Checking in daily to maintain focus #73

LOL I love that - what did you end up getting? If you haven’t already - post your readings on the Any Avid Readers Here? What are you currently reading? thread
@lighter I do love a good road trip… Absolutely love the freedom of driving on the open road and feeling care free with some great tunes blasting. Hope you enjoy your trip
@Minatasha Way to go friend. Great work on deleting the game. It is a great feeling to feel free of these games. I had so many on my phone that I used for distraction when I started my sobriety. Felt good to delete them when I gained some strength in my journey. Keep pushing forward :hugs:

Good for you! Don’t worry about what others say or think, they don’t know what you have been through and how much effort you are putting in daily to stay sober. Super proud of you and keep stacking up the days :muscle:

Great job on pushing through. We gotta remember that the urges don’t last and the wine will not solve anything. You are doing great with 17 days :tada:
@LittleMissL Sorry that you did not have a good day. Sending hugs and comfort your way. Hope you enjoyed the movie and pizza night :people_hugging:
@Naomi Oh man that is a lot going on today. I am sorry that your friend was unable to hear you vent today. Glad you did not pick up the bottle and found a way to push through. Hope you have a good nights sleep and can wake up to a better day tomorrow :people_hugging:
@MrMoustache so very happy to hear that you are at the psych ward where you are safe and around professionals who can help you. Grateful that you are checking in here regularly. We all do want to see you doing well. Sending love your way - hope the thoughts subside and you are able to get a decent nights rest :heart: :hugs:

Checking in Monday afternoon…
Been a lazy day. Did get a few minor tasks done but still trying to get motivation to do more. My body and mind are not on the same page LOL. At least I know I don’t want to numb myself …ODAAT!
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: