Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Hopefully you can share some pictures of parade tonight. How fun!

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Checking in day 16. Pretty non eventful day today. Went to an appointment and to the gym and then worked. Looking forward to AA meeting again this week. Weirdly I quite enjoy them, it’s comforting to be around people who understand and have had similar experiences. Happy sober Monday everyone :pray:t2:


Second check in. During early morning AA Meeting a comment was made that I smile a lot. I am happy and my face shows it. I had to take a piece of equipment to a repair shop in neighboring city today and it happens to be near a Trader Joe’s grocery store. I love Trader Joe’s. I don’t get there as often as I would like. I chatted with checker and the person who bagged my groceries. Pleasant chatter. The Bagger went out of store right before me to collect shopping carts from parking lot. I began to put grocery bags in my trunk. One bag dropped and the only breakable item (olive oil) broke. The gentleman came over and took the entire bag with broken item and went back in the store only to return with all new items that were in the bag. Wow… I probably would not have gone back into store. Such a nice gesture. I believe Positive Happens when you are positive!!! Thank you Higher Power for showing me Sobriety is the most wonderful life.


Learning/playing an instrument, gym/exercise, cleaning, sewing, baking, doing little bits of DIY, meditation.


Day 3. I had a good zoom meeting today .Porn Addicts Anonymous. Little by little I am opening myself to others


@sarath_unrelax thank you for your words. thank you

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Hi @Refreshedperspective, this thread may help a little towards the question you asked:


Wow 450 is amazing!


@moosetracks triple 7’s is awesome! Congrats on your home and the move. Sending hugs as you say hello to a new chapter and goodbye to an old one. The memories will always live on in your heart. :hugs: :heart:
@mira_d Glad to hear you had a good job interview. Keeping my fingers crossed that you get some good news soon :crossed_fingers:
@happyfeet Always great t see you posting Anne! 450 days is fantastic – lovely to read that this is the new normal. Glad you are still reading here and staying vigilant :hugs:
@dustysprungfield A milestone bday coming up and a final marathon for the year – WOW – this is gonna be one hell of a week. Wishing you luck and look forward to celebrating with you!
@jennyH Congrats on your 1 month + of sobriety! Sorry to hear about your FND symptoms and hope that they have passed and will be temporary :pray: :hugs:
@laner YEAH 200 days! Great work on finding ways to deal with the emotional hangovers. I too get them and kinda let myself just let them pass knowing at least my body is not also healing from toxins from the night before. Hope you managed a good night of sleep :hugs: :sleeping:
@mxelle CONGRATS! That is a huge step in throwing that stuff out. I know it was hard and I’m sure you are feeling a lot of emotions but should be super proud of yourself. Another step in the right direction! :heart: :hugs:
@Refreshedperspective This is the perfect place to ask. I enjoy night walks, Reading, watching tv / movies, puzzles, knitting and baking for some examples. Check out the search bar for “hobbies” or
Check out this thread for more ideas – Sober Hobbies
@lola 2662 is great amount of days! Sorry about your difficult day. Hope the work situation gets easier :hugs:
@shel75 OOH have fun at the Halloween Parade! Hope it is not too chilly and you are able to enjoy yourself! Glad to hear that you mood is lifting :hugs:


@goku2019 OOH that is no fun at all – hope your wife is feeling better and skin has cleared up :pray:
@holysquid this thread does move quickly and don’t let that keep you from checking in Glad that you are still around and on the other threads. Love seeing your avatar pop up. Almost 600 days!!! Can’t wait to celebrate :tada:
@tailee17 WOW what an experience! Do love that the positive you put out will find its way back to you. Keep smiling my friend – so glad that you are sober and happy and thriving! :pray:
@bomdhil YEAH day 3. Great to hear that you are opening up more and getting out of your comfort zone. Keep working the recovery friend – ODAAT! :muscle:

Checking in on Monday night
670 days (22 months) free of alcohol and weed
1085 days free of cigarettes
Was a decent enough day. Got a lot of stuff accomplished and the main item was making a few calls (why do making important calls feel so daunting and tiring). Glad they were easier to deal with then I had led my imagination to believe and they are over with.
Hoping to get some decent sleep tonight - my schedule is off again.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening. Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thanks a bunch Dirk!


11 months today!


Congratulations on 11 months Ewan!!



Congratulations on 11 months!

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Good morning sober fam,

Another day another opportunity life has given me :seedling: I intend to give my best to be mindful and work on my potential today. One day at a time…

See you later comfort :grin:


Day 981
Not a bad day today, but i am feeling under the weather. Just really stuffed up. My son and I relaxed all day basically along with doing a little cleaning as well. Once hubby got home, i had to step out to the pharmacy to grab the remaining bottles of antibiotics for my son. Got home at 7pm and now just getting my son ready for bed. Then we will eat supper. Super late to be eating but oh well. Overall tho, I am grateful for my recovery. The life i have today, is a life that i wished I had when in the midst of my addiction. So im always grateful, even for the ups and downs. Only thing i can be doing differently is continuing with my morning routine. Ive slacked on prayer and my daily readings lately, and I absolutely notice the difference in my mood. So will have to start that up again tmrw. Have a great evening everyone!


Way to go in your 11 months :muscle:t4::confetti_ball::tada:. Keep that streak going strong :muscle:t4:… getting closer to the 1 year milestone! Excited to celebrate with you

Got the good news today Jasmine! Im starting tomorrow & its a full time position working with children with similar needs to my nephew in the school board. Feeling so grateful & excited and really just hoping this job is as good a fit as my intuition is telling me it will be :slight_smile: Tomorrow is my first day so I imagine tjis week will be a whirlwind but Im ready for it :slight_smile: I think :wink: xo.

Wishing you some restful sleep & oh I hear you on those daunting calls! Glad to hear they werent too bad. Another 24 hours to you as well dear friend xo.


Oh thanks for sharing your news! How amazing. Congratulations on your new job and excited for you. Looking forward to hearing about your first day. Wishing you luck and sending love :hugs:

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