Could really use some support :/

So. I have a kidney infection right now. Im in so much pain. The antibiotics are making me sick. Im miserable. I have to tell you this is the first time in a long time that ive wanted to drink. I turned down pain medication, for obvious reasons, but now I’m wishing i hadnt. I’m just really struggling.


So sorry to hear you are in so much pain :pensive: Have you tried a heat pack/hot water bottle or anything else that could keep the area warm?

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I have. I will say that helped the most. The problem is it doesnt do any help for the fever. So I’m doing my best to do short incriments. The antibiotics also have my stomach feeling so rough.

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Another option is to call tomorrow and see if you can go in for a injection of antibiotics to help turn the corner on this and or change the oral course to something that you have taken before without issues. Use of tylenol for fever is recommended (as long as your liver is healthy) over motrin/advil due to excretion by the kidneys with those meds. Feel better soon, gal.
You & I don’t have to or need to drink anymore.


Yeha the down side is that my liver failed last summer :smiling_face_with_tear: thats a big factor of why i stopped drinking. Ive been taking cold showers and using ice packs. If i still have a fever tomorrow im gonna have to go back to the ER unfortunately. But i will say im actually feeling better as of now



I’m sorry you’ve been so miserable. Hoping from your last post that you are over the worst and on the mend. Take good care and remember “no one ever regretted not drinking.” I saw that brilliant quote someplace in this community about a week ago and have repeated it to myself every day since. Sending healing thoughts to you.


Thank you :heart:

Thanks! I’m feeling a lot better actually!


Now is not the time to drink my friend. Only water.


Hello, I hope you feel better! Im really happy you didnt drink. That woukd of just made you feel so much worse on top of being ill. Sending you hugs, cozy slippers and a cup of your favorite soothing tea! 🩷🩷🩷


I don’t have any answers, but I just want to say I hope you feel better soon.

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Things have only proceeded to get worse. That girl who gave a 30 day notice quit early as my boss was agressive and disrespectful to her while I was gone. She came in Monday morning just to apologize to me and give me a hug. I told her I’m 100% supportive of her decision. That same morning the new employee we just hired (literally worked for us for 6 hours) also quit due to the envioronment. This left all the responsibility on me. I worked so hard to get caught up from being out sick and to help keep us on track. In my head I was like okay this is bad but ya know shes gonna see how valueable I am and we can go back to being respectful. I was so so so so wrong. She was meaner than ever. Completely out of pocket with the way she was speaking to me and our sales manager. I went to talk to the director of operations. He of course played the part of supportive and yada yada. He immediately told everyone everything. Now I scheduled some time off almost 2 months ago for a concert I got to go to with my fiance and two of my oldest friends, one of whom has been out of state for 8 years. I also initially took the following day off so that we could have some time to hang out after the show and not worry about the time. Well… two weeks ago my fiance told me that his job is requiring him to get his drivers license back (after a DUI 9 years ago hes never driven our whole relationship) and it needed to be done by a certain day. So we found the earliest appointment which happened to be today. 2 weeks ago when i found out i added additional time to my request to make it a full day. Unpaid. Didnt ask for PTO. Only asked that my sick days be covered undee the 48 hours of sick time listed in my contract. Anyways. It was pay day and i didnt have my check for the 2nd time. I asked my director of operations about this. He said that i was wrong ab the pay date even though its always been the 24th and 10th of each month. I let it go. She then starts texting me wll these snobby rude texts about the check and talking to the other person and not her. She then asked if i was coming in today. I told her no. She said that I never told anyone i wouldnt be in. I provided evidence of my ADP requests and several messages where this was discussed. She then says “I guess i just assumed you’d still come in given the situation hope you enjoy your day off” i wanted to quit right then and there but i cant afford to. So i chose to not reply at all. To be clear i am a very hard worker and i very much so value my job. But i took the proper steps to take time off and my family’s needs will ALWAYS come first. I am dreading going in tomorrow but also have an interview after work so fingers crossed.
Thanks for reading


Sorry only just read this @Klh1998 your job sounds the epitome of toxic how are you and how did the interview go ?

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I’m wishing with every bone you get that other job. She sounds horrendously controlling and toxic and you need to get out. No one deserves to be treated like that. Sorry girl, good luck with other jobs. What a fuckwit.

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I GOT A NEW JOB!!! I start Monday. I’m very nervous but so excited. I feel like a massive weight has been taken off of me.


Thank you so much. That job i interviewed for hired me! Its pretty much my dream job. I tried to make sure when finding a new job that i was running TOWARD something instead of just running away from a bad thing and it really paid off


I’m so happy to hear this :grinning: go forth and conquer :kissing_heart:

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My gosh.

I would start the job hunt. Look for a new job.
That kind of toxic working environment is no good for your health. There’s a good reason why the others left.

Start job hunting. Don’t tell them that your are doing this, but take to the head of operations again about how badly your are being treated.

EDIT I just saw you got a new job!!! Well done!!! So pleased your are out of that crap

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Thank you!!! :slight_smile:

My fiance thinks i should sue them for emotional distress and lost wages (she wasnt paying me time and a half for all my over time hours) but also because they need to be investigated for the sake of the people still stuck there that can’t leave until they find something new to support their families. They should get unemployment for leaving a hostile work environment. I also dont feel right just walking away knowing they are gonna hire another me… someone so full of hope thinking they found their forever job and some secuity and stability just to have it all ripped away :confused: