Cureently on Reset #89

This is like my twelfth time on this app and im back to reset #89. As much as I want to quit, its SO HARD! I dont even find any joy in my addiction anymore, lets be honest i probably didnt to begin with…but I want so badly to “rewire my brain” back to how it should be.


Well, how about you come here daily, don’t reset, share your feelings and experiences with the group and every morning you wake up look in the mirror and say, "i don’t have or need to use/drink today.
Getting scheduled in this new life is important. We were scheduled when we were doing the other thing too, remember?
Let’s do this shit together…happy & healthy. Glad you’re here Donald.


Never give up.

Have you read Easy Peasy yet?

If not, you should.


What are you doing apart from tying to not use to build that new life you don’t want to escape from and build the relationship with yourself where you meet your own needs, know and value yourself, so you can life without your DOC?
What you’re doing is not enough.

Resources for our recovery

Advice for the Newcomer and Constant Relapser

Easy Peasy/Atomic Habits is a good start. Atomic habits focus on the day to day ‘systems’ you have in place. Quitting said addiction is one thing. The day to days systems you have in place could be the key to stopping. I’m with you bro, fighting every single day too, working on the systems i have in place and not putting myself in harms way, safeguarding my thinking/eyes daily.