Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 2)

:people_hugging: sending hugs :people_hugging:


Not being able to prove I’m me!

I noticed new movies/shows appear on my Continue Watching list on Netflix that I definitely haven’t watched. I suspected my ex was possibly using my account so I wanted to change my password. Because the email I had when I created the account no longer exists, and I also have a different phone number, I wasn’t able to sign in at all. I tried everything I could to change my information with no success before contacting a rep. Since they noticed my “suspicious activity” while attempting to sign in so many times, my account was automatically locked. Indefinitely! There’s a plethora of information I could’ve provided to prove that I’m me, but apparently none good enough. After investing an hour into this pursuit, their only solution was for me to contact my bank and reject future payments towards my current account. Then, open a brand new one with my current email/phone number. Easy enough, but WHY?! My entire algorithm will be reset! :triumph: They can FRO with this :poop:


Comparing myself to others and how well off they seem FRO


Comparison is the thief of joy.
You are doing great and I’m a little jealous of your success*.



The only medical lab in town that doesn’t have a sign or street number on the outside of the building. They have a half piece of paper in the window of the door with the name.

F’in had me driving up and down the street trying to find it. It’s a town that has blackout spots so Google wouldn’t connect. I was beyond furious!

Whoever is responsible for this can FRO


Do 10k steps a day they said it’ll be fun they said
this is after 2 days both ankles are really blistered
awwww well time to get my steps in i guess


This made me laugh a tiny bit, sorry. They actually say 8,000 is enough to be honest. Get some Compeed heel plasters in your life, I don’t leave home without them. Magic :sparkles:


Having a day off from work but feeling too tired, depressed and lethargic to enjoy it.


Having to pick up trash in my yard on a windy trash day.
I wouldn’t shop for Some of this stuff at all.
I really don’t want to see used paper plates in my yard.
I don’t even use paper plates
I even found a page from a divorce packet withh the people name on the page
That can FRO


Omg is the divorce page mine? Too Funny. I threw packet in garbage without ever looking at it when I received it. Divorce can FRO.


Voicemails, and my growing inability to listen to them. I can’t be the only one. My turnaround time for texts is a half day, voicemails 3-6 weeks. 12 and counting and I will tackle them tonight. But I will dislike every second of it. :no_mouth:


Agreed about voicemails. I inherently hate the telephone, anyway, but what I especially hate about voicemails is when people talk so damn fast or have poor enunciation that you have to replay the message several times to understand it.


Me yesterday :face_exhaling:


I have that problem but with emails. I see them, and might open them, but then they completely disappear from my mind. Even the ones I star I never end up going back to. It’s a real problem :grimacing:


People who give you a beer shower in the early morning!
I had to go home, shower, threw my jacket in the washing machine and I’m now, again, on my way to work.
Had to use another backpack that is way too tiny and forgot my umbrella.


I just can’t bring myself to listen to them. Now I have 14. :face_with_peeking_eye:


I’m good on emails. They are usually work related or shipping info on a purchase, ha! Dang telephone stuff eludes me.


Me for ever using drugs that would harm my teeth WT :poop: was I thinking!!! Oh wait I wasn’t, I was being a dumb@ss because I couldn’t find any pot which is also dumb. As if I didn’t notice the person offering me the :poop: was toothless and wired up spinning in circles (one time won’t make me like that as I continued to use it for almost a year) :no_mouth: Got to go to the dentist again today. 7 years clean from it and still trying to get me right
 :grimacing: That can FRO lol :laughing: But I’ve got nobody to blame but me.


Drivers who dont indicate until they have stopped at a junction when i want to go straight through the junction,absolute rage😳

I have actually done this on purpose a few times to observe the anger in my rear view mirror :+1:t2:


Hope you are ok lady. :heart::pray:t2:

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