Checking in daily to maintain focus #8

day 111 and 71. ill but sober. hi Lisa, fancy meeting you. Still love you. :joy: :joy:


Well done mate close is OK. if everyday is close your gonna do great.

155 days. I had to go to a meeting at the county sheriff dept at the court house (actually a client for work). They search and go thru all my stuff and for a split second I got really nervous then remembered I donā€™t do drugs anymore and donā€™t have anything on me to worry about. Thatā€™s a nice feeling!


sheā€™s typing a bloody book.


Hi! Love you and Conor too!! :kissing_heart::kissing_heart:


This is war. Mine all mine.


Day 62
My days seem to be going by really slowly. I think when I am doing mentally better I am busy and satisfied, and donā€™t really notice the days. When I am not so ok I am watching the numbers.
Today there is a party for a local kids group, of course there is a group of alpha mums that make me feel like an outsider.


There are some links to online meetings here too:

Congratulations on 6 days!


So day 18, my counselor who is spoce to help me get to a.a meeting had to cancel today, which is ok I understand. But I was kind of looking forward to this meeting tonight, it to far to walk to it. So Iā€™m a lil bummed, but itā€™s ok Iā€™m still content and just relaxing at home. My step father went over to his buddies to drink tonight and heā€™s gonna be coming home soon drunk and annoying, so thatā€™s prob gonna be the only hard thing tonight.


Sorry Matt didnā€™t mean to reply to you lol


Thank you.
No alcohol for me all night ā€¦facing social situations and really looking ar myselfā€¦feel great on it! Day 19


Day 4 sober. Today I had had a great meeting in the night. I opened my heart and I feel not judged at all and with peace in my heart


No worries :innocent:

4M 29D/ A pretty serious thing happened to me today right before I was leaving work. A coworker of mine came up to me as I was putting my tools away and told me that we should hangout one of these days. I told him, cool. Then, he told me that 2 or 3 beers wonā€™t hurt me at all. I looked him in the eye and told him that I retired from drinking and just left it at that. He nodded his head and understould.

I found out a few days back that mostly everyone who went to rehab with me back on Sept. 23, 2019, relapsed. This really bothers me. Everyone was full with so much hope and optimism. The people who worked there though, warned us that mostly everyone in the group I was in would relapseā€¦ and they were right. This in itself will make me determined to keep the path Iā€™ve decided to take. Because I know this path that Iā€™ve chosen will bring me to whatever Destiny lay ahead of me and I know that I have to do it with a clear and level headed mind. Have a good night yā€™all. Love you all!


Thank you :pray:t2: Itā€™s definitely something Iā€™m patting myself on the back for!

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Stay strong and youā€™re doing the right thing. From the way it sounds itā€™s more likely that you would be dragged down than bring her up. I learned that the hard way a few years back. Sorry youā€™re dealing with that. It comes with such conflicting feelings.


Day 450 winding down. I am really trying lately to truly live in the present. To hold on to every single moment and to be grateful for it. To enjoy it. Sure, there are times when I get ahead of myself and revert back to thinking about the past or obsessing about the future. But with practice, I am able to increasingly focus on loving the now. Itā€™s a really nice way to live.


Day 17 and 6 hoursā€¦is there an app for not smoking?


Day 474. If only today had more hours in it!


More time for insomnia to kick my butt :cry::upside_down_face::kissing_heart:

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