Cocaine Relapse

Thanks I’m going to check into it today and see if I can get started :blush::+1:

Crack/coke nearly killed me as I have overdosed on both, one time while driving. That wasn’t fun.

I am 1 month clean and sober after a cocaine relaps. Cocaine and alcohol are my addictions. You are not alone


Wow… Your story sounds exactly like mine…

I am on day one again after two year’s and am starting out again and again.
I haven’t been actively on this app lately but ive never erased it.

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This is my first day sober from cocaine and the voice in my head is giving me every excuse to pick up right now.

Thank you I was literally driving to pick up and saw your message… I instead got myself my favorite things, ice chi latte and friend pickles :joy::joy: crazy combo I know lol but it had to be done to satisfy my craving habit

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That’s always refreshing to hear. I made it past my first day! The cravings are still popping up though of course but I’m planning on making it through another day.

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In 10mins I’ll be 48hrs Sober. It’s so hard, I’m really grateful to myself that I deleted and blocked my dealers number bcuz I have had hard cravings tonight. I had a bath and a shower and a detox tea instead. Tomorrow is another chance to be sober :blush::raised_hands:t2:


Hell yeah. Right there with you buddy! I’m about 4 hrs till my 48 hr sober :pray: I completely understand those cravings. I’m happy you’re able to delete your dealers contact! I wish I could do that but I work very close to mine and it makes it too easy. But I’m finding resilience.


Im in same boat love, its really hard but we can do this x

Hey there. Keep going. I was in this place 3 years 2 months and 12 days ago. I hope that number gives you hope!

Some tips on what’s worked for me!..

  1. I still ask for help outloud but in private every morning!
  2. I still say thank you outloud for not using every evening!
  3. On bad days… I stay in and turn my phone off
  4. I still keep in the forefront of my brain exactly where I was when I woke up and realized I had hit rock bottom and didnt want to be where I was
  5. Forgive yourself! I mean really understand that using you is not you!

:v: + :heart:


Yassss! All of the yesssss.
It works, if you work it. Meetings saved my life! I couldnt agree more.

For me, I chose AA meetings over CA meetings. Same basis… just my personal preference.

But finding support is KEY TO SUCCESS!


Straight goods

I’m also struggling with a cocaine addiction. When I’m alone, it’s really hard for me to keep my mind focused on the good things in my life. I’m literally taking it one minute at a time. Thanks for listening.


Not cocaine for me, but I’ve been in the one-minute-at-a-time space. I’ve even had days where I opened a thread here and kept posting every five minutes - I set a timer because it would keep me safe

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I am a 15 year user and i have finally hit rock bottom. It is so hard to quit as I use with my partner and we sabbotage each other. Its sickening, and i am now sitting at work gittery af and ready to end this vicious cycle. I am gonna to start using this app and can not wait for tomorrow!!! 4.18.2020= day 1


Yes i know the feeling it happened to me yesterday as well , i know this feeling all to well ive relapsed several times over the past 5 years and yesterday was the last time , so sitting here today depressed as fuck , disgusted with myself again all that time gone that i had and back to zero . Usually try to to the same thing over and over so it was time for a change thays why i signed up for this app . I wish you the best of luck in your recovery


Welcome @Ang420 and @Pjd5. You’re both in a great place. This forum has so much to offer in the way of support and information. I was caught in a vicous cycle of doing pain pills all day at work, coke at night to get things down and alcohol to bring me down so I could sleep a couple hours and do it all over again. Life is getting so much better now that I gave that all up 7 months ago. It’s not easy but it’s definitely worth it. Stick around. I look forward to following your journey.


Hey Pjd5…wide awake thinking on what my next steps should be. I know I don’t want to use again. I’ve also purged everything in our home that could be linked to our addiction. Feels weird to be chatting with someone. Stay strong and healthy. Four days and counting!!!

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