Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 2)

Having a willing mind but a broken body causing me to cancel fight gym membership can FRO! Time for a regular gym


I canā€™t count how many times Ive had people do this to me while Iā€™m backing up on a forklift. Those things donā€™t stop on a dime, especially if youā€™re carrying a heavy load on your forks. So many close callsā€¦


Crappy sleep and nightmares. I fucking fall asleep, bullshit spits out my brain, I wake up, got to pee, calm myself, fall asleep again ā€¦ next nightmare. I swear if this fucking bullshit doesnā€™t stop soon the head comes off. Iā€™m sick of crappy nights and exhausted days. aaaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhh *screams into the void


Go to bed with sunglasses on. If anything, in your dream, youā€™ll be wearing sunglasses


This idea is so weird that I will try tomorrow :sunglasses::+1:! For today itā€™s too late, 5 hours until the alarm beeps me out of bed. Will fall asleep soon reading here ā€¦


Being on your period, having to wear a damn diaper plus tampon (and have to change them every 45-60 minutes bc you are bleeding like heck) and sweat like :poop: because summer decided to finally arrive.
I canā€™t walk, Iā€™m waddling like a penguin :joy::joy::joy::+1:
Oh, and on top I bleeded in my working pants, yay!
Iā€™m now on my waddly way home, Iā€™ll get me some meat and cake and nothing can stop me :face_holding_back_tears:


My heavy smoking neighbours, smoking the ugliest smelling shit in and around the house. Itā€™s like living above the pub in the older days.


My Momā€™s worsening dementia.
My middle-aged bladder.
Having to chase down a store employee to get a key or a combination for the restroom. Itā€™s a little humiliating to ask permission to take a piss when youā€™re a grown adult.
The tendinitis Iā€™ve developed in my arm.
The noisy-ass neighbors above us who sound like theyā€™re having a wrestling match every evening.
Restless Leg Syndrome every night.

OUT with you lot!!!


So sorry to hear. I hate smoke, too. Hope you have an air purifier in your house. They help.


People who mistake basic kindness and manners for romantic interest can FRO.


Ugh! I hate that :angry: Itā€™s so selfish and inconsiderate in multi family units. Thereā€™s 8 apartments where I live and I think 3-4 smoke inside, and thereā€™s NO SMOKING signs all over the building! My new(ish) neighbors do and we share a mudroom that constantly reeks and leaks smoke into my place :triumph:

I quit smoking 2 years ago but never once did I ever smoke in my own home. I didnā€™t care if it was 0Ā° at 3amā€¦I went outside. Even at other smokers homes I hated it bc when one person lit up, everyone did :face_in_clouds: Terrible addiction that can FRO!


Being dragged to a party I donā€™t wanna go to tonight. :weary:


Iā€™ve been guilty of doing that myself in my young days, butā€¦live and learn. :man_shrugging:t3:

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Live by the beach they said itā€™ll be good for you they saidā€¦it rains 11 months of the year and when the sun comes out ITā€™S A WHITE OUT BECAUSE OF FOG!!! LOL


Getting a call by people I donā€™t even talk to anymore if i want to come over to a bar, get outta here!!!


My neighbours.
Lately almost every day around 8pm they start with this loud Turkish music, itā€™s so fucking loud I feel like I have speaker on in my kids bedroom. Itā€™s not helping them with falling asleep. And sorry if I offend sb but this music is fucking annoying!!!


The old man who followed me to the grocery store this morning on my coffee run to let me know that I ran a stop light which was actually a stop sign! And I absolutely stopped at it(maybe not for the 3 whole seconds of eternity as the law enforces) but nevertheless a complete stop, then he followed me into the store to try to get a conversation out of me about it while he had his cell phone camera pointed out at me from his breast pocket!!! WTF? Civilians thinking they are cops are not my friend! Lol FRO forever


My partnerā€™s disorders which make her life worse.
My disorders as well kind of.
Depressive episode which I have currently.
Aaaand screaming child in bus which as well stared at me very weirdly, like if I was demonšŸ‘¹


Itā€™s because the Iranian president was just killed in a helicopter accident maybe? My neighbors are Muslim and they were listening to Arabic music last night too and it sounded very somber and melancholic like funeral music.


Some Turkish and Arabic and other cultures there music isnā€™t actually music although it sounds like it.
Itā€™s actually likely to be prayer :pray::pray: