Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 2)

Going into a store, picking out what I want to purchase, checking myself out at the self check out, never having any interaction with anyone in the store, getting home and later on getting an email, wanting me to take a survey on the service and my experience.
And it’s not so easy as removing my email from them because they need it for other interactions, Walmart and Home Depot in these two particular instances although it seems like anywhere you go buy something you get the freaking email later. Obviously, you have to have an account with them for them to have your email to start with. I get that part.


Hugs friend. I’m sorry whatever’s going on.


I too am sick of those “how-did-we-do?” surveys for everything…stores, restaurants, hospitals, on and on. It’s ridiculous. Tired of “automated” stores and fast food places, too. Enough, I say!!


Two things…

The flea bites on my legs that itch like get out!

Another brutal rainstorm is coming our way tonight and tomorrow.


After finishing the brutal March challenge, it can FRO! :hot_face::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Feeling lonely and wishing my ex would be here. FRO


Knowing I should sleep but too into a series to turn it off yet :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Oh and just remembered the clocks went forward so yah!


An old man spouting off at the mouth how all women are emotional and men are analytical. Whatever. I wont change your mind. Sheesh


When you start to do a job that clearly needed doing and someone pipes up with “yeah, I was gonna do that…”
Like, great, champ… You were going to do it - meaning you saw it and knew it needed to be done - but decided to, in fact, not do it, opting instead to let the person actually doing it know that you thought about it like that counts as actually doing something to help.


This hit me real hard :sweat_smile: Luckily, tonight I just finished the last episode of a series, but any other night…:grimacing:

Bedtime procrastination can FRO. Enjoying extra, relaxing quiet time at night just means your morning is gonna drag. Adding procrastination in general bc I knowingly let it get out of hand all the time and have to scramble last minute for important shit. Idk why I’m like this :weary:


Good morning :sunrise:
I had to just turn it off and I fell asleep :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Just rising now, 11am I forgot the clocks went forward too lol.
Luckily I don’t have young children so I can kind of get away with it and I’m glad I have woken up with the Easter spirit and happy - just trying to open my eyes :eyes:

Slowly getting out of bed … Very slowly. Lol.
It was just like 4am outta no where.

Have a lovely day :sparkles:


Anxiety, hormones taking a ride, restlessness, arghhh :rage:


A stomach bug at Easter can fuck right off. I was already unwell yesterday afternoon but thought I had too much good food. Nope, badly aching tummy and cramping diarrhea in the morning. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Covid at Christmas, Noro at Easter? What’s next? Flu at Ferragosto? Migraine at Pentecost?
This bloody fucking body can FRO together with all those germs and malfunctions :exploding_head::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::imp::skull_and_crossbones:


Amen to that sister :pray:t2:
Bugs can fro!


Atrial Fibrillation can FRO. I haven’t had an episode in months. And it showed up again this morning. Woke up, turned to sleep on my other side and wham, out of rhythm. I hate when this happens!


Wow. That’s scary. Is there some way that cause this or the sudden shift of your body. To me it’s almost like doing a push up and sit up at the same time.
How does this get treated
I’m just curious about this and concerned for your health
Thanks for sharing this scary event

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@Twizzlers I tried laying down earlier than my usual, but my body knew what time it was so it took a while to fall asleep. What my body didn’t know is that it was going to wake up way earlier than normal, and be nonstop, on the move, all day long :tired_face: Looking forward to bed tonight :sleeping:

Today…the volcanic like pimple that erupted on the back of my neck, just below the hairline. It hurts so much but it won’t pop(which made it worse so I stopped trying). Every time I adjust my hair, I accidentally graze it :tired_face: Why am I still getting pimples!


People who react angrily instead of rationally to a difference of opinion
Feeling overwhelmed by a menu with lots of choices on it
People who flick cigarette butts on the ground instead of putting them in a bin
Firepit smoke following me regardless of wind direction or where I sit
Unexpected alcohol consumption on tv causing sudden craving
…can all FRO!


I totally get that.
My selfish ways as i turn away and burn the habits the smoke still follows me


It’s like a smokey spectre haunting me for trying to relax by the fire👻

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