Checking in daily to maintain focus #71

Day 272
Sunday night check-in. Had another glorious weekend. Time spent in Nature and with great people. Life is pretty bloody good.


ā˜† Day 2245 :walking_woman:
Like I saidā€¦I found it difficult to stay positive these days. But Iā€™m trying!
I avoid reading the news and try not to live in the future. But wednesday I have my hospital appointment and my fear is they will put my feet back into plaster.
It has been more then 2 months since my last walk in nature ore crossfit training ore any other activaty that makes me sweat and feel Iā€™m alive.
Itā€™s not good for my mental health but it seems like Iā€™m adapting a bit to the situation.
Bought myself blue temporary hairpaint and going to dye the end of my ponytail blue :blue_heart:
If I wouldnā€™t work in a store I would have painted it all blue. But because Iā€™m covered in tattoos already and have some piercings as well that would be a bit to much all together :blush:

I used to make pictures from this tree every time I walk by it. This is my latest photo. It was summer back then and I think ā€œmyā€ tree is almost bare now. I miss to see him. Maybe I bike to him next week when Iā€™m off from work. I wanna say hi and make a picture :wink:

Today? Having a family lunch with my mother in law and the brothers in law and their partners and kids.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


@SoberWalker I feel you friend. I hate it to be incapacitated. Do you have exercise/sports alternatives to engange in in the meanwhile? Yoga, bodyweight exercises, cycling? I have no idea what might work with your injury, but exercising with and around an injury is always possible. You already said you are adapting. Adapt your way of being alive :muscle: :smiling_face:
@MrFantastik Thank you for thinking of me :grin: I love pictures from other places in the world. Looks like a great place for nature biking. Have fun with the rafting today. Sounds very exciting as well.
@Lighter Calming vibes your way. Nightly panic sucks.
@Amy30 Really sorry to hear you are having such a nasty cold and are so very swamped at the same time. Nevertheless: Congrats on your satanic achievement :smiling_imp: 666 :smiling_imp: :partying_face:
@TrustyBird I am sorry your friend was in such a situation. On the other hand I cannot stop to marvel at how things can change. How we - who have been in the clutches of addiction - in our recovery can be of help to others in need. :heart:
@Just_Laura Glad to hear your girl is doing better :+1:
@Butterflymoonwoman Do we get to see a pic of that fabulous tree?
@mxelle @JazzyS I would reframe the message in a way, that when I am empty inside, when I am suffering from addiction I might be able to love others, but usually I lack the ability to interact with and respond to them or the situation we are in in a skillfull manner.

354 sugar
218 UPF
92 gluten
92 dairy
28 mindful eating

Energy wise and with my mental health I am doing good. I have some lingering symptoms though, and yesterday one of my eustachian tubes closed up. I know this will resolve after a while by itself, but still itā€™s a pain in the back. At least I donā€™t have any classes next week. With the tube blocked I donā€™t hear well, especially in noisy environments, and a classroom is very difficult to navigate then.
Today I am going to do my usual weekly review, take nice walk. Some yoga in the afternoon - I do need movement again. Maybe a meeting in the evening.

Todayā€™s picture is a row of houses in the historical center of KĆøbenhavn where we stayed summer last year.

Peace and love for life always :lotus:


Hello sober fam! Been wrestling with myself and the root causes of my addictions, and watching more videos to help me. Hereā€™s another TedTalk on addictions, trauma and more by someone I like called Gabor Mate. Maybe itā€™s for you, maybe not :wink:


310 AF Days

Sunday morning so up to take my BP, sugar levels, weight, etcā€¦ been doing this since about when I got sober. Doc thinks itā€™s good to do on same days same time each week as my trends become clear.
All is good on those fronts though BP is a bit higher than Iā€™d like, but still in normal range.

Did some more work in gym (putting in surge protectors, getting countdown clock programmed, getting headsets hung and charging, etc) yesterday, but didnā€™t pull trigger on workouts as lingering cold still has energy a bit low. It was day one from work, so Iā€™ll cut myself some slack.

I am unsure what today will look like yet. Wife works again tonight, so havenā€™t made any plans at all. Just wandering right now, no direction. Feel good but empty inside a bit. My purpose is a question mark to me this morning. Iā€™ll sit in that for a while as I finish coffee and try to understand this.

Enjoy your day all. :pray:


On my three weeks mark now and feeling better by the day. Iā€™m so glad to have taken this step and joined the community, you are so helpful and kind.
Big thanks to all of you, be blessed and stay safe out there! :hugs:


So sorry! Hope you are doing better now after coffee and some time.


@Amy30 feel better soon šŸ©µ congrats on your devilish number :smiling_imp: :tada:
@Collins sorry for the setback :pensive:
@JazzyS thank you :blush: today so far is not so bad :raised_hands:t2:
@icebear sending strength šŸ©µ
@wahtisnormal congrats on 200+ days :tada:
@Laner Iā€™m glad you had a nice evening with your friends, but sorry for the way the night ended, glad you got out of there safe :people_hugging:
@Raspberry sending strength šŸ©µ
@Wakikki sending strength šŸ©µ
@acromouse I like the drawing -looks like something out of Stranger Things :star_struck:
@Butterflymoonwoman congrats on quadruple digits :tada::trophy::star2: thatā€™s a really thoughtful surprise :christmas_tree:


@mxelle keep trying :people_hugging: sending strength šŸ©µ
@Lastry welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on 2 days :tada:
@Kareness sending strength šŸ©µ Hopefully the meds will work their magic asap :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Lighter sorry for trauma wake-up :people_hugging:šŸ©µ
@Moe_L congrats on 3 weeks :tada:

1552 days no alcohol.
1017 days no cocaine.
31 days no vape.
4 days no binge-eating.

Therapy online on Friday went really well. The only silence was the last 5mins. I am going to try to go in-person still, because I think itā€™s good for me to get out of the flat, and have exposure to the public and the outside world in general. I also do 12K steps on those days, so thatā€™s good for me too.

Yesterday first thing I drove to my hometown to collect my medications. Then my dad and his wife came in their van to take some of their things out of my garage, as they have made some room in their own. Then, I wasnā€™t going to, because I felt really anxious, but one of the facilitators called me to check if I knew the group was on, so I attended the Survivorā€™s trans group. I was really glad I did, but itā€™s very emotionally heavy and draining, so afterwards I had lunch and then thought Iā€™d have a ā€œquick napā€, before trying to do some cleaningā€¦I laid down at either 2 or 3pm, and didnā€™t wake up until 6pm! Iā€™m surprised, but apart from it being a little difficult to fall asleep, I still managed to get some sleep last night too.

Today, I really do need to do some cleaning. Iā€™m going to start with the task that makes the biggest difference, hoovering! Then Iā€™m hoping that will motivate me to start some other jobs.

I hope youā€™re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



I am getting an error message when I try to upload a photoā€¦ any tips?


Happy Sunday!

I like Sunday mornings because I get to go to a meeting at the local hospital that helps inpatients for alcoholism. Its a good feeling.

MAKE it an amazing sober day my friends!


@Butterflymoonwoman thatā€™s a lovely surprise Danaā£ļø. Have a wonderful time decorating
@scaredsmol oh Iā€™m sorry. Sending healing vibes your way. Hope you donā€™t have any severe symptoms and can start feeling better soon :pray:t4:
@TrustyBird oh Iā€™m so grateful that it turned out okay and for the kindness of strangers. You are rightā€¦ couldā€™ve been so much worse. Hope she remembers the conversation and is able to continue :pray:t4:
@Lighter an awful way to wake up ā€¦Iā€™m sorry Marie. A big comforting bear hug for you :people_hugging: I hope that coffee helped and you are able to enjoy the rest of your day
@mrfantastik oh this looks beautiful and your adventure sounds lovely :smiling_face:
@SoberWalker sorry friendā€¦your foot still giving you pain? I hope a plaster can be avoided but in the end your foot needs to heal properly and for good :pray:t4:. Sending positivity your way. Love the idea of blue tips. :blue_heart:
@acromouse thanks for the reframing of the message. Iā€™m sorry to hear about your tube being blocked. I am not familiar with this. Do you have to go into have it unblocked and is it a simple task or a procedure? Hope it gets sorted for you quickly.
@Moe_L congratulations on your 3 weeks! Keep working your recovery and stacking up the days :muscle:t4:
@Rookie is it too large? I think 4 MB is the max allowed. Also, if not a jpeg then it wonā€™t load (may allow other formats but I know jpegs and gifs work). My computer was automatically saving pics as jpg or if and neither were supported so I had to reach them by opening and saving with correct extension. Hope that helps

Checking in on Sunday morning
Itā€™s a quiet morning. Raining so Iā€™m enjoying a coffee in bed while catching up here

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Have an amazing day Jasmine :heart:

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Wishing you a wonderful day and hope you can sit with your coffee as you decide your next adventures.
You have been so busy for so many months that it makes sense to feel kinda empty as you donā€™t have to rush out and get mowing and a hundred other things done.
Enjoy the ME time my friendā€¦I wouldnā€™t mind if you shared a pic of your beautiful view :wink:

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Hey all, checking in on day 1610. I hope everybody has a good one!


It has been a pretty weekend. Day 36. Have a great Sunday friends. :pray:t2:


Checking in day 237.
Our house weā€™re selling settles tomorrow which means the new owners take control.
Tonight we had a HUGE storm roll through so I drove 30 minutes to the house to check on it and it had a leak in the bedroom ceiling :melting_face: this house gives us so much anxiety and every step of the way has been HELL. Weā€™re going to let the real-estate agent know tomorrow but I donā€™t think itā€™ll really change anything. Just one more thing for me to be worrying over. I canā€™t wait for it to be gone but I feel like it wonā€™t be the end of it.

Today we took our niece and nephew to cirque du Soleil for their Christmas and birthday presents. Weā€™ve decided weā€™ll do a great experience each year instead of presents twice a year. We usually just give them stuff they donā€™t really need or use anyway so this is a better thing to do.

A couple more weeks and weā€™ll be in our new home, canā€™t wait. Been waiting for this moment in reality for yearsā€¦ our forever home that we can just relax in and not have to worry about moving again.

Hope everyoneā€™s weekend went well and have a great week!


Oh I do love this more and a great way to create memories and bonds :heart:

Iā€™m sorry for the leakā€¦ hopefully everything goes smoothly from here and you can put this home behind you. Excited for your new chapter in your forever home :hugs:


I apppreciate you trying, but I donā€™t want to introduce others at this moment, at all. To me this sentence doesnā€™t belong, so there is no need to reframe.


Thanks for your concern. Itā€™s nothing serious and it does not require any procedure. It feels like having water or cotton in your ear. The hearing is bad, there is some pressure, and sometimes sounds. This will resolve by itself. Itā€™s just a nuisance.