Daily fitness check in 💪

75 minutes pool aerobics. 95 pushups 75 jumping jacks


60 minutes of the usual exercise, glad that tomorrow I ‘only’ get to mow the lawn. That’ll be a nice change from pulling weeds and uprooting the small trees that have grown while I took my eye off the ball :flushed:


September 13th
5 mile brisk walk
1 hour swim
20 min light jog
21500 steps


The good thing about the weekend is that you can exercise at least twice as long as usual: 2 hours in the garden done, now we just need a bit of rain cause it’s turning into a dust bowl.

200w (1)


My Garmin bike computer, while I’m using it, shows elapsed moving time, but when the workout is uploaded, total time is what is displayed. That big block starting at 40 minutes? I stopped for a haircut! Same type of thing in Lap #5, I stopped at the bayside park for a break.


Hell of a bike ride friend – glad you were able to get out and enjoy this beautiful day!

September 14th
5.5 mile brisk walk
1 hour swim
1/2 hour upper body weight training
1/2 hour yoga
20000 steps


Completed 20 days of 1 hour of activity/exercise per day :muscle: No gardening today, but did a hike in and around Piermont instead. Those who are local will know how stunning it is down there :sunglasses:


Ooh… hopefully we will see some pics (hint hint) :wink:

Great work on your 20 consecutive days :muscle:t4:

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Walking the pier that stretches into the Hudson river, I simply love the area I live in! :star_struck:


OMG!! these are beautiful pics and I too would love the area – glad you were able to hike today and take in this beauty :heart:

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September 15th
5 mile brisk walk
1 hour swim
21000 steps


You are a machine, @JazzyS!

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Holy moly @JazzyS ! You are unstoppable!

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I didn’t checkin here for a while but I keep moving :wink:


Question for ppl with garmins :blush:
I noticed that qhen I feel under the weather my stress lvl on garmins app is very high and even during sleep the graphics shows I’m stressed so my body battery is barely charging during sleep.
It’s annoying me when I wake up and my body batt charged just a bit :sweat_smile: And that it shows I’m under the moderate /high stress even though I don’t feel like this. Pretty sure it’s just body respond when I catch a cold. Do you also have like this?


@Mischa84 thanks guys…I’m doing my best to move as PT suggests …not feeling so hot so great to get some movement in.


That body battery really tucks me off too. All week it has been saying I’m between -5 and +5 no matter what I do and then two days ago it went to +32 with absolutely no changes made by me.

I now only use as a guideline and not overdo something when it is in the negative.

I’ve tried to Google it to get better understanding but was not successful

You got some serious activity going yourself girl with the crazy busy schedule you got :muscle:t4:


I think the body battery is based on your breathing and heart rate. If you are breathing more rapidly or you heart rate is higher, it sees it as stress. Mine will show stress when I’m asleep sometimes too.