Checking in daily to maintain focus #9

Just checking in. Hard to believe myself that I’m at day 18 without alcohol after over 20 years of not going at least 3 days without . Still trying to get rid of the habit part of it like wanting a drink after work, cleaning, during or after stressful situations. Although I feel I’m doing good I need more things to focus on. Like get back to the gym, start eating better and concentrate on other thing besides still thinking about alcohol every day. Thanks for reading and have a great sober week all. :grinning:


Day 36, good day yesterday it was 50 degrees. Did a lil over 8 miles on the bike yesterday, I feel good but my body was sore, I woke up a few minutes late for work, whoops. went to a meeting, it seriously feels like this is flying by and I love how everyday I’m waking up feeling good, even if something happens that isn’t positive I’m taking it and turning it into a positive. I’m not letting anyone or anything negative stop this feeling, if I stay positive things will be positive. Congrats @crystalclear on half a year, that’s awesome :). And congrats to everyone who keeps gaining them days. I love seeing everyone of you progress. Have a beautiful Tuesday, it’s raining today, but I’m sober so it’s beautiful. Heck yeah💪


Day 231. One more day until Terror. Can’t wait. Ready to get the day over with, and get on with planning and booking our June Arizona trip.


Edit to add:
Impromptu day off. The company upstairs is renovating, and the entire building reeked of paint thinner/paint/varnish. The renovation team were wearing full respirator masks, while we had no idea this was even a thing. Well, one of my coworkers ended up leaving by ambulance, and just about everyone else in the office was complaining of sore throats, burning eyes, headaches, etc. So, they shut us down and sent us home.



A big congratulations on the 180 days. I know it hasn’t been easy and you worked hard for it. And everyone here appreciates all that you contribute to TS and your inspiring words. Thank you.


9 more days until I get my puppy! Today is a low key day. Rest rest rest as my therapist said. Time to recuperate.


I can make that happen for ya for sure when I get home.

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Checking in :heartbeat: 4 and a half years of sobriety down. Still need the reminders to check in with myself on the daily, give myself space to breathe, get out of my head and into my body, and be kind to myself.

Hope everyone’s having a good day


This is so true to me.

This is great to see how well you’re pushing through, Paul.

Because it’s also true that the sooner I come back after a relapse, the better it will get. I’m very encouraged to know that you didn’t give up. You came right back on the wagon again. And that will make a difference. I assure you.


Lucky 7s! Feeling great.


It’s not acting, I truly do care. I felt crushed when you relapsed, it’s like I had relapsed. It’s funny but I feel for most of you guys here. You’ve helped me stay sober, but for being accountable to you I don’t think I’d be sober today. I don’t have any other support group but TS and I’m grateful I found it.
Blessings and sobriety y’all!


Congrats on 6 months of sobriety. Keep stacking them days ODAAT.
Blessings and sobriety!



Congratulations Cristel. A hard-earned milestone. Thank you for sharing your journey and helping so many people here! :+1::heart_eyes::kissing_heart:


Congratulations! Amazing stuff!
Just inspirational! Well done doesn’t come anywhere near!

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Awesome! So glad to have crossed paths with you. You’ve been such a great addition to the forum and it’s been inspiring to watch your journey!


Great job getting to this milestone !!!
Fantastic!!! All I can say is congratulations!!:balloon::tada::confetti_ball: :+1:


Working on day 6here. I say working because staying sober has already been hard work and it’s only 9 a.m. withdrawal symptoms started through the night and this morning. First thing I texted someone for pills. Luckily they were not awake because the kids don’t have school today, also I’m low on cash. I would spend 20 to get a few and be left with $12 til Friday?! totally insane so I texted again saying forget it I’m broke. But I still want to do it if she says come by. Ate breakfast takin a walk and feeling actually decent. My plan is to snuggle with my girls and nap so hopefully I can sleep through the cravings. Have a great Tuesday :grinning:


Might be a wise idea to go ahead and delete that number. And the number of anyone else who might sell you drugs.


Day 50

Wishing everyone a great Tuesday. There are only 4 more glorious work days left in the week. Make them count!!. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sober twin hanging tough with me!!! We are sooooo making 60 days, and in style. Need to come up with a selfie theme for day 60. Hmmm?

Day 50 is going well so far. Meetings start now through end of day. Then SMART meeting, virtual bike race, dinner (pasta bolognese), then 4 hours of glorious sleep, rinse repeat. :stuck_out_tongue::rabbit2::stuck_out_tongue:

Have a good one y’all!!!


That is a good idea but I come in contact with her daily😬

Those days are stacking up fast!!!

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