Daily diary of o French girl in the road to a new life

What time is it in Canada matt

It’s all of the times. In Montreal it’s 11:00 pm now; in Edmonton it’s 9:00 pm; in Vancouver it’s 8:00 pm. It’s bedtime :innocent:


Yes that’s a good idea to write down negative feelings after falling into your addictions. Because later on it helps you remember how destructive it is, which is something we tend to forget anytime we have a craving. :blush: And I’m glad my thread might help :blush::wink:

Et bonjour de Marseille :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Yep I’m waking up :blush: it’s 9 am in France.
I think I’ll go to the cinema today because I know this is a place where I can’t do anything else but watching a movie. So I’ll choose a very long one :joy:.
I slept well, for 12 hours. Which is good cause today I have full energy to fight against myself :muscle:t2::blush: I have faith in me


Un petit coucou du Québec :slightly_smiling_face:
Moi j’en suis maintenant à 43 jours sans pulsions alimentaires ou ‘binge’! Mon défi dans les prochaines semaines sera de passer a travers mon déménagement sans flancher… On lâche pas!


Perfect. You have permission to do anything that’s safe and legal, to maintain your sobriety. You can spend all day at the theatre. (I did something very similar in my early sobriety. I would regularly spend all day at a shopping mall food court. It was noisy but I was sober.) You can cancel plans. You can eat pizza three days in a row.

You can do anything that is safe and legal, to stay sober.

Another good way to pass the time (because we discover we have a lot of time when we get sober), is to attend a meeting - this link had in-person and online options:

There’s also online options here:
Online meeting resources

For me, meetings were the place my recovery really took off. It was the first place I felt understood and I felt I had a community with me. It’s true we sometimes

but we don’t have to do it alone :innocent:


Than’ you so much for all this help. I already think this thread was the best choice of my life after two years trying to fight alone and going back to day 1 again and again. The movie theater was a great idea. Day almost finished and already feel like a success :blush::muscle:t2::blush::muscle:t2:



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So guys… Happy to announce that day 3 : no binge, no weed AND no alcohol :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:


Woohoo! Happy for you :smile: It feels nice, doesn’t it?


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It feel so great :muscle:t2::blush:

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What’s in the plan today?

Today is a day off in France so at first I wanted to just chill cause I’m still tired. But I have an emergency at work so gotta go now :sleepy:


:confounded: oh well; life happens sometimes :innocent:

It’s a beautiful day in Marseille - a perfect day to walk home in the sun after work? Assuming you finish before the sun sets :city_sunrise:

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Day 4 : no alcohol, no weed but sadly I jumped on sugar right after work and ate two boxes of Oreo. :pensive: Not very proud of that but maybe it was the less dramatic of all three. And maybe my body was tired because as @Matt suggested it was a beautiful sunny day so I walked 15000 steps after work!


The Oreos are no problem. “Cut yourself some slack” as the expression goes: your body is adjusting to life without the calories of alcohol and there will be cravings. If it’s food or non alcoholic beverages, for the next year, just roll with it. Early sobriety is a time you have to be gentle with yourself and give yourself time to adjust; don’t try to control what you don’t really need to control (for the moment, what matters is controlling the alcohol and the weed).

You have permission to do anything that’s safe and legal, to stay sober, and that includes being flexible about your food intake. Take it one day at a time, and remember, every day that your head hits the pillow sober, is a win.

Good for you on the walk! You should snap some photos and share here, if you’d like - I’d love to see some of the scenery where you are.

Yes you’re right :blush: I’m very proud about my sobriety because I know that after a day like that it would have been easy to drink something with alcohol or to calm myself down by smoking. At least I chose Oreo which was the best idea I guess :blush:


Actually I have a picture of something I saw during my walk today. But don’t ask for any context… I have geniunly no idea :joy::joy::joy: I took the photo precisely because it was unexpected and nobody would believe me


Absolutely. You did the right thing. Be gentle with yourself these days. Be kind. Treat yourself the way you’d treat another person who was recovering in your situation: with kindness and compassion :innocent:

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Wow! It’s like someone had a dinner party that got washed away with a flood :hushed: