Checking in daily to maintain focus #71

Day 1136 AF

Good morning, world.

Went for a walk at the park this morning. It’s a beautiful day outside. Gonna clean the apartment in a bit. Take the kids to the playground, and just chill at the apartment. I’ve been watching the Transformers movies with my eldest.

Nothing much going on. Still doing the sober thangs. Ready for Thanksgiving.

This is one of my favorite songs from one of the best Mexican flix, Amores Perros.

Lucha De Gigantes - Nacha Pop

I hope everyone’s doing well. Take care. ODAAT :heart:


@browngecko Day 8 is amazing. Are you able to remove all alcohol from the home so you are not triggered or tempted? Would also find something to keep yourself busy – maybe playing games, cooking, puzzles??? Read here and connect with the community to keep you focused. Maybe do a meeting online? Working out or going for a walk also helps. Just a few suggestions. Just remember that the urges don’t last.
@misokats Sorry friend. I know that would be a gut punch to me and I’m not even 2 years sober. Being sober and working on your recovery is hard work and you are doing great. Sorry that your hubby feels the need to hide alcohol. Great work on resisting the A-hole! Big hugs to you and hope the sadness lifts soon :people_hugging:
@soberwalker Hope your day went smoothly today – how was it getting back to the swing of things?
@stacyann Way to go with your 1 week :muscle: :muscle: That is so awesome :muscle:
@juli1 YEAH!!! 300 days and climbing Jules! I am so happy to see this and so very proud of your efforts. Sounds like a lovely way to celebrate your milestone :hugs: :tada: :tada:

Totally get this. Glad that today is better and that you pushed through the moments yesterday without giving into prior ways of comfort. That is a huge win! :hugs:
@jp123 Sorry to hear about the low mood. Hope that the doctor is able to figure something out. Sometimes the season change can be the culprit. We forget how important Vitamin D can be. Hoping that your mood and energy lift soon :pray:
@shel75 Great to see you checking in. You have been very busy and I hope you get some time to rest and recover from the go go go momentum. Getting stuck in this cycle and forgetting t eat is a sure way for me to reach for the bottle. Remember to take time for yourself as you are important! I do hope things slow down and the mood gets better for you. You are not alone :people_hugging:
@laner OMG! That is so traumatizing to see and experience. I am so very sorry for the loss of life. The suddenness of it all is such a shock. Sending love and my condolences to his family. So grateful that you did not give into the craving. No way is drinking going to help in any situation. So grateful that you have someone to talk to in real life. We are here for you too :people_hugging: :heart:
@butterflymoonwoman So glad the phone call is over and the guy was easy to talk to. Grateful that you are able to do a payment plan. Most importantly is that you are sober and healthy :hugs: Much love to you my friend
@millie_1987 2 days is fantastic. Sorry that you had to reset. I lost count of how many I had – the goal is to not give up on yourself and keep trying. Learn from what caused the reset and find ways to avoid it. Find community and support as this was key for staying sober and accountable. You are here putting your efforts to work – be proud and don’t let the relapse create a guilt loop.

Checking in on Monday afternoon
Day has kinda gotten away from me. Glad I did get a walk in already and I did have a lovely conversation with my cousin in England. Gonna try to get motivated and keep working on meal prep for Thanksgiving. I so want to just curl up and hide LOL. Gonna put on some good tunes to get me in the mood.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 786
Less gaming, more walking and reading: :white_check_mark:
Finally I started this, I feel tired and my feet hurt, but I made it!
The games on my computer are deleted and books are loaded on my iPhone.
I ate a good meal and feel fantastic :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
As you promised @Juli1 :heart:
Stay strong fam :heart_hands:


Thank you so much for your kind words…
The disappointment is big, i’m scared for the future and feel guilty towards my family. Why does this addiction take over my life. I try to be strong enough, to take the control… but this is hard…


Dope view my brother and sounds like a lot is going on you living the good life keep killin it G!


Believe me, you are not alone. This disease (addiction) takes over in the most crazy way. Actually makes you believe it is good for you and that you need it to feel good, to have a good time, to relax…when all that is lied and it’s liyeral poison.
It feeds off of the disappointment and guilt. Don’t give it any fuel. Gather your tools, make a plan and surround yourself with support. This is a battle that can be won…just got to take it ODAAT. We can not do this by ourselves so support is imperative and we need to do this for ourselves. We deserve better addiction free lives.

Sending love and strength :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::heart:


Checking in on Day 84 my friends, work is okay, just ready to be off. Have a great Monday! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks, bro. Gotta keep putting in the work daily. :muscle:


Don’t worry, Mr M. We will be right by your side. If you were not sober you would be the most alone. Very proud of you for tackling Hell week. You will have some time built up before Christmas. And it will keep accumulating. Things will get so much better in every aspect of your life. We have hope now. :people_hugging:


Thanks for the suggestions. I am planning to attend online AA meetings. I found an app with online meetings.

There’s no alcohol in the house. We got rid of that.

I guess I will have to find distractions.


Thanks Jazzy. The urges are more manageable now.

We got rid of the alcohol in the house.

I’ve got a few audiobooks lined up, and a couple of Netflix series which looks interesting. I also plan on attending an online meeting. I found an app with online meetings.

I will be okay.


Thank you so much for the kind words! The support in this community is so precious!


Day 269

Had breakfast with a new friend. She was encouraging. I really want to go back to work soon. In a totally different field. Why not? I’ve had a few different careers already, like most middle-aged people. I’ll find a new path.

A cold front blew through and not only is the AC off and the windows open, but it’s almost too cool for that! I love it. 85 didn’t feel normal for Thanksgiving week! I am hitting the store early for baking supplies and baking Wednesday. Going out to the farm for the holiday.

Enjoy your nights and mornings and such. :dove:


Here is mine, I am sure there would be a lot of overlap and bands to talk about between us:

(I clearly need to work on cleaning up the cables, it’s an ongoing thing in this electronics-enabled home :see_no_evil:)


Checking in! :wave:t2:
My plan was to work out this afternoon, but I had to take the cat to the vet again (he keeps getting wounds without a clear reason - this is starting to freak me out), besides doing some grocery shopping, and that was enough for me to find a valid excuse to not do anything this afternoon after work! :roll_eyes:
Tomorrow there’ll be no excuses! :muscle:t2:
The apple cake at my moms yesterday was delicious :cake:. It’s funny how I can worry about the calories of a little piece of cake (no relapse here, all good!), but I wouldn’t give a fuck about the calories I used to consume when drinking 1-2 bottles of wine 4-5 days per week during I don’t know how many years! And then I was moaning about the 30KG of weight I gained over the years :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:t3:
Off to bed now… sober! :smiling_face:


Hi @Jesile, I can only imagine that Peanut’s health has you worried :scream_cat:

My cat Clifton used to get wounds/bald patches in his neck, we never understood why until it dawned on us that this is where we applied the anti-flee medicine and he was allergic to that. Maybe check with the vet if some kind of allergy has Peanut licking/biting/scratching the same spot until it’s an open wound? Hope that helps :pray:


Thanks! The vet has done several tests without any result, and right now I don’t have a new appointment. If things get worse, I should go back. His flea treatment is given orally,… :woman_shrugging:
He seems happy and healthy, eating, plying etc… but he’s had 3 wounds in 10 days! :confounded:


Day #358

So today was the first day at the new job. It was great for first day. A lot of new things were showed, new people ,new opportunity for showing the best of sober me.
After work me, my boy, little cousin and the bestie went to standup show to one of the most famous in Bulgaria. The show was very fun.
Now is almost the end of one good Monday. I hope the whole week to be with good vibes and moments.

Thanks to these people who wished me a good luck for the new job. I really appreciate it.

Good night from Bulgaria with love :heartbeat: and you know it - stay sober and strong :muscle:


It is! I finished it last night and cried like a baby. I first watched it like more than 10 years ago and started my love for history and the actual history of the Tudors. Sure, it takes some liberties with the facts, but it’s entertaining!


@Juli1 Yeess! Get it!

@Laner That is really terrible. I’m glad you have a counsellor to talk to. That needs some professional unpacking and processing.