Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 2)

This few days was just simple ‘parents not at home, lets party’ (2 teenage daughters) kind of music.


Oh no! :roll_eyes: That would probably drive me bonkers too!


Bonkers is one of my favourite words of any kinds, any language :grin:


Self- appointed Law Officer. Probably bored and has nothing else in his life to keep him occupied. Common with some old folks. Always peeking out their curtains at the neighbours and calling the cops every time someone makes a noise.


Mine too! Lol I also really love the word ruckus. But providence is my favorite word in the English dictionary.:slightly_smiling_face:


The dude who kept trying to make eye contact w me on the train when I just wanted to sit there and eat my lunch in peace, not flirt. I just hid in my seat, away from him.

The little angry dude who almost pushed an old lady w an e bike off the train today cos he wanted to get off faster and then tried to come at me when I told him to knock it off, we were still trying to get the connecting train!

The creepy ugly ass dude on the next train who kept looking at me and checking me out for the entire 1.5 hr train ride even tho I changed seats twice to get out of his eye line.
His wife whom he must have told that I was the one harassing him (in what world motherfucker?!) and who then gave me dirty looks when I stared back angrily to get him to stop.
I felt like shit after this. Violated and helpless. I kept my jacket on over my long sleeve top and long leggings the entire day even tho it’s hot here now. I feel like the constant low key harassment just adds up over the years of being a woman in this world and it wears a girl down.
Also fuck you to next asshole who looked me over and grabbed his dick once I got off that train and onto the SBahn in my city.
Ppl are gross and selfish and shitty. It really gets me down sometimes.
The little shits with nothing to do in summer and no hobbies it seems, who yell and scream at my dog to make her react and bark.

All you low lives from today, FRO. :fu:t2:


That’s a lot of fuckers who should FRO friend. Sorry. :people_hugging:


How I don’t know how I feel and I go every way except up tonight. Cried in creative writing class which should be fun and couldn’t do the last assignment as all I felt was ineptitude at everything. At life. At everything that ‘normal’ people do. Like everything. That feeling that I will never learn can FRO.


Yeah, all this shit happened within four hrs today. Must have been some kinda human cockroach overspill.

I know 100% how you’re feeling, what you describe. One thing I can tell you is that you can’t be expected to write when you filled w self doubt and the feeling of failure. Those things just don’t mix for me. What I need to do when I’m like you is work on the mental/emotional stability - until I don’t think I’m the worst of all human cockroaches anymore - only then can anything creative happen again.
Sending you love!


This is essentially the train ride from hell. I’m sorry you had such a a shit day my friend. Sending you good vibes all the way from the states. :v::green_heart:


My (Our ) friend feeling like this can FRO. Hope you will soon start feeling better, @Mno


Sending you some big hugs and love my friend :people_hugging::people_hugging::purple_heart::purple_heart:
You are good enough, you are brilliant and so caring and thoughtful.
I hope today is a better day for you :pray:


Again: my ex. 2 years split, 1,5 years divorced and still he doesn’t know what to do with his stuff on the farm :see_no_evil: His bullshit behaviour and attitude can fuck right off!


That’s one of the laws of physics, yes.


Unless you’re descending a 15% slope that is, in a hairpin going 40 km/h or so. That’s the perfect moment for a front tyre blowout.


Hope you will find your groove back soon.


Let all the cycling gods spare us this fate :grimacing::scream:


Nightmares of spreadsheets and trying to solve problems in my dreams


Scammers can FRO!
This is the 3rd time (2 in the last week) they’ve spoofed my bank’s phone number saying they were from the fraud dept to notify me of suspicious zelle transactions. I lost my shit…said things and called them names that haven’t come out of my mouth since getting sober. My husband heard the last one and was in shock of my language. I couldn’t help it, I have zero tolerance for these mofos.


To the assholes private messaging and harassing some of the women on here, (some of whom are my friends). Dude grow the fuck up, it’s an addiction community. When I find out who you are, I’m gonna call you out publicly. Nobody should feel like they aren’t safe to come on here and get help. Feel free to PM me if that’s a problem for you