Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Huge congratulations on ur new position!!! Hope all goes well tmrw :slight_smile:



Waking up for a two day experience worker shift. A bit tired as Luna woke me up early. And now is asleep in her bed again. It’s OK. Time to write my morning page, do my check in here, have a small breakfast, feed Luna and off I go. To have as good a day as I can, which I expect from all of you my friends. Sober and clean or nothing will come of it.

Pic is Smudge, my favourite kitty next to Luna, 5 years ago today, the Hill Country TX. Good memories. Love.


Right?! I made 2 calls today(1 successfull, 1 not :face_with_diagonal_mouth:). I think it’s the unpredictability. “Will there be a long winded, unhelpful robot that puts me on hold only to disconnect the call? Will someone answer or be voicemail? Will they call back 5 minutes or 5 days after I leave a message?! Will I accomplish anything from this call, or will it be a total waste of time?!” And it’s not like these are unreasonably uncommon ‘what ifs’ here. Odds are you will experience one, if not all. So I’m glad yours went well :blush: Congrats on 22 months :sparkles:


You ever notice something weird on your body but then aren’t sure if that’s how it’s always looked, so you just convince yourself it is to stop thinking about it? I do
wtf :sweat_smile: Today was beautiful! Got some early fresh air, did some light errands, then had dinner at the folks. My daughter’s Halloween costume came in, so she was super happy about that. It’s late now and there’s not much else to tell, so have a great day everyone :smiley:


266 days AF

I am a bit stressed this morning.
Will try to regulate somehow.
Homeoffice today.

Have to work onsite for next 3 days with socialization events, örghs. To be honest the last action was inspiring and opening my mind. So I will try not to be to anti!

Hugs :heart:


Checking in on day 124

I hope everyone has a great night and a great morning :slightly_smiling_face:


Always good to have your reminder! :hugs:


Good morning, checking in approaching day 90. Thankful for the stability I have right now :pray:


Thanks so much :slight_smile:


200 days @Laner congratulations! :confetti_ball:

Sorry about the irritations at work @Lola , maybe talk it trough with him ore her when the emotions are faded a bit?
Hope you will have a good day today!

Congratulations with the 11 months @Heath ! :confetti_ball:

*Day 2225 :walking_woman:
Had a good day at work yesterday and I slept well so that’s a big win for me because I was struggeling with both last 2 weeks.

Miss my walks and counting down towards my hospital appointment. 9 days to go, it doesn’t sound as much.
Today? Having the day off. Going to see a friend at a tearoom and going to the cinema afterwards. Looking forward to it.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


325 days
Quick check in. Busy busy day at work. Then headed to the gym.
Now just watching episode 1 season 2 of Ancient Apocalypse with the wife, had to wait for a night we were both off work


That is a crazy list of what ifs and so right on! You are right
all of these weighing on the mind are so daunting and make a “simple” task like a phone call so horrific. Sorry about your unsuccessful one
hope it gets sorted without too much hassle.
I totally was the same way with no following through with weird stuff on the body. Not so much asy more. Honestly, not sure which way is more therapeutic lol
one way it could be something and the sooner you get it checked out the better and on the other hand ugh!!! You are stressing over everything and the body is so strange so it’s always doing something weird :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Hopefully yours is nothing serious and you will get it checked out if it’s stays persistent.:pray:t4:


291 AF

Up and set to walk out door for work at 5:45am. Hand is still sore as all heck. I hope this isn’t a long term issue
 need to see someone.

Regardless a nice week and back on the asphalt crew. I enjoyed parks much better.

Have a good sober day folks.


Heartfelt thanks, Menno, for the years, the moments, the memories, and for keeping track of it all. :purple_heart: :people_hugging: :tiger: :tiger: :purple_heart:

Pics: September 2023


Day 647.

Well, this morning I’m feeling irrationally angry. Last night I was feeling teary and filled with anxieties. By irrationally angry, I mean I’m upset that my husband refuses to let me steal towels from the hotel. Yes, stealing bad. But the towels at my father-in-law’s were bought in the fucking 70s, probably the 1870s. I’m anxious about staying there because the room is tiny, the telly in the living room is always playing the news, so I avoid sitting there because the news gives me anxiety and I don’t have enough Lyrica pills on me to deal with thar, and the whole place is cluttered to fuck.

We did all the fun stuff related to the trip already and now I’ll be stuck in a little middle-of-fucking nowhere village for weeks. And I just wanna go home. Plus, I can’t afford to travel to meet my best friend’s baby this weeks, which is really fucking upsetting.

Ok. Rant over. Deep breath. I’m fine. Everything is fine.


@Jibs416 welcome to the checking-in thread :blush: congrats on 9 months :tada:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: I’m glad you had a good night :video_game: and congrats on 22 months alcohol and weed free :tada:
@DresdenLaPage congrats on your year :tada::trophy::star2:
@Wakikki belated congrats on quadruple digits :tada:
@Thumper1213 congrats on your week+ :tada:
@Juli1 :no_entry_sign: :clap:t2:
@Aussie_Tiger congrats on 5 months :tada:
@mxelle congrats on day 1 no cannabis :tada:
@MooseTracks congrats on all the 7s :tada: I can see why that would be tough :people_hugging: I hope the rest of your move goes okay :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Mno good luck with your application :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:


@happyfeet good to read from you :blush: congrats on 450 days :tada:
@JennyH congrats on your month :tada:
@Laner congrats on 200 days :tada: I hope you’ve had some better sleep by now :sleeping:
@Heath congrats on 11 months :tada:
@Mira_D congrats on the new job :clap:t2: :raised_hands:t2:

1533 days no alcohol.
998 days no cocaine.
28 days no binge-eating.
12 days no vape.

Therapy was rough yesterday. We did a timeline of all my traumas. I didn’t even mention all of the ones that have a lesser impact on me these days, there wouldn’t have been time. It’s somewhat easy to clinically state the facts, but going back through my life and having a second therapist state that there has never been anyone in my life that loved or cared about me, it hits pretty hard. She said she’s surprised I made it through and that there must be a huge amount of strength in me. I don’t feel strong. I owe my life to my cats, they keep me alive everyday.

The positive is that I didn’t have the urge to binge when I got home. I just wanted to catch-up here and meditate. Didn’t get around to catching-up here til now, but did meditate lots.

The feelings caught-up with me a bit and I felt depressed last night. Had a slight urge to binge, but it was easy enough to ignore. Fell asleep fairly early and woke up after the shops had closed. Then I spent the next hour debating with myself over whether to order or drive to get a particular takeaway, because I heard they are currently doing an item that hasn’t been available since 2015, but only for a limited time. I came to my senses though, so all is well.

I managed to unpack the deliveries on Sunday, and yesterday I took all of the recycling to the bins. I still have the cats’ supplies delivery to unpack so that’s today’s task.



Day 253
Just cruising along doing my best.
Hope everyone is doing ok.


@Amy30 Hey girl, I feel you :heart:
Whenever I visit my family they have the telly running 24/7 in the only space you can actually spend any reasonable time in, if you don’t want to freeze. Depending whom I visit I will get: religious nuts, anti religious extremists, the ‘drive me crazy’ news cycle, or a mix of any of these. Add to that cats I am allergic to, and you get the picture. I try to take as many walks outside as I can. An investment that I have found priceless was noise-canceling headphones. I put them in, and turn on some soothing sounds, or a podcast, guided meditation, etc. and the telly becomes just background noise.
I hope you can find some way to disconnect from the crazyness around you and to ground yourself. :people_hugging:
@Chevy55 I hope your hand gets better soon! Sending healing vibes :ocean:
@SoberWalker Sending boat loads of healing vibes. May your foot recover quickly, may you be able to walk your butt off again soon :smiling_face:
@Mira_D Congratulations :partying_face: :tada: on the new job. Sounds like a very exciting new chapter of your life!
@Heath We are sobriety twins! Congrats Ewan!

11 months sugar
199 UPF
73 gluten
73 dairy
9 distraction-free eating

Today marks eleven months sugar freedom and with that the start of my recovery journey. I would have never made it without all of you here. Thank you so much for being here :heart:

My daughter had a migraine episode this night, but the meds and a good sleep worked their magic and she is up and about. I’m slightly hoping the new meds are starting to work.

The sun is up and making life easier. I did my morning yoga and meditation, did the groceries for today. I hope to get some work on my game done today. But we also need to get the flat in some order. I want to do some nice restorative yoga in the afternoon and indulge in watching anime tonight.

Today’s picture is a raw amber deposit from the bronze age I saw at the archeological museum last week in WrocƂaw.

Peace and love for life always :lotus:


Thanks for the friendship friend
:kissing_heart::hugs: :people_hugging::heart::sparkling_heart::person_raising_hand:t3:đŸ‘©đŸ»â€â€â€đŸ‘šđŸŒ :hugs::heart_eyes_cat::rainbow:


Happy Tuesday!

Day 15/30 caffeine free. Getting the hang of it.

Very grateful for the productivity and clear head I have since becoming sober.

MAKE it an awesome sober day my friends!!