Checking in daily to maintain focus #73

Checking in day 378 AF :blush:


Checking in! :wave:t2:
My weekend is just about to endā€¦ it was too short! :persevere:
I got a lot a stuff done: I did my weekly cleaning, listened to an audio book, took my cat to the vet, went for a walk, cleaned my car, did my workout, had a nice warm shower and now Iā€™m chilling on the sofa!
My mom was supposed to come over for lunch, but she had to cancel last minuteā€¦
Tomorrow I have an appointment at the hairdresser! I havenā€™t been to the hairdresser in 3 yearsā€¦ not a fan of people touching me, that includes physios, hairdressers, massage therapists etcā€¦ :see_no_evil: So getting my hair done is not something I do regularly!
Close to 2 months sober! Sleeping very good, and all over feeling good health wise speaking!


Checking in day 1,938.
Not been the best day.
Just ordered Pizza and lining up a movie think weā€™re watching Civil War just came on Amazon.
Stay safe and sober peeps :pray:t3:

@Jesile hope you can relax whilst having your haircut- almost 2 months! Where did time go!
Hope your Mum is ok.


No, I wonā€™t be able to relax! :sweat_smile::rofl: I always sit like a stick on the chair while they wash my hair, and always tell them to ā€œskip the massage ritualā€!
My momā€™s ok, thank you for asking! She had a plumber coming over, and they never announce a specific time, just a time window, and you have to sit home and waitā€¦.


Day 11 started well at work but ended like shit.
A glass bottle of mayonaise rolled out of the fridge, mayo and glass all over the floor and wallsā€¦ Right after that I dropped a full glass of purple soda on my light grey fabric office chair and floor (in a thousand pieces)ā€¦ Then I received a message that my new dishwasher takes even longer because they FORGOT my order (already waiting for a month, dish washing by hand all this time and I hate it!)ā€¦ Plus my new laptop is SHIT and today I learned the company wonā€™t accept a return because Iā€™m TWO days too late for a return ticketā€¦
Eventually I called a friend for some distraction and I listened to her talk bullshit for an hour, but when I finally wanted to vent about my day she had to go to have diner with her hubbyā€¦

It sounds like a typical drunk day, but Iā€™m sober AF. In bed now before Iā€™m slipping into a complete rage. I have to admit I was tempted to get a bottle but I ate a pizza instead (as a snack after diner and now Iā€™m feeling sick). Iā€™m sooooo freaking irritated, and angry with myself too, but hopefully tomorrow will be better. Oh, and itā€™s that time of the month. Fun times :gun:


That was beautiful. :pray:t2:


Wowā€¦ sounds like life was really challenging u today :frowning: Those are days that just need to end lol. But im so glad u didnt turn to a bottle to cope. Proud of u for that!!


Ive never had a hairdresser massage with a haircut, hopefully itā€™ll be over and done with quick!
Glad your Moms ok :slightly_smiling_face:


Checking in. Iā€™m safe, Iā€™m at a psych ward. They took me in because I was (and I am) a total wreck. I have still very, very dark thoughts and Iā€™m full of fear, but Iā€™m in a safe environment, so Iā€™m really grateful for that. Doctors and nurses are so wonderful and compassionate in here.

But I wanna thank you all for your wonderful messages and all the support youā€™ve been giving to me! I read all the messages with tears in my eyes. Iā€™m just so grateful to all of you, this community is literally a lifesaver. I canā€™t thank you enough, my sober fam! THANK YOU! I love yaā€™ll!


I am glad you are exepting help.


Checking in on day 538. I slept really badly last nightā€¦that kind of sleep when you feel just on the verge of being awake the whole time :roll_eyes: luckily my daughter got up and out of the house for school easily today and I made it through work :muscle: Iā€™ve just completed a workout so Iā€™ve hopefully tired myself out enough to sleep better tonight.

@MrMoustache Iā€™m glad youā€™re in a safe place and being looked after
@Naomi well done on not picking up after a frustrating day, sober you can deal with anything life throws at you much better :muscle:


Im so glad that ur in a safe place with compassionate people that will help :slight_smile:


LOL I love that - what did you end up getting? If you havenā€™t already - post your readings on the Any Avid Readers Here? What are you currently reading? thread
@lighter I do love a good road tripā€¦ Absolutely love the freedom of driving on the open road and feeling care free with some great tunes blasting. Hope you enjoy your trip
@Minatasha Way to go friend. Great work on deleting the game. It is a great feeling to feel free of these games. I had so many on my phone that I used for distraction when I started my sobriety. Felt good to delete them when I gained some strength in my journey. Keep pushing forward :hugs:

Good for you! Donā€™t worry about what others say or think, they donā€™t know what you have been through and how much effort you are putting in daily to stay sober. Super proud of you and keep stacking up the days :muscle:

Great job on pushing through. We gotta remember that the urges donā€™t last and the wine will not solve anything. You are doing great with 17 days :tada:
@LittleMissL Sorry that you did not have a good day. Sending hugs and comfort your way. Hope you enjoyed the movie and pizza night :people_hugging:
@Naomi Oh man that is a lot going on today. I am sorry that your friend was unable to hear you vent today. Glad you did not pick up the bottle and found a way to push through. Hope you have a good nights sleep and can wake up to a better day tomorrow :people_hugging:
@MrMoustache so very happy to hear that you are at the psych ward where you are safe and around professionals who can help you. Grateful that you are checking in here regularly. We all do want to see you doing well. Sending love your way - hope the thoughts subside and you are able to get a decent nights rest :heart: :hugs:

Checking in Monday afternoonā€¦
Been a lazy day. Did get a few minor tasks done but still trying to get motivation to do more. My body and mind are not on the same page LOL. At least I know I donā€™t want to numb myself ā€¦ODAAT!
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thanks, cuddling with doggo and watching funny dog videos helped alot! Feeling better already :smiling_face_with_tear:


5 weeks

All i want to do is heat my frozen spanokopita and drink a bottle of red wine to go with it. Just hours of being with myself is tiring. I cant believe i picked up a shift tomorrow. Ruined the vibe today. And one of these days ill be so sick of myself ill drink again.

Ill try taking a melatonin at 7 again because that gets me to sleep around 11. Ill try to get there early and take the group of residents i like to have.

Fuck this.
I have to go to the pharmacy to get eye drops for my cat. I still havent cleaned my car - its bad to the level of multiple empty food containers and piles of trash and recycling in the passenger seat. I may bribe myself. The best fries in town are at this Mexican restaurant pretty close to the pharmacy. I may go there and get an order of take out fries and a soda and just clean my car in the parking lot.

All i have to do is leave now with a trash bag and some more sanitizing wipes and washcloths.

Thanks for being a place to write this nonsense. Leaving now.

Edit: so that went horribly! They tried to charge me way more than I paid the last time so i didnt get the eye drops. Then i forgot the ketchup (the best fries in town are at a place that has no ketchup which is Fine its worth it to just bring some of my ownā€¦but still. Then i drove while still angry which i hate doing. Now im in a strip mall parking lot with my plain fries and a dirty car. Im not leaving here until my car is clean. Then i can go in the grocery store and get something sweet. :frowning:


Checking in sober. Still have this random
Cold flu virus whatever thing which is keeping me out of the gym and killing my mood. Taken some lemsip (blackcurrant flavour of course, not horrible floor cleaner lemon flavour) which has helped and am in bed early. Keeping my fingers crossed that I will be well enough to be back in the gym in the morning. Literally canā€™t believe I just wrote thatā€¦ Iā€™ve come a long way.

Finally got my tax return done after collecting all the paperwork and treated myself with some skittles as a result - definitely a guilty pleasure. @Tragicfarinelli donā€™t be too jealous of my tax return completeness.


Well done! :clap:t2:


Glad you are in a safe place & I hope you start to feel a bit better soon, sending hugs :hugs:


Thank you :sun_with_face:

I love this! I do this often just to get some shit done. Hope you were able to get those fries and enjoy in a tidied up car.

The spanokopita sounds lovely - i have a slice left in my freezer that I am now debating on heating up. We donā€™t need no wineā€¦ we are doing well without the alcohol. Keep coming here and donā€™t let the down moods convince you that you need a drink. :hugs: