Daily fitness check in šŸ’Ŗ

Super impressive friend. Great work :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

I find itā€™s good to switch things up from time to time so your body doesnā€™t get used to the moves. Whatever you decide I know youā€™ll kick ass. Excellent way to close out July :confetti_ball::tada:


July 30thā€¦ Starting to feel a wee bit betterā€¦ thank goodness
45 min walk/ jog (more jogging than walking)
30 min upper body weight training
Day 30 July challenge
12500 steps


Had a good quality 10k last night. The pace came early on and I just stuck with it. I knew it wasnā€™t doing my hamstring any good but I felt good on it at the time.
35k in the last few days with a 10 mile bike thrown in for good measure.
I need to rest for 2 or 3 days as I want to run a half marathon on Saturday night. Weather is pretty decent at the minute and I want to do a late night run in it. Weā€™ll see how goes.


Iā€™ve really worked on myself this past month. Focused on protein, fiber, water and walking/working out and Iā€™m down 6.4 lbs! Here is the comparison from June and July


Great to see your efforts paying off. :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:

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Thank you so much :purple_heart:

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Running week5
intermediate yoga class


7K walk after work, despite boiling temperatures! 17K steps done today :grin::footprints:


7km run. High temperature is not making it easy. Note to myself: stick to early morning runs.


I told myself the same last week, but somehow I left the house every time after 9:00 amā€¦ :persevere:

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Just walking today. Lots of steps. Tomorrow is the big one. Alarm set for 5am. 12 mile hike and lots of elevation and 28 degrees.

Set up with apples, chocolate, salty corn and loads of water! :yum:


Whatā€™s boiling to you? :wink: We are at 101F today :hot_face::hot_face:


July 31
Workout complete :white_check_mark:
Hubby came home early from work so i was able to fit in a cardio workoutā€¦ yay!!! Did:
15min of incline walk
15min elliptical
15min stationary bike
All while being in an extremely hot non-air conditioned gym. It was a bit hard to breath but i pushed thru


Boxing 45mins of pads
Followed by
Push ups 100/3100
Squats 100/3100
Sit ups 100/3100
Will swap out squats and sit ups for diff variations of leg and core exercises.


Okay okay Iā€™m here. Havenā€™t checked in for a few days. Donā€™t do anything as I rest on the weekends. Work hours have been a bit crazy with kids goin back to college. Usually go to gym in the morning before work but have been going nightly after work.

Monday chest & arms
Tuesday focused on my back and learning some new routines in the gym/equiptment
Wednesday (today) fricken murdered my legs.

Iā€™m laying on my bedroom floor currently typing in pain after crushing a bunch of smoked pulled pork :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

As usual stretches and stair climber for good sweaty warmups.

Trying to prepare myself for death burpees on Friday :wheelchair: lol

Hope everyone is blessed and well :pray:


I used to be super into fitness. I had probably annoyed everyone with how into it i was, meeting new goals and how nervous I used to be about changing up my workout splits. I get upset at where I am now, how I got here now. This wasnā€™t eons ago, this was like 6 months ago! But it feels like a life time has passed since I could even do basic mobility exercises for my warm up routine and now I am hurting just thinking of them. I have this problem where I want to be lifting and moving how I used to, this impatience burns me, but what weighs me down is my shame. On top of not working out, getting on new meds, and becoming sober, I feel I have been mindlessly eating (without appetite). I am tired of feeling so gross and my chronic pain is back, worse than before. I used to have a desire, be so excited every day, so grateful to be mobile and now I canā€™t get myself out of this pity shithole. I want to want to againā€¦ I miss having the discipline - doing things even without feeling the desire to do so. Guess I just gotta get over myself even if I have to get back to the basicsā€¦ Being eyeing this thread since late June. Itā€™s time!

thanks for the space!


Hope you kept hydrated!!! :slight_smile:

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Thank u being so open and real about where ur at! I can relate to ur post sooo much. For a decade or so i was into fitness and nutrition. Was probably the healthiest ive ever been outside of the drug use. But then i got clean and i was fatigued all the time, eating mindlessly, eating to cope with stress, boredom etc. Got back on meds and just stopped exercising and i gained quite a bit of wieght. Its only been the past 6 months or so that i began taking my health seriously again. But boy was getting started again rough. I took baby steps and began working out a bit at a time. As much as i wanted to get back to lifting and doing cardio the way i did before, i just had to start somewhere :slight_smile: Glad ur on this thread with us! Hope to see u posting more!


Thanks! I definitly couldā€™ve used more water to be honest. Felt like i was in a hot yoga class or something haha

You seem to know what you need to do. Do a little bit tomorrow.

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