Checking in daily to maintain focus #73

@Betu thank you new friend! I’m glad you enjoyed it. It’s nice to meet you and excellent work on your double digits. :muscle: It gets better and better, but so slowly sometimes that you barely notice it. Welcome :wave:


I’m happy you’re safe and can begin again. :people_hugging:


Thank you! And I appreciate the insight. Odaat.
Big hug and see you around for sure.


I’ve just been catching up on this thread and I see a lot of posts from people having crappy days, just bleh days, illnesses and other life goings on…i just want to send out a hug to everyone here (and anyone who might be reading but not posting) :heart::people_hugging: and to say how proud I am of each and every one of you for coming here and sharing and finding strength in this community :muscle: life isn’t always easy and I dont have any wise words of advice, but I see you and I’m here with you and we can get through things stronger together :v::heart:


Checking in. It’s Monday and 371 Day sober. God when I hit that 365 I didn’t think I need to count anymore. I’ll just proud I made the year and I’m gonna continue on… I like this group, but I’m not on here much. Hopefully, when I retire this year, I can be on more. It’s cold here in New York, but there’s a beautiful full moon how about where everybody else is at


Thank you not that I had a terrible day but we have Covid going around my facility again so everything is shut down and makes for a long day. MeI’m personally not sick But I work in a forensic psychiatric center, and when it gets like this, it’s such a disservice to the patients because they don’t move off their units for weeks at a time. At least let them come up to the gym for a little while. I don’t know. It just makes me angry at times… Regardless, I’m happy I’m not second at least


Oh how I know what you’re dealing with. I’m proud af of you though. Sober rage is another monster. You got this🩷💜🩷


I’m so glad you sought and received the help and you’re safe. And thank you for checking in. We were all quite concerned


I’m sorry very you are struggling like this but I’m so happy and relieved that you are safe and surrounded by people who are able to help get you back on track with hour mental health. Take care of yourself and you know where we all are if you need us.


Mmm…spanakopita!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Checking in much later than normal today on Day 18 . Work was really good today and my mood hasn’t fluctuated much through the day which has been nice because some days are emotional rollercoasters for me. One of the things I noticed most today was my interactions didn’t feel fake with people like they usually do . Working in customer service I speak with a lot of people through the day and for years my interactions have always been me going through the motions like I was just putting on an act or show because I had to get through the day without anyone finding out who I really was and what my evening were really consumed by. But today I wasn’t an actress anymore I was really talking and joking with people no act , no fakeness…. It was me with nothing to hide anymore. It was kind of a big liberating moment for me. Anyways hope all you great people have had amazing days and those that haven’t I hope tomorrow is better. Stay safe and Sober everyone :blush:


Checking in on day 40!


Winding down on day 9. Hardest day so far… right off the bat this morning got thrown a lot of curve balls at work that stressed me out so badly that my brain hijacked me and I went into the “oh why don’t I just press the F-it button” mode and it was the first time I really thought about breaking my sobriety. I fell into a hole of insanity. I wish I could say I grabbed one of my sobriety tools but work kept me so busy that eventually the insanity wore off… still stressed but told my manager I was feeling overwhelmed and we talked a bit and it helped (although he was still annoying, he was at least compassionate). Fast forward to the end of the day and I can see how insane I was and my brain is exhausted from arguing against itself… literally a tug of war going on in there. Depression is still awful… up and down and up and down we go. Hope tomorrow is a little easier… sending love to this wonderful community, it really helps keep me going :heart:


@CanadianGirl i relate to the authentic interactions… normally I would not have told my manager I was feeling overwhelmed, would have tried to just minimize my interaction with him as much as possible… anyway I related a lot to what you said!


You did it! You made through the day and are going to bed sober!!! You will be even happier tomorrow, waking up hangover free and too your ten days. You got this! Keep going strong!! @Catmama23



Felt good today. Started some of the mountain of laundry I now have, cleaned the kitchen, and baked a cobbler for a dinner with my family. It was just a random spaghetti dinner my mom wanted to do, but it was a nice time. We played a boardgame version of Wordle, which was surprisingly fun :smiley: Not much else, just tired. :peace_symbol:&🩷



Just another Tuesday. Go to work and do my job. Go home. Cook. Watch reservation Dogs for the second time (totally worth it). I don’t think much more is going to happen. Which is good. Do the mindfulness exercise my new therapist gave me. That should do it. Just for today.

Whatever we do, let’s have as good a day as we all can friends. Sober and clean or nothing will come from it. Love from Berlagebrug.

@Naomi Glad you got through that. Good days and bad ones. Drinking helps with nothing. :people_hugging:
@Lighter Thanks for that Marie. Beautiful. I didn’t make it to the chili state yet (covid intervened there), but I will yet.
@Minatasha Thanks for sharing friend. One of the reasons I don’t own a car is the state it would be in when I had one :sweat_smile:
@MrMoustache Glad to know your safe friend. Hugs and love.
@CATMANCAM Thinking of you :gift_heart:


409 days
Up early packing and loading the car. Wife came home from nightshift, napped on the couch while I finished up then we drove to stay with some family for a couple days.
Only a 3hr or so drive so easy work.
This is the spot for the next few days


Good morning. I’ve missed a couple of check ins. I’ve been good but need to remind myself to siwing by here everyday. Consistency in my approach to life as a non drinker.
Have a great day :pray:


Day 1 finished from sobriety from PMO.

I kept myself busy like the whole day.

Building a magic deck, eating, doing laundry, playing magic today.