Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Day 9.
Thankful for another day,my mind is working on me,got to get busy.


Day 3. Checking in early to set intention. Sleep is awful, I was wired last night, couldnā€™t calm down. Its not like Iā€™m bouncing off the walls, Iā€™d be concerned, its that I feel awake but very tired. When I quit, I get tired, I realize Iā€™m sleep deprived a bit probably. The intention today is identify why I want to stop using weed, be explicit. Maybe also set a bed time routine, expectations to help me out a bit.


@MrFantastik Ancient Apocalypse season 2 is hubbies and mine thing to watch on evenings as well :fist_right:t3::fist_left:t3:

@Alisa is that you on the photo? If yes - great to see you. Somehow you look very much like I imagined. Beautiful :orange_heart:


Day 342. Hey sober fam, met with some guys who have the skateboard style one wheels last night, went for a nice ride and had a blast. They were blown away by what you can do on one of these unicyles, i let both of them try it and they were like hell no :joy: they couldnt understand how i do it, honestly at 260 pounds neither am i lol. Got ahold of the dmv yesterday as well, did find out that atm i am permanently revoked from getting a license which is definitely a bummer. I know some of my old behavior would of cried about it and used it as an excuse to act out and blame others. But the guy did say i can still possibly apeal it and maybe get ahold of some of the courts and see if they will help reduce some of the points from old tickets. Idk ill figure it out, but much love


Day 6
iā€™m doing well and i spent 2 hours to learn my new online course. Last night sleep was pretty good and my mental clarity is improving.
Iā€™m sad about my unemployment due to my addiction. I have to find another job but I hope I should stay sober for 100 days first to get things get more clear.


I remember news/politics was a tough issue for you (lack of better wording here for sure - whats tough? And is it not tough for everyone?). If you ever want to look at this with me, I am open and willing. Iā€™ll go at your pace. Politics is my whole life, I also have an intimate relationship with it, and it has and does send me on roller coasters. Iā€™ve learned to understand my sebsitivity, that i care and build ā€œmuscleā€ around it. Iā€™m offering because you brought it up, but no stress if radio silence (pun intended).


@Alisa beautiful pics and memories. Lovely to see you friend :heart_eyes:
@catmancam thank you! Way to stay binge free. That is an intense session (s) and you are making some good head way. Iā€™m glad she said you were strong. Cause - YOU ARE STRONGā€¦way stronger than you give yourself credit for. I know itā€™s hard to feel this when you are living through day to day healing and overcoming trauma but that is what makes you strong. Sending love and hugs your way. :people_hugging::heart:
@acromouse way to go with 11 months no sugar :clap:t4::clap:t4::muscle:t4:. Impressive work friend. Your timers are looking great as well. Stay vigilant and keep pushing forward :hugs:


Hey all, checking in on day 1591. I hope everybody has a good one!


I love this!! You cuties!


Checking in day 218! Hope everyoneā€™s been going well. I look forward to getting back on here regularly!


Maybe go for a walk?

It does sound like it sucks. Good luck!

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  1. Made it to Spin RPM class and then Strength training class straight afterwards this morning. Ass nicely kicked, and some good chats with the instructors; itā€™s always nice to have some connection that isnā€™t the cats or the shopkeepers or my partner. Iā€™m not leaving it another week to work out, my mental health demands routine. Iā€™m getting much better sleep now after trying out the pills the Dr prescribed (Promethazine Hydrochloride), which is a high strength antihistamine and totally non addictive. I have actually fell asleep a few times holding my kindle. I think the cats might actually be behaving a bit better in the night. It might be because they are One and big boys :roll_eyes:. But more likely itā€™s that Iā€™m a designated cat slave and play Da Bird feather wand about 16 hours a day with them. I jest, but it feels like itā€¦ I canā€™t make eye contact with Blue without a demanding miaowwww. :see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Itā€™s funny, me and my husband refuse to buy a telly because we both grew up with our families blasting it 24/7. Itā€™s fine, thereā€™s a coworking Iā€™ll be spending my days at and if the weather holds, weā€™ll go out for plenty of little walks. Sometimes I just like a good moan, but itā€™s really not that bad.

@mxelle Mel, Iā€™d happily chat with you about any topic aside from politics and current events. Iā€™m in a place where I donā€™t turn into a panicked mess everytime I hear the news, but I try to control my exposure to it. I donā€™t think the 24/7 news cycle / doom scrolling is good for anyoneā€™s mental health.

I know enough to stay informed, but my priorities lie in my day-to-day life and sobriety.


Heard. I see your perspective, and I get it. I have, as you can imagine different wording and perspectives in engaging with information, but I hear you for now. Offer will always stand (as long as Iā€™m here, obvs). Have a nice day :heart_on_fire:



Wholesome day at work. We made a trip to the nursery home. Kids were ā€œdancingā€ (head and shoulders, knees and toes kind of dance), singing, playing with ā€œopas and omasā€ with balloons etc. It was the same nursery home that I was volunteering at before started working in kindergarten. Those ppl were so so happy :face_holding_back_tears: Some of them I couldnā€™t recognise cause they look so different with genuine big bright smile on the face. Awesome thing, for kids and for old people. And for middle aged - me :slight_smile:

I wanted to post more but gotta go, my people need me :wink: Maybe later.

Love you :blue_heart:


201 days sober
I slept SO good last night. I was really needing it. I didnā€™t get my morning hike in because of sleeping so late but managed to get a lot of good work done in the afternoon. And visited the orphanage again to check on the kids. Next week is a 1 week break from school so am hoping to plan a fun day with them.

All in all itā€™s been a good day here but one of those scattered days where Iā€™m focusing well but trying to focus on too many things at once. If that makes sense?

I think I need to get back into a good work routine. The problem with my work is that it can fluctuate in level of business. I like having a set routine but that is hard when some projects slow down. Not complaining about it because I love my job but need to find some things that fill out the slower days/times.


Glad to hear you have a plan, how to spend your days without going nuts :wink:
I also have not had a telly since I moved out from my parentsā€™ for the same reasons. I canā€™t stand this constantly mind-fucking box.

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Day 982
Morning :sunny: Today is a snowy day here in Alberta. Im actually quite liking it. The snow makes everything so pretty!

My son and I are home together today. Honestly he probably couldve gone to school. Hes acting super hyper right now lol but i wanted to be on the safe side and make sure he was well enough. Today will be a cleaning and organizing day. Thats really about it. Maybe we will head out to the dollar store and Tim Hortons for a coffee. Hope everyone had a good day!


Day 2546.

I miss working in non profits. Iā€™ve been at a private medical practice for a few months now and I love the job and practice, but I also am reminded how much of the world views addiction.

As my past is no longer relevant to my job I donā€™t really talk about and today I was validated in doing so when I overheard two employees making fun of someone who is struggling with drug use. Just a really stark reminder of how the world will probably always view me.

Itā€™s amazing what people will say when they think no one is listening.


I agree man. I hear it alot in the hospital, but then sometimes ill see those same people say oh dont bully or pick on others its not ok. Oh you mean unless their an addict then its ok? Crazy