Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

200 days sober
I haven’t been sleeping too well the past few nights. Not bad dreams but just waking up around 3 and not being able to fall back asleep. It has really drained my energy and ability to focus well throughout the day. Despite that I am doing okay. Haven’t had any thoughts of drinking and emotionally I’ve felt a bit anxious but still not too bad. Mostly I’m tired. Am hoping for a good sleep tonight and am just going to let myself sleep in as long as I need.


Hey :heart::wave: 1590, not too shabby :partying_face:


Day 2. Throwing out all the paraphenilia related to weed, which is not easy. Attachment. Threw out the hash/weed supply, now the things. Money down the toilet, shame shame. Ugh. Onwards.


@happyfeet So good to see you Anne! Glad things are still going well for u!
@mxelle Way to go Mel! Thats not easy but im so glad u did it! Another step in yhe right direction :slight_smile:
@Laner Congratulations on hitting the 200s!! Hope ur able to get a bit more rest in today. Waking up st 3am is exhausting lol
@Chevy55 what a lovely photo for u and ur family :slight_smile: Hope the arthritis lets off a bit for u
@JonasE Smart move Jonas! Getting rid of those packs of smokes was a great thing to do! Proud of u!
@acromouse Glad ur home safe and sound :slight_smile:
@jennyh Congratulations on 1 month!!!
@DresdenLaPage Congratulations on 1 year!!! Great work :star_struck:


Day 981
Morning :sunny: Just enjoying a cappuchino while i catch up on this thread. Hope everyone is doing well this fine Monday.

My plans for the day are cleaning. My son is still home from school so I will just tidy up the apartment. I tried to wake up early for a workout, but that didnt happen. So no gym time for me today. I have some phone calls to make and laundry to put away also. Its supposed to snow today and Im actually kind of looking forward to it! The first snow fall is always the prettiest :snowflake: Not much else going on here. Hope everyone has an addiction free day!


Day 237 without alcohol 8 months just 6 days away! Improvement in my daily life is amazing. I get to go to AA This morning. I AM HAPPY! Miracles surround me.


Checking in team, off to a busy start at work, but looking forward to having some structure in my life after a week of vacation.

Not sure if this is the best place to ask, but does anyone have suggestions for healthy habits that keep them busy in the evenings? Reading? Etc

Many thanks!!


Checking in


Day 2662. Difficult workday with clash with colleague. Ugh. First time in this job that I don’t feel good.


256 days AF

What a day. Had some lil family drama in the morning cuz my niece wanted to stay with us and everything seemed to be agreed by her with her mum. Her mum thought she would come back early in the morning and accused her that she invited herself at grandma and aunty and is a bold person (yea wtf!) :saluting_face:

So I had a pre-teenager with tears in eyes and needed to stay highly diplomatic in the early morning :cry:

I just love her so much :heart:

Still super proud and feeling released that I fend off this guy immediately yesterday. No more chances for fuckers. Lol. Sorry. :ninja:t2:

Love you guys :heart:


Hey, im doing. Not trying to give alot of energy to nothin today. Trying to just stay focus i believe after figuring out what my test results are coming up. Im heading back to the gym. I believe its time to get back on the horse. Continue on being the guy i have always wanted to be… guess patience is the key to a lot of things even with being clean and not thinking about it 24/7 looking back i have been better but ya i have been way way worse. Hopeing something gives make more money so i can get plans to start over in a new place would be great. :blush:(Odaat) have a great day


@Refreshedperspective some things you could try: puzzles, crosswords, zentangle drawing, knitting, crocheting.


Unknown 4

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Day 341. Tore my wheel apart yesterday, got it cleaned really good and out for a ride today. Appointment with counselor was good. Cooking dinner for me and heather in the crockpot. Grateful :pray:


Checking in day 294 AF :blush:


Checking in. Not a bad day. Had a major disappointment at work with a client. It’s upsetting, but i try not to take it personally as long as im doing my job to the best of my ability. I feel like my mood is starting to lift a little. I still have a situation that needs to be dealt with that im not sure how to approach at this point. I think that being in the back of my mind is what’s bringing me down.
The town Halloween parade is tonight. I love going. It’s unseasonably warm so should be a good time without freezing like i usually do.
Hope everyone is having/had a great sober day :purple_heart:


Day 1101 AF

Good afternoon, gang.

The wife woke up with an allergic reaction on her skin last night. Drove out to buy her medicine. She’s better now. I am grateful to be sober during days like this. Weekends were the days I’d drink heavily. I’d be passed out cold on the couch or just too drunk to drive anywhere. She always had to deal with the kids while I was boozing or hungover all day from the previous night. I’m glad those days are over now.

Dropped off the kids at school, went to the grocery store, grabbed iced coffee, and just chillin at the apartment right now. It’s another warm day here in Cali.

I hope everyone’s doing well. Take care, gang. Stay strong. ODAAT :heart:


Day 646.

The past couple of days have been spent mainly chilling. Tomorrow we’re going to stay with my husband’s family for a couple of weeks or so. I’m oddly an emotional mess right now. Actually… Who the fuck am I kidding? I’m always an emotional mess. But hey… at least I’m a sober emotional mess?


Day 234!

That almost has a ring to it; a sequential ringing quality, rather :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. I like it.

Window folks are here- let me turn my pockets inside out like the Monopoly guy :tophat: when you drew the Chance card! :astonished:. I sure love my money pit though. I’ve never lived in a better house so I’ll breathe right on through it and appreciate the deer napping in the shade. I’m really lucky to be here today. I could have bought a million windows with the money I spent on alcohol.

All is well. I’m so hopeful for the future. Leaving for the mountains in 39 hours. I’ll have a nice house to myself with a dog for a few days. I want to bring her down to the plaza to people watch and check out the Native jewelry and hoop dancers. Santa Fe has an artsy, spiritual vibe I don’t get at home. There is a neighborhood on the south side that I need to investigate. Then when brother gets back we’re going hiking in the Pecos wilderness east of town. It is stunning there, and up around 10000 ft. They had some snow but it should be warmer next week.

I feel calm and confident. So glad I did this. So many good things ahead, and today is lovely. :heart:


This guy!! :grinning:


Hey sober fam! I’ve not done a check-in for 40 days… forty!!!
Well, nothing really happened… still sober, 595 days by now, and I still have access to the lounge.
Guess I must be doing something right, eh?

I just get overwhelmed how fast this thread moves. So if I am not here, that is why. But I am somewhere around on other threads and topics.
Grateful to you all.