen seems to do the trick but if this continues for more than another week or so I’m gonna have to have checked… argh, I detest bodily issues.

Anyway, have a great day. A shot of us out at waterfront last night before dinner.


Hey all, checking in on day 1590. I hope everybody has a good one!


To the “Oktoberfesten” in my hometome.


Great reply/share Dirk. Since this year I entered the “dating scene” via dating apps. What I got from there is that it is a jungle. My experience is that my brief “relationships” resulting from those endeavours were based on sex and filling the void. I left relatively fast, since I was not looking for that. Besides that I some how was attracted to some that had a drinking problem. I recently met a woman I know from a portrait photography course I did last year. I was to chicken to ask her number then (she had the same) we ran into each other some two weeks ago. We are now dating and taking it easy. It feels totally different then meeting someone online. I’m not saying online can’t work, but for me this feels so much more real and the way it should be at least for me. So now cancelling my serial dates that were planned, which by the way I recently saw as nice encounters, not really for getting a relationship. That mindset helped me in seeing serial dating as not to serious.


Checking in on day 8. Hope everyone has a great day!!


Happy Monday!!

Great to wake up after a weekend without being hungover! Looking forward to seeing what the week has in store and the opportunities that present themselves.

MAKE it an awesome day my friends!!!


Day 485. Working 8-2 today, taking a few hours off and will go for a dog walk along the beach i think. Good to enter rhe week sloooowly


Today was much better. I get what feels like an emotional hangover after a hard day like that. I have found that doing certain things help me get over it more quickly these days but sometimes it does linger.