Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 2)

Mortgage rates can fuck right off. We tryna buy our first house and its ridiculous.


Thatā€™s ridiculous and as a Michigander I am doubly offended.

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Stress dreams. Woke up feeling really anxious just now. Trying to shake it off.


Coughing, sneezing, sore throat, aches, tired, all that shit can FRO!
And double-colds with my daughter aka moody pre-teen.


Man-flu. Can 100% GTF, thereā€™s so much I want to be doing this weekend.


Watching your parents grow old.


Cutting yourself while cooking :drop_of_blood:


The smoke alarm thatā€™s chirping every 20 seconds in my building somewhere. Itā€™s loudest in my bathroom and is quieter when I go into the hallway. Gotta be in the apartment next to me. Itā€™s been 2 days! Replace the effing batteries!!!


Oh god, this is awful. Had that a few times and it drives me nuts. Will wake up at night every time this f***ing thing goes off. The guy responsible for changing the batteries in our building is in active addiction meaning he will be to plastered at night to hear the thing and to hang over in the morning to bother.
:crossed_fingers: yours get replaced soon.


Having to fly for work when ive asked to drive and having to fly for work on a sunday just so work can be happy im on site monday for a full day when i rather be at home with the wife


I had one this one time connected to the buildings system just outside my back door. I was gonna change the battery but there wasnā€™t one. I ripped it off the ceiling, wires and all, and it still beeped! I put it outside but I could still hear it, and one night, drunk Iā€™m sure, I chucked it as far as I could :rofl:

This one is still beeping today. Itā€™s driving me mad to the point it sounds like itā€™s moving to different places! Iā€™m starting to think either my neighbor hasnā€™t been home, or it might be in the basement. Iā€™m gonna look for my key in the morning and taking a field trip down there.


Habanero cheese. That sneaky bastard can fuck right off. Of course, no one forced me to eat half a block. :tired_face::poop:


ā€¦the sudden onset of wildfire season here. smoky skies. even the helpful notices with what to pack in an evacuation kit to have at the ready. anxiety.
it can all fuck right off.

and as much as i try to be all ā€œto each their ownā€? yeah, 100% the non-recyclers and the coffee pod brewers. time to fuck right off. sorry not sorry.


These things are demon possessed, I think.


We donā€™t have many wildfires in my state and last year was the first time I was affected by them, and that was just the poor air quality blowing over the Canadian border. I canā€™t imagine the anxiety of being so close that thereā€™s a risk youā€™d have to up and leave your life at any moment. Praying that wonā€™t be the case for you :pray:

Also, I noticed the Keurig debate and gotta say, I do have one. It was a Christmas gift and itā€™s perfect for me bc I only have one, maybe two cups a day. However, Iā€™ve used the refillable pods from the beginning. Itā€™s cheaper, you can use any coffee you like and control itā€™s strength (bc I prefer it stronger), and no waste! :+1:


Plastic can FRO. Most of it is not recyclable! Plastic industry has been lying about this for decades.
The planet is choking on it. Itā€™s fucking everywhere.


Online everything, my 14 y/o has two deadlines in sports class. One Dance video and one Exercise pass planning.

Weā€™ve done both. Finally figured out how to send the files in the school app weā€™re supposed to use. And nothing works.
Have been sitting with the files for an hour.
School havenā€™t showed us s**t about how to use the app, and weā€™re left to figure it ou on our own. Kids canā€™t send it in because it has to be managed by the adults login, and they havenā€™t showed the students how to do that either.

Canā€™t ask the mentor cause she doesnā€™t know, doesnā€™t use the app herself and mainly speak German.
I gave up now and e-mailed the files to the sports class teacher instead.

I seriously Wonder whatā€™s wrong with the old classic paper and pencil.


@Just_Laura, I totally get it. Itā€™s coffee! Itā€™s a daily ritual for most. And you are using refillable pod. And who the eff am I to judge?

Itā€™s not like I donā€™t have a footprint! And I hate that. It can fuck right off, which means I can fuck right off. :smirk: Sigh.

Even this little evacuation kit list tells us to pack wipes galore, garbage bags aplenty, etc. I noticed the store has sold out of the little plastic water bottles (I filled up 2 20L camping jug things). And yeah, @Pattycake, a lot of this plastic is gonna end up you know whereā€¦

Typing this as I hang out on an online meeting link for work, for a meeting that was supposed to start 13 minutes ago, @MrsOdh. Theyā€™re having technical difficulties. :expressionless:

Iā€™m having an everything can fuck right off momentā€¦ but what just made me chuckle was thinking how glad I am Iā€™m no longer on the sauce. That would be a messā€¦


The way the world is makes it utterly impossible not to leave a footprint, and thereā€™s nothing we can do about it. I really try not to think about it much bc itā€™s so depressing, but sometimes I worry for my daughterā€™s (and possible grandchildrenā€™s) future on this earth. All I picture is the movie Wall-E.

Iā€™ve always had a thing against plastic. It just seems toxic to me. I read an article in highschool about bottled water and how the plastic breaks down into it over time. Since then, Iā€™ve rarely drank it. Iā€™m grateful for that bc I recently read a brand new article saying they discovered the content of micro plastics is astronomical compared to what they originally thought. Everyone whoā€™s ever told me itā€™s gross to drink tap water can FRO now!!!

  • unwarranted anxiety
  • needless counting
  • detecting random unknowns
  • always on the lookout

I canā€™t shake it all off those feelings

Can all FRO