Checking in daily to maintain focus #71

Happy birthday!! I hope it is a blessed day and that you have a good time with your family/friends. :upside_down_face::partying_face:


Checking in on day 26. I did nothing yesterday apart from lay in bed trying not to move. That was hideous. Every joint, muscle, bone ached and the pain in my chest/ lungs when I cough was excruciating.

I did manage to drag myself to an inperson meeting. The only one we have in my village is Tuesday night and I really didn’t want to miss it. I am not feeling much better today but I do work from home so can sit quietly and answer urgent emails. It’s a bit hard to be involved in step work meetings when you are at the beginning of your journey with AA but I did learn a lot and enjoyed the shares.


Day 278

Good morning! It’s so early here. It got dark super early as I came into town. I’m in another state, another season, another dimension, another time zone :grinning: I did bring some warmer clothes, luckily. Drove 500 miles northwest. Glad I did. It’s like a weekend in the middle of the week. I’ll clear my head a bit. Need it.

Will wander aimlessly today.

See you later. Have a good day.


Day 3 for me…im glad to be here


Checking in 261 days.
We’ve moved into our new house. Didn’t have to paint the entire thing but it has been a busy few days. It feels really good to settle into a place I feel I can work on my sobriety more and get back to checking in daily and talking to more people through this app. If you were to show me the position I am in now, to who I was the day before I stopped drinking I would not have believed it.


378 sugar
242 UPF
116 gluten
116 dairy
52 mindful eating

Late check-in. I was yesterday diagnosed with POTS syndrome. That‘s where all the dizzyness, anxiety and the other stuff apparently comes from. As this has come up after an infection and I had this already a few times in my life, I assume it‘ll go away by itself with time. Only question is when. Meanwhile I‘m doing all the stuff suggested by my doc and taking it easy.

Peace and love for life always :lotus:


Hi and welcome, it’s good to have you here too!
Congratulations with day 3 :facepunch:


Day 334 AF

Heading down to gym in a few moments, 3rd day in a row… feeling good :blush:
16th day in past 4 weeks 16/28 = 57% consistency
29th session in gym between doing weight training and cardio in those 4 weeks.

My goal for winter to hit at least 3-4 times per week in weight training. So equal to or better than 50% of the days. No goals for cardio but aiming for at least 3 per week also. :yawning_face:

See what that looks like on me by next spring…


Hi and welcome to the forum!! :wave:t2:

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Today I’m 8 months sober!
Had a busy work day full of constant interruptions so typical day here. I slept later than usual so didn’t get to start off with my morning hike so this made me feel a bit off…I always feel emotionally off when I don’t have proper exercise. Wasn’t a bad day just a bit off kilter. Am hoping to get my hike/run in tomorrow morning.
In the afternoon I threw a little birthday party for my friends daughter. She turned 3 today and was a fun time with them. I put 3 candles on her cake but she was afraid of them poor kid!
Came home for dinner and have been relaxing since then. Hoping to sleep well tonight.


Well, it has been another week, two weeks in. I’m doing okay today. Tired. Craving foods I don’t have, and swear I need to invest in stock for Ben and Jerry’s… Ice cream intake has been ridiculous, and alas I’m out. But there’s chocolate chip cookies, and my homemade marshmallow cream pie so I think I’ll be okay.
Adjusting to being sober, I guess, don’t feel like too much has changed yet. I’m just not drinking. See where this whole AF life gets me.
Like I said I’m tired, and hungry. Definitely kinda binge eating lately. Oh well, could be way worse.


Congratulations on your two weeks.


Excellent work! 2 weeks is awesome.

I know exactly how you feel regarding craving sweet stuff. Your body isn’t getting the sugar from alcohol so it’s craving sugar. It’s very common. My weakness is orange sherbet. I could eat it by the gallon.

Your body is recovering. Healing takes energy. Rest as much as you can. You should be proud of yourself. The first two weeks are a hurdle.

Hang in there. You’re doing great!


Hi @StacyAnn, congratulations on your 14 days and please keep going strong, you are doing amazing! :muscle::tada:

I wanted to ask you a quick favor: in order to keep the forum manageable and not flood it with new threads, would you be OK with posting your daily updates in the daily check-in thread (link below) instead of starting a new thread every day?

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Congratulations on your 2 weeks Stacy
Thats HUGE!!

Like @MNfast said about the sugar. It’s normal.

I remember all the sugar I was eating. Gelato and chocolates and cookies.
Oh and I loved that Gelato. It’s better than drinking and getting drunk. I took care of that issue later.

Like @Dirk mentioned it would be beneficial to other new comers if they saw you and related to you on your journey. And you can get and give more support that way. Eventually a moderator might move this to a different thread.

But hey. You’re doing great :+1:
Keep it up.


Congrats on 2 weeks. Thats is a big milestone! Keep fighting the good fight


The sweets thing is weird to me. I’m not a sweets person, one dark chocolate bar can last me well over a month, sometimes a couple months in the freezer. Need to find an alternative, more water?? lol


Happy hump day!!

Happy to be sober and hangover free. Its uplifting to to hear all the success everyone is having staying sober and how its working in their lives.

Keep it up and MAKE it an awesome day my friends!


Day 1,637 clean and sober today. Off to the gym before heading to work to fight against my fat :rofl: Have an amazing day everyone, love you guys! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


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