Checking in daily to maintain focus #53

Sorry for the cruddy day. I think you have right idea! Sending hugs


It’s okay. You’re back and that’s what really matters. :people_hugging:


@ChristopherP wonderful analogy with the mountain. Thank you.


@Frank3 Welcome to the party!
@ChristopherP I could swear I remember reading a short Native American story about a man becoming a mountain. Your mental image sounds exactly like it. I believe it was in Mythology of the Blackfoot Indian. If I can remember where I found it, I’ll let you know.

Day 10½
Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone. It mystifies me, as much as I come in and out of sobriety, that I always end up sober on this day. Not much to report today, as I keep falling asleep in the middle of the day. I’m guessing I just need to find some activity to get out of the lethargy cycle.
One unusual thing happened today. My payee and I were discussing paying off my credit card debt. She wanted my password to get into my bank account. I don’t see why she would need that to pay it off, but I gave it to her anyway. Was that a mistake?
Anyway it’s a pretty dull night. Nothing to do, no one to talk to. Can’t focus enough to read one of my overdue library books. Feel a slight agitation, but that may be due to 3 cups of Café Bustelo. I’ll probably be awake all night, so I might pop in again later. Till then, have a great sober evening/morning. :v:


Day 252 AF.

Checking in before work. Got 7 early shifts in a row before next weekend. Try to short out a good quit smoking strategy today for my next attemt. It’s gonne be cold turkey for sure this time.

Have great Sober weekend! :v:t2::blue_heart:


Cold Turkey is the best way. You don’t really “need” cigarettes but they do “need “ you and your money. Start a money counter going on them and each time the urge/ crave comes let it wash over you. It wil come. It will be there. It will go away. Smoking puts you in immediate withdrawals for the next cigarette.
When the crave comes take a big inhale of your own breath and do a small breathing exercise. In for five seconds, hold for five, out for five. Concentrate on your body healing and your power. Tell the cigarettes to FRO and you can throw them in the thread. I’ll post the thread. Have a good day. I know you can do this.


Day 8, first day of the new week has been completed. I like doing this everyday, it’s about as close as I can come to a meeting. Finally getting some real progress since I injured myself too. Respect to everybody that’s checking in like it’s their job, feels good to be around dedicated people. Cheers.


Just checking in on a superhuman/mumma.
@Butterflymoonwoman Dana, sending you a big hug with lots of love and strength.

I see you and I hear you.


She shouldn’t need it. Change your password and ask the bank to give instructions for a better way.

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I also have a code word connected to my account as my wallet got stolen a couple of years ago with my social security card in it. I didn’t give her the code word, so I doubt the bank will allow her to do anything. Problem is, she can just log on to the website. You’re right though, I’m going to change that while I can.

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Automatic deposits and automatic withdrawals can be set up without password exchange or access “into” the account.


Nearing the end of a “prime” 17 days AF.
My Lady Cardinal rolled over their opponent in Round 1. Yeah!!
My golf group stayed after our round to indulge in some brewery’s promotion at the course. I went home. Not ready yet.
Enjoy your weekends all!


Thank you, I’m going to talk to my bank on Monday!

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Welcome here @Frank3 :raising_hand_woman:
Congratulations for the 2 days :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

I like your metaphore about the mountain @ChristopherP :star_struck: Hope the storm will be gone by now!

Day 1642 :walking_woman:
Yesterday long day at work and I was very tired so I skipped the evening goldsmith class.
Today? Work. Tonight my kids come home to chill with us. Going to order sushi :yum:

Picture from a walk a few days ago. Nature is always beautiful, even on a boring grey day! :wink:
Have a good sober/clean saturday TS people! :raising_hand_woman:


Have as good a day as you can friends. Sober and clean. Love.

It’s a lot warmer than it has been for months. Still it’s wet. I’m going out anyway, just not sure how and where yet. Will tell you later. It sure as hell won’t involve boozing or drugging. X
@SoberWalker Might be of interest to you. Article on the guy who got killed by a tree branch some days ago :people_hugging:. 12ft |


Thank you Menno. I have read about that in on the news. So sad and it scared me because of my own encounter with a falling tree.
It’s good to see a face behind the news and some information about that man’s life, so thank you!.
He and I have a similarity: an alcohol addiction :pensive:


Day 1595.
It’ll be sunny and warm outside. Spring like. I was planning to go cycling, now I cannot find motivation for it. I will beat myself to it. Feeling depressed, not really. Idk how I feel.


Day :one::two:

back to Day 1…

Underdog… underdog… well that song did not played well…

No worries. There is actually a lot to talk about. First of all after last few attempts that lasted longer than week or two and after being sick and out of regime at the beginning of the year I finally feel like I am back on track. Everything goes WELL.

Except that I drinked. So what happened?

Remember, few days ago I showed my sleeping schedule

I was in 6+ hours overall sleep deficit and talking about, sleeping 5+ hours every day and wondering why I still feeling good and talking about how I’m gonna hit the gym after work :thinking:

Actually same happened when I was sober 3 months years ago / remember / was running half marathon after half marathon and wondering while pushing myself to the limits. I now see that when exhausted / brains / releases cortisol that is stress hormone and that messes up the sleep schedule. I am sure about that or it has a major impact here.

I was happy to starting get back into shape, works great, not skipping workouts all and all, but I guess I need to slow down.

Like marathon running, I love long distances running and you need put strategy in the first place, cut everything in pieces, slow down time to time. It is not a sprint running / I am not competing to anyone / only with myself.

So after posting yesterday fhat I feel exhausted, I tried the only method (that is not working) but I always do, when thing gets hard - I flex my jaw :grimacing: and keep pushing forward - damn you Balboa!!! :boxing_glove::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: no I guess Rocky is right, love that movie.

That’s not worked in my situation, as I remember Rocky did not had problems with addictions too… anyway I was feeling so bad I took few beers and fall asleep at about 22:20 something. But the sleep quality was terrible. I woked up like 10 times bit finally managed to get around 10 hours of sleep. Having headache, but feeling rested! No plans for weekend. Will watch movies, maybe drive to Nature. Relax.

[UPDATED] This is probably was expected too. I started drinking more next day and that ended getting terribly wasted… This is clear sign of addiction.

I am back on sobriety track again and I really need to think on how I’m gonna change my schedule a bit. I also need to get for myself good sleep supplements, something like night lamp, ear plugs and so on. Any suggestions?


I’m glad you came back. One day at a time. Someday it will stick.:wink:


hey all checking in day 325 af.
made it through st pattys day at the bar. eventful night. Been on the grind lately, working alot shoveling roofs and serving tables. going to enjoy some spring skiing with my son tomorrow! 2 nights left of work and heading to florida for 10 days to go to opening day of baseball and stay with my mom on the beach. I think the only person who isnt happy with my progress seems to be my wife. very little support and actually seems like nothin has changed woth or without the drink. anyone else dealing with this? any feedback would be appreciated. have a good night yall. odaat!