Checking in daily to maintain focus #71

@Bunto Yeah food is so important for mental health :heart:
@Tragicfarinelli One whole week with the in-laws is quite the challenge :wink:
@MrMoustache Nice to hear your mood has improved :+1:
@Laner Sounds like you had a great time with neighbours and friends. Thanks for sharing :hugs:
@BrownGecko Good to hear your cravings have lessened. One step at a time sounds like a good strategy :+1: :man_walking:
@Mno Thanks for the sunrise or sunset? :grin: Enjoy your time off.
@Lastry Congrats on threeeeee weeks :partying_face: Great job! Meetings are great.
@JP123 Good job on all those meetings. You are walking the walk :+1:
@StacyAnn Congrats on double digits! :partying_face: Well done. Keep coming back :smiling_face:

That is it. That’s what a win looks for me. I still catch myself quite often in a worry trance when anxiety hits. Turning it over makes it so much easier.

373 sugar
237 UPF
111 gluten
111 dairy
47 mindful eating

Had a pretty decent night. Anxiety is fluctuating but overall lower than it was last week with all those panic attacks. That is great. I am very grateful for that. The cold I am having is somewhat low grade, just the muscle aches are uncomfortable.
Had a good RD meeting last night. Today I want to find a project I can engage in while I’m going through all that anxiety. Right now I cannot focus on my creative work and I need something that will occupy my mind without being to taxing.
A friend wants to come over for tea in the afternoon. Later I will take a bike ride to my partner’s place and spend the night there. I am curious how this will work out.

Today’s picture are some brightly red shelf fungi I saw on my hike last weekend.

Peace and love for life always :lotus:


Hey all, checking in on day 1629. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 19 sober :sparkling_heart:


Hello friends. Checking in on day 1267. :blue_heart:


day 10. Tired and sad but I want to live my life at it is. I don’t want to change it, just accepting it


@JazzyS I hope you could sleep better today. 4 broken hours is awful. Sweet dreams my friend


Day 1,632 clean and sober today. Worked yesterday but celebrated Thanksgiving by doing my yearly ritual in which I light a candle for each of my family members which have passed on. It’s a good visual representation that I can use to imagine them being there with me,

7 candles, 1 for my wife, my 3 sons, my mom, grandfather and grandmother. Opened a bottle of Martinelli’s sparkling cider (their favorite) and wished them peace, love, laughter and joy wherever they may be.

Interesting thing about death as I said “wherever they may be” I believe that we are just animals and that when we die that’s it. But I don’t know what happens when we die… but they do. Anyways, ritual is just a way for me to suspend my disbelief (while in ritual) so that I can let my imagination run wild in a controlled environment and it was very peaceful yet sad last night as I miss them all so much. I’m ok though.

I hope everyone has a beautiful day today, love you guys! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 88 AF, sober Thanksgiving, so worth it.


Big virtual hugs to you. A beautiful ritual :pray:t2:


@Lastry way to go with your 3 weeks and awesome work finding a meeting. For the times in need, it’s so important to have your tools and plans ready :muscle:t4:
@TrustyBird dang! Practice makes perfect - that pivot was something else :yum::yum:. Hope you enjoyed. Good luck with the search…hope you are able to replicate that recipe

So grateful that you did check in. Sorry you are feeling down. That space of wanting to be active and needing rest is crazy …I have been there. Possibly a comprise and a good yoga session? I do hope you are able to get that rest and start to feel upbeat soon. Remember we are here for you so you don’t have to go through it alone :people_hugging:
@Bomdhil thanks friend. Sleep still not great but I have a chill day today so will rest. I’m sorry you are feeling sad. Sending love and hugs your way :people_hugging: :heart:. Remember that drinking will not give you any relief. Glad to see you posting about accepting where you are at . It does get easier :pray:t4:
@Rockstar24777 big hugs :people_hugging: :people_hugging: so sorry for all the loss. Grateful for the ritual and the thinking behind it. :heart:

Checking in on Friday morning
Not much going on…it’s snowing outside…I’m cozy waiting on someone to arrive to pick up an item…got my hot cup of coffee keeping me company.

Hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Friday work morning check-in. Very tough day today, one of the hardest weeks I’ve had in months as a working parent. been up since 2 AM. Daughter needed a diaper change, and lots of cuddles, and my wife and I didn’t get back to sleep. I’ve been working my ass off without adequate recovery, and not sleeping much this week. My wife said she could make dinner tonight, which should be a nice break for me, because it’s been on me the last few nights after work this week.
I know I will get through this little rough patch, I just need it to happen so badly ASAP.


Maybe you should try to find something to distract yourself. Movies, books, music, hobbies , anything which you enjoy. Any form of physical exercise helps a lot.

I am on day 12, and keeping myself busy has helped me a lot. I have tried to give up drinking, and relapsed several times. I also suffer from BPD and CPTSD, which makes it very tough to deal with normal day to day situations. I know I cannot do this unless I have a plan to deal with my emotions.

I hope things get better for you and you feel better soon. Hang in there, dear friend. It is worth it.


Thank you so much, big virtual hugs back my friend :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Thank you Jasmine :blush:

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Checking in. My friend is going crazy again. He doesn’t have any diagnose, but he’s clearly bipolar and/or borderline. For the past three days he’s been in a blissful state, full of love and compassion and rejecting all substances. But today he has abandoned all his principles, he’s full of hate and he says “rock n roll, go smoke weed, drink booze and enjoy of life!” It’s so draining trying to be his friend because I never know what is his mood when he wakes up. I tried to answer to him with kind words, but he just went bananas and started to call me a loser etc. and I should smoke weed because then I’m real according to him. I haven’t answered to his insults. He’s so draining that I have to cut all communications with him. He’s clearly in pain, but I have to think myself and my sobriety foremost. I can’t help him, he need professional help, but he refuses. So sad. I wish him all the best.


Day 1020
Morning!! Its 1030 here and ive already got the living room & bedroom floors vaccumed, kitchen floor & bathroom floor swept and mopped, and dishes done. I had a teacher/parent conference zoom mtg this morning and that went well. Now my son has an appt at 11 and then we can relax until we have to go get his snowpants. All n all its been a good day so far. No complaints here lol Hope everyone is enjoying their friday addiction free.


I do hope you get some rest soon. I know how exhausting it is to keep going on little sleep and I can’t imagine adding the care of a toddler to the mix. It will get easier :pray:t4:. Just remember that drinking will not help any and won’t give you any relief. ODAAT :people_hugging:

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Unfortunately you can’t help those who refuse help. You do need to look out for yourself first. Don’t see this as selfish but self preservation. I’m sorry that your friend is going through this but we can’t help someone who thinks they are good and refuse it.


You cannot do anything for your friend. He is hurting but he will have to find his own way home. All you can do is be there for him, when he needs you. He will need you. Do not try to tell him what to do, or stop him. It will not work. Just be there. He knows what is right and what is wrong but he has to make the choice himself.

I suffer from BPD. Dealing with people and relationships is very difficult. The best way to help is to just be there to listen without judgement.


Thank you for the wise words @JazzyS and @BrownGecko. You’re absolutely right. It just makes me sad because when he is in his good moods, he’s a really kind and compassionate fellow. But when his mood changes, he goes straight to the other extreme which is really sad to experience, he’s like a totally different person. He has even said himself that what’s wrong with him, but he can’t see when he’s raging and calling me and others by names etc. Our relationship is really draining and right now I have to protect myself from him because my own mental health and sobriety is priority number one.