Checking in daily to maintain focus #73

Happy Tuesday!

Yesterday was super productive. Its so much better sober. When I was drinking I really didnt get anything done the next morning because I was trying to recover.

Quarter after 5 so time to get up and get things started so MAKE it an awesome day my friends!!


Apparently dead hangs are very good to give space in the shoulders as well! Iā€™m not sure if that is a general recommendation for all shoulder issues, but Iā€™m told itā€™s an incredible strengthener and letā€™s everything reset.


Hey all, checking in on day 1675. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


So did the car get cleaned? :clap:t2:


Not sure if that was a typo but I love ā€œdreadmillā€. It really does take some mental strength to get done. :clap:t2:


No itā€™s intentional. The dreaded treadmill.


@thumper1213 yeah 40 + days :clap:t4::clap:t4:. Keep that streak going :muscle:t4:
@Catmama23 grateful that you talked with your manager. Glad you did not give into the f-it thoughts. Another day won :muscle:t4:
@LifeWarrior135 well done on day 1. Keeping busy is a great plan to avoid urges. :muscle:t4:
@handoferis sorry your teeth are hurting. Tooth pain is the worst. Good luck with your visits this week. A dental hygienist is a cool choice and that is a great score and I think you have a good chance :hugs:
@Blondie75 congratulations on your double digits :muscle:t4: good to hear that anxiety has lessened. Hope you continue to have a wonderful day

I love thisā€¦a great reminder that each day is differen.
Glad to hear things are back to normal. Keep fighting the good fight :muscle:t4:
@JennyH oh thatā€™s wonderful news. Do happy to hear that everything is good and excited to learn about your baby boy. :hugs::heart:
@Seb oh thatā€™s great news friendā€¦ Thanks for the update. So happy that you are able to continue with your life and get back to your workouts.

Checking in on Tuesday morning
I did my best to call it a night early yesterday. Stayed away from the phone too but still a crappy night of sleep. Up more than I slept and now feeling so tired. Gonna try to move about and hopefully wake myself up cause the coffee is making me sleepy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Plus the morning sniffles for past week are now all day sniffles and congestionā€¦think I have a head cold. Luckily itā€™s not COVID or the flu.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free dayā€¦ sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Day 21 :1st_place_medal::2nd_place_medal::3rd_place_medal:

Yet another Milestone Victory from Sobriety Champion!
Champ does a little Prayer and thanks to his team!



@JazzyS hope you give yourself some extra love and care today :two_hearts:

@Seb what a relief, glad the Drs are taking good care of you.

@MrMoustache glad you slept, hope your mind is a bit calmer today

@Frank68 5.15am get up? Woah, get the coffee on!

@Jesile hope the haircut went well and wasnā€™t too uncomfortable

@JennyH congratulations a baby boy! I remember the relief of having the 20 wk scan all go well, half way there now so exciting!


Great work on 3 weeks ā€¦ Keep them medals coming :3rd_place_medal:

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Thank you so much :pray:t4: working on the self care for today. Hope you are having a wonderful day :people_hugging:

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Up at 5 every morning. Do my readings and prayer, hit the gym, and then head to work. Lets me be more productive.

Its not bad once you get used to it haha.


Thanks! Yeah, Iā€™m in a better place today although Iā€™m extremely sad. Iā€™m just so tired of having these mental health problems and addictions. But gotta just focus on one moment at a time. I wish you a wonderful day!


My clocks only have one 5.15 a day think yours is broken :smile: :rofl:


15 days and counting. Actually got some sleep last night. Crashed out before midnight, so thankfully not as tired as I was yesterday. Yesterday was rough. Going to meet up with a friend I havenā€™t seen since '99 tomorrow, super stoked. Sheā€™s also AF, itā€™s kinda awesome how many people I hold dear, that have taken the route of no alcohol.
@JazzyS hope you feel better soon.

@Frank68 good for you getting things done! Idk how you do that early in the morning, but go you.

@Juli1 look at you go, Iā€™m super impressed almost a year in!

@CanadianGirl congratulations on day 19, and a good nightā€™s sleep. I swear sleep is so elusive sometimes. Hope work goes well and you have a great day too.


I know you must be absolutely worn out, let the Drs do their thing and care for you, and maybe have another think about assisted living just till you get back on your feet.
So glad youā€™re safe friend :hugs:


A lot of my decks have black in them, so i guess iā€™ll have to say my favorite color is black.

Then next favorite would be green. Then blue.

I just made a new version of my Rakdos Lord of Riots deck.


Checking on day 3 AF and day 11 cocaine free. Feeling good. Actually woke up early enough that I could work out before workā€¦ Couldā€¦ didnā€™t but could have! Which is such a big change, never would I have been able to even consider doing anything before work. Barely could make it to work some days!

Have a wonderful day everyone.


Yeah it is! Has been since day 1. You got thisšŸ©·šŸ’œšŸ©·


Doing my morning check in on day 9šŸ˜ This community has been vital to be and any progress. I realized Iā€™d be 30 days off I didnā€™t slip but this time has been so much different and this community is a huge part of that.
@JazzyS focus on you is always needed. Iā€™m happy youā€™re focusing on self care today.
@MrMoustache Iā€™m so glad you got some rest and youā€™re safe.