Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 2)

What a hassel! This is making me never want to use Paypal again. I’m sorry that happened to you and that Paypal won’t refund your account.


Those few seconds of fear,panic and WTF you get when your driving on a busy road and you start sneezing!! They can FRO :+1:t2::scream:


I hate sneezing when I’m driving! Especially because I tend to have long sneezing fests.


Ever have this happen?

You take a drink of something while your driving in your car, you hear something funny and bust up laughing and you spray your drink out your nose and all over your own windshield?


Hearing about abandoned kitty then later finding out there is another… Both had been crying for days in the rain we had a week ago… Then put the pieces together that these people found them in close proximity and thought they were posting about finding 1 kitten. Turns out it was 2.

I can’t Foster cats I fall in love in love with them and end up keeping them.
Wanting to save all the kitty’s and not having a big enough space.
People abandoning their pets onto the streets can fro


How people like that can live with themselves or even sleep at night is beyond me. SMH…:unamused:


Not laughing, but I had to sneeze, choked on my drink and had to clean a lot afterwards :see_no_evil:
Long time ago something made me laugh so hard spontaneously, I shot a pea out if my nose :rofl:

As we are on the FRO thread: Mosquitos and everything biting me can fuck right of.
And of course: The fucking heat.


Tonight on my walk home a little kitty popped out of the bushes and sniffed my finger. Then he followed me home a bit. I brought him out a can of cat food but cannot keep him. I will obsess about this little skinny fellow. My husband told me to let him be so I packed two cans of cat food in my backpack just in case I see him tomorrow. :shushing_face::shushing_face:

I can’t keep him but I can try to keep him fed. I think he honestly wanted me to follow him somewhere but if that skinny kitty brought me to a litter of babies my heart would have cracked right open on the sidewalk. Tonight he is fed. We’ll see if he invites me on a side quest tomorrow night.

He might be the same kitty I ran into a few weeks ago on my walk into work behind some other apartments. People who abandon animals who have been indoors can absolutely 100% FRO.


That really is some bull​:poop: Every cat we’ve ever owned, minus the ones we got as kittens, were abandoned strays. Even my childhood family dog, who we aptly named (little orphan)Annie, we found as a puppy on the side of a barely used road in a box that was tied shut! If we hadn’t decided to pull over that day, who knows if someone would’ve found her before it was too late :pleading_face: Those people should be tried the same as if they had abandoned a child :angry:


Tommy Molto can FRO !!!

Crowdstrike can FRO!
The Microsoft outage they caused today is extremely impacting my work and personal life :rage:


It’s a nightmare… sorry you are dealing with it. My sis and cousin both started the day pissed off with this shit.


Crazy how we’re so interconnected and a few folks’ miscalculations had such wide spread consequences


It’s scary how many were affected. We rely too much on computer software to function. It made for a slow day at work. But I have a family reunion tomorrow and none of my sisters can make it now, all due to flight cancelations and they were coming from 3 different states


That sucks Lisa. I know you were really looking forward to it. I hope you can reschedule it or something.


Thats a big bummer @Lisa07 sorry they wont make it


Showing impact on number of flights


It was done intentionally. Power grid is next.


What is this graphic depicting. Looks like the covid map or the September 11 map

Nope, it’s flight radar during the peak time of the IT problem yesterday