Checking in daily to maintain focus #8

Day 72! :grin::grin::grin: Today was pretty good, I didn’t do much except work and sleep lol. Got a lot of stuff going on tomorrow that hopefully will go well!


Day 235! Yesterday went well. Going to a morning meeting. Feels like it’s gonna be a good day. Hope you all have one too! :sparkling_heart:


Thank you. It feels really good. I’m not used to things going my way but it’s nice :cowboy_hat_face:

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32 days. Just checking in. Not counting the days everyday, time flows. Nice to wake up sober

  1. Got to hurry a bit as I got spinning class coming up to kickstart this weekend. Yesterday was a good day on my own, first time I did that consciously, taking care of myself and not feeling guilty or lonely over it. I just need this me time at times. Sober and clean and living for today. Will do some social stuff this Saturday. Have a good weekend all! Clean and sober. Love from Amsterdam.
    PS. @Hazy There are plenty around. The one I used went bust last year, I’m now on this new one called (not an app but a website) which is still small but growing and got a lot of my old friends there. Congrats on your wish to quit smoking!

Nice chip! :star_struck: Congratulations with your one year sober, that’s huge :facepunch:

Happy belated birthday @TeejLazer! :tada: Hope you had a great day!

Nice numbers @KevinesKay!! 80 rocks :star_struck:

Guard your own sobriaty first @Jane.c. That sound harsh I know :cry: But before you know you are in it together. Keep your distance.

Then you be the survivor and example for all of them @CNevarezN! :facepunch: I read some statistics about recovery from alcohol a few years ago. They didn’t make me happy but later on it makes me eager to get on the good side of that prognosis.

Day 523 :coffee:
3 days off! 3 days for me and my family!
Promished myself a hot bath and a onesie day (only one!). Have to study a bit too. Doing the official drugstore training for my shop.
Meeting friens tomorrow and have to think about a new activity to do with them because the idea was a long walk. But the weather is crap :cry:
Rain, rain and more rain…
Maybe I have to do my onesie day with my friends :joy:
I would definitely have the ugliest one!


Checking in on Saturday morning! :coffee:
Woohoo I survived friday night :sunglasses:

Good morning sober warriors!

@amethysts you are doing great! I’m also struggling with mental health and addiction. Saw in a previous post of you that you take the same meds as I’m doing.
Reading on this forum (especially the search function for topics that keeps me busy right now) and going to meetings helped me. Stay strong! One day at a time!

The last few days I was charged up because I had to tell my life story to the psychologist, but after the diagnostic interview I was bored… I already made the conclusion I have Autism or ADHD…

The 7th day.
This morning I go to the dojo for some kickboxing. In the afternoon I have a bbq party, a friend of mine is celebrating his 30th birthday. From many relapses I really know what I can and cannot do trigger myself. Already checked myself in to some fellows, they know that there is chance I could call them if I need them. During the party I sneak out to go quickly to the Saturday evening meeting, that meeting is only one hour, I think that will help me to survive the party :slight_smile:

Wish you all a sober and clean Saturday!

Stay strong! One day at a time!


well my psychiatrist offered me to go to a place where they treat drug addiction, so I’ll be going to meetings soon, I’m really looking foward to it!


Day 20.
Got more work done on the shed gym makeover but still held back by the weather which prevents me getting things out while I do certain bits.
Talk about racking up sleep, bed by 9:30 last night and didn’t wake until 8am.
5 a side cage footy game in a couple of hours as my exercise today.
Told my best friend yesterday what I’m up to. Don’t see eachother so often these days living so far apart but he was really stoked on my choice.


Fixed it for you pal :wink:




same app as this, just start a new counter and stick with us. well done on your sober days. your doing great.

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day 7 is the dogs bits my friend. really well done.


I’m getting more excited about your days than I am mine :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:. Soo close. Well done mate.


Checking in Day 46. Missed posting here for a few days but thought of everyone often! Looking forward to another sober weekend. Now off to make coffee for my AA home group morning meeting. :coffee:



Yesterday started off rough and was back and forth bad like Wednesday, but good things happened that helped it along. Drinking is on top of mind these past few days.

1. Had my first PTSD session. I was raging when I got there. Didn’t help that I overheard them telling some other woman that the therapist I was originally working with was a no show. Literally no idea how that woman still has a job. Who knows how far that chick had to drive. The people that see her are fresh out of it still in very dangerous DV situations. Anyway, my session was ok, it was pretty much focusing on identifying the most severe traumatic event and working from there.

2. Broke up with my future partner. It actually went really, really well. Of course some stress comes with this, but it’s good stress.

3. My stbx husband is supposed to be dealing with our licenses now being suspended and this lawsuit we are in because he sold my car to some Joe Schmoe over a year ago. GAVE him my license plate and title. Dude recked the car and now it’s my problem. He keeps “forgetting” to do it, but yells at me and berates needs if I say I’m going to take care of it. I don’t think I’m still physically scared of him, but I don’t want to press my luck either.

4. My daughter’s boyfriend broke up with her yesterday. She’s devastated and I’m devastated for her. Now she’s worried about moving out because she’ll be lonely. Ummmm she doesn’t give a single shit about my loneliness or anything I’ve been through. So ok, I was just there for her.

As soon as an apartment on my desired floor opens up on the city view side of this building. I’ll be moving to this place which is extremely secure. I’m excited. Will run my biz from there temporarily as well.


Wow, fantatic apartment! I’d be chomping at the bit to get moved in!

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Thanks!! I’m dying! I’m trying so hard to hold out for Floor 7 or higher and I want to be on that particular side of the building. So it might be a few months. I’m so excited though :man_dancing:


Good for you for sticking to your guns.

Sorry to hear about your co-rehabbers relapsing. It can be dissappointing to see people so hopeful, fall down again.
There is some stat out there about the percentage of people who relapse post-rehab, the number is pretty damn high (meaning, very few maintain their sobriety). Pat yourself on the back for staying on the path.

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I love my house, but sometimes I do miss apartment living. When it was just me and my dog in a 360 sq ft shoebox of a studio apt, man…some of the best years of my life, no joke. It was enough for us. Plus, I was on the top floor with a balcony that had a view of the city skyline. Plenty of warm summer nights out there.


Edit: yes I still have the floorplan saved on my phone, 5-6 years later!