Crocheters, Knitters, Crafters, and the like 2020 to present

Thanks so much! I enjoyed making them.


These are WAYYY too cute! Is this called crochete amigurami? You do such beautiful work!

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Thank you!!! Well, i did 1 cross stitch piece before this one. But cross stitch and hand embroidery are quite different. I really like the look of hand embroidery and wanted to try it with this being my 1st time ever doing it. Going to gift this to my mom. She loves flowers and the color yellow. Ive always wanted to crochete but its hard! I just cant grasp it. I dont know why. Ur very good at it tho!


Really precious! You’re super talented!
Have you thought about selling these? Snooty all organic kids clothes shops come to mind.

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Just finished this for a friend. There’s something very satisfying about creating something with your hands.


I love these!

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Beautiful! I love the pride I feel when someone says incredulously “you made this?”


Just got myself some needles and yarn today. Looking forward to picking up this relaxing hobby again.


pictures or ot did not happen :- D happy knitting! and welcome to the Forum!


Yes…it is amigurami. Which I didnt know was a thing. I just found free patterns and went with it.

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My SO said the same thing. Working full time I dont have enough time. Plus, considering how long each one takes it wouldn’t be worth it. But thanks for the compliment.

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That is stunning! And oh so warm looking. I could use one tonight


It’s coming along nicely! I love chunky yarn for working things up fast!


Hey Rosa I’ve been admiring your pieces, the one Lupe was snuggling in the other day too, really very nice! :heart:
Are those 100% cotton yarns? What size crochet hook you using? Just to get an idea of the volume? :v:

(I also tried the steamer basket eggs you described. I knew as I was reading it that this is for me, such a gentle process, really appealed to me. Came out excellent, too.)

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This is beautiful! You do such nice work!

I’m glad you tried the egg steaming! I tell folks all the time and many are skeptical :woman_shrugging:t2: I love the method.

So, for the sake of easy laundering due to doggy proximity, I tend to use wool/synthetic blends for this type of project. I mean, I intend to use it for myself and cozy lounging, but you know who is always my companion. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The current blanket I am working on I’m using a size K10.5/6.50mm hook and working loosely. The yarn is 5oz/140g at 87yd/80m so quite chunky. The label suggested using size N, which I tried, but I didn’t like the result as much. I love that I can make one giant granny square and not have to sew individual squares together for this project! My Mami gifted me this yarn a long time ago and so I just needed a stash buster project.

The other blanket with reds, purples and greens I made decades ago, but it’s worsted weight/aran weight. Much more typical in thickness. Nice for a smaller sized throw.

Happy crocheting!

@Butterflymoonwoman thank you for the compliment! :heartpulse:


One more note that I try to stick to plant based synthetic fibers for the blend. I love that they are so much more accessible these days.

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Finished! Big enough after blocking to fit on our king sized bed. But I’ll be cuddling with it on the couch most likely!


Current work in progress. I love this pattern and it works up fairly quickly.


Love the colors!